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A few days later, she was in the conference room late in the evening, practicing a new dance move with Abhimanyu while the choreographer directed them. Their dance moves got more intimate by the performance, and the crowd loved it when they performed a new dance step.

"Guys, you are too distracted. Take a break and come back. We will repeat from the top." The new choreographer was not happy.

"Abhimanyu, focus." She winked as he drank water.

He leaned closer. "I can't stop thinking about how hot you would look if you danced in that sports bra?"

"Stop it. I have a t-shirt on." She looked away, pretending like she wasn't talking to him.

"Take your t-shirt off," he growled.

"Not happening. Maybe I'll do a private dance for you later tonight," she said walking away to refill her water bottle.

She walked back over to where he stood and winked, making him laugh. He stepped closer to her and said, "This move we are practicing, I want to do it without any clothes on, tonight."

His words made her shudder. "I'd like that."

"Let's get this over with and get out of here." He cheered, going on to the stage.

She walked back to her bag and placed her bottle inside and turned to look at Abhimanyu. She was surprised to see the somewhat shocked look on his face and looked in his line of sight, and she felt the jolt herself.

She let out a shriek at the sight of her parents walking toward her with Vansh walking behind them.

"Daddy, Ma..." She ran into her father's arms and let out a cry of joy. "What are you guys doing here?"

Her mother kissed her. "We couldn't wait another two weeks to see you."

"I am so happy to see you, I still can't believe it." She laughed and turned around when she felt Abhimanyu behind her.

"Ma and Daddy, you know Abhimanyu," Akshara said and looked at Abhimanyu.

"What a surprise! So good to see you, sir," Abhimanyu said, extending his hand, and Akshara's heart sank when her father hesitated for just a moment but then took Abhimanyu's hand and shook it.

"Abhimanyu, you are so handsome now. Not a young boy anymore," her mother said, making Akshara blush.

He smiled, gently hugging her mother. "So good to see you, ma'am."

Her father cleared his throat. "Akshara, why don't you freshen up, so we can go out for dinner?"

"Sure, Daddy. Vansh and Abhimanyu, do you guys want to join us?" Her question was casual, but she saw Abhimanyu stiffen slightly.

Vansh chuckled.

"I'm sure your mom and dad want to spend time with you. You guys carry on, Abhimanyu and I need to catch up on the final concert plan."

"Have fun, you two." Akshara led her parents out of the conference room.

"The restaurant in this hotel is amazing. Should we just go and hang out there, so we don't have to battle traffic."

"Whatever you like, sweetheart." Her father wrapped his arm around her. "I am just so happy to see you after such a long time."

"Me, too, Daddy. I missed you both."

Much later that night after dinner and helping her parents settle in for the night in the same hotel, Akshara made it back to her room and opened the connecting door that led to Abhimanyu's room. She was surprised to see the door on his side locked.

ABHIRA: THE RULE BREAKER'S GIRL Where stories live. Discover now