Apartment Set Up

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The next day Ahsoka rolled out of bed to one Padme Amidala's handmaids Dormé, "Ahsoka, the Senator said you should get rested for this afternoon." "What time is it?" "It is approximately 10am, she will be back around 12pm. She left at 8am this morning, she left a message for you as did, Master Kenobi." Ahsoka nodded, pulling on some clean clothes, she checked the datapad, "Ahsoka, Anakin is stable, however very weak, he is a little more awake and slowly coming off the sedative. Padme has agreed with Anakin about medication and an old technique called chemotherapy to help. However he requests you to shave his at the start, alongside Padme and I. He wants you to know that he'll be ok as long as the force will let him. He just fell asleep again, but he wants out of bed and to get up and have a go around the gardens." Ahsoka laughed to herself, "Is everything alright Ahsoka?" "Its not but it is as the same time." "Would you like to talk?" "Yeah, as long as you can tell me if my outfit looks cruddy." Dormé smiled and she helped Ahsoka fix it. Ahsoka had explained how she felt about it all, but Dormé could tell her young friend was draining from the little energy she had. "It is ok, get some rest or watch a holofilm but do not move too fast." Ahsoka nodded and watch movies until Padme arrived that afternoon to a sound asleep Ahsoka.
"Ahsoka." Padme lightly tapped her on the shoulder, "Come on young one, it is time to get up. Anakin wants to see you before we embark on a shopping trip." Ahsoka nods, they hop into the speeder.
—————— Halls of Healing  ——————
Anakin laid there in the bed, awake but barely with it, Obi-wan had held a drink to his lips to drink through a straw. Anakin having not talked for hours worried him, his voice raspy but "M'ster?" "Yes, Anakin." "Where's 'Soka?" "She will be arriving shortly." "Ok." "For I suggest we get some food in your system, get some strength because your padawan will want to hug you. That I am sure of." Anakin nodded, being fed by Obi-wan he hated it but he was too weak too fast, the chemo beating the daylights out of him, but it was to take the cancer down. Anakin lays there as Padme and Ahsoka walk in, "Hello Master." "Hi 'Soka." "How is your day?" "'S Ok. Jus' 'ired an' eak'." Ahsoka nodded, his speech was slurring but she knew her master was in a battle of his own.  Padme kisses him on the forehead and squeezes his shoulder. "Hello Ani, I know you are not feeling well." "Hi 'Adme." "I have brought you something." she hands over a plush that Ahsoka had mentioned she saw that her master might like. Padme had agreed that it was cute, she sat it on his lap, "I brought you a friend." Anakin smiles weakly. Obi-Wan says "Excuse me, I'm going to the fresher, do you need anything Anakin? I also plan on getting some food." "'M ok." Obi-wan nods, giving the three space.
Anakin says "She 'erfers 'er one outfit, 'adme." Padme nods, "Oh I know, its why I had Dormé pick something suitable." Anakin nods, "I know you are very ill, love, but I will be here for you and with you at all times once Master Che feels you are stable enough to leave." Anakin nods, "Allow me to let you get more rest, ok?" "'Es." Obi-wan returns with food for himself and Anakin. "I will take Ahsoka and bring her promptly at 3pm for the two of you to withhold conversations and unfortunately I have to return to an important meeting." Anakin nods, exasperated by all the info.
———- Padme and Ahsoka had left ———
Anakin laid in bed, watching a holofilm, Master Che walked in, "Hello Anakin, how are you feeling?" "'Eally 'eak an' exhau'ed." master Che nods, "I know, but the latest vitals are showing promise, its going to be slow, but you have promise showing." Obi-wan smiled, so did Anakin, but it looked more like a grimace. "Shall we up the pain medication?" Obi-Wan nodded, "'Es." Anakin had slipped into another dreamless sleep, until it wasn't.
Obi-wan had been watching a holoshow, he started to hear some sputtering, "Anakin, its ok. A little help in here!!!" Master Che and some healers rushed in, he was rolled into the recovery position with a basin shoved under his chin. More blood, Master Che had rushed him to surgery to fix the cause in hopes of stopping the bleeding.
Obi-wan sat there waiting, and waiting some more. Finally, Anakin arrived, some tubes shoved up his nose, "We have found the cause of the bleeding, he developed an ulcer because of the amount of stress." Obi-wan nodded, "How much has this set him back?" "Not at all, as long as he stays on bedrest or uses a wheelchair with a companion. He is far too ill to even leave the temple." Obi-wan nodded, "I'm sorry, I know he wanted to stay at the apartment with his wife, but his health is in grave danger. If he steps out of this temple, he will be exposed to a multitude of illness, infections, and that would compromised his immune system." Obi-wan nods, "I'm well aware of the risks, should I tell Ahoska and Padme to don masks upon entering?" "Please do."
          ———— At lunch ————
"Hold on Ahsoka, its Master Kenobi." a small hologram of Obi-wan appears on the table, "Anakin's immune system is no longer up to snuff. Before you enter you will be required to wash hands and don protective gear. His latest scans show promise that he is healing, however it will take time. Master Che wants to wait until his blood count is stable and he isn't such critical condition. They have found an ulcer, it has been healed, but he is still sleeping the sedative off. Here he is, still out cold, but his pain medication has been amped up. How is the shopping trip?" Padme says "She's as frivolous as Ani, but showy too." "Ah, yes, Padawan like Master. Ahsoka, don't pick anything out that would break jedi code." "Oh Obi-wan, she's found a few outfits that are mostly jedi but decent for street wear, especially that Ani would approve of." "That is good, please tell me it would not inhibit her fighting skills." "Nope." "Good, I will let you two finish, but depending upon how Anakin feels please do make him smile. As in wash the clothes in the sterilization unit and then bring them to his room to show them. He needs cheering up and there's only so much I can do." Padme nods, "Don't worry, Obi-wan, we bought some stuff for him, I'm sure he'll smile." "That is good. Just remember he is exhausted from the chemo. And we're supposed to shave his head tonight." Padme nods. The two go back to the apartment and clean up the clothes then proceed to the jedi temple, they put masks on and protective gear.
"'Adme?" "Oh Ani, I brought you some stuff that might make you smile." Padme pulls a bag up in her lap. "A robe, so you're not going to have your butt shown to the world." Anakin blushes deep scarlet while Obi-wan tries to hold his laughter in. "A stocking cap, a set of goofy slippers. Some cuddle plushes to prop your self up with." Anakin grins, "Oh and we have a fashion show too, Ani." "Ok?" "I had Ahsoka pick out some outfits and I made sure that they'd meet your approval." Anakin almost snorts at what is to come.

Author's note: I know it is kind of messy to start, comment what you think, don't be mean though. I know some medications can make people exhausted, but it never hurts to have a smile.

Exhaustion, Anakin, its exhaustionWhere stories live. Discover now