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Later that night, she walked into the hotel gardens to get some fresh air, she could not forget the way Abhimanyu kissed her and her body responded just to the memory. But her pragmatic mind reminded her of her mother’s words making her wonder if


Abhimanyu was, in fact, looking to get back at her father.

If that was his plan, he had definitely executed an excellent plan because she was literally marching to his tunes. For someone who never sang anything other than classical, she was singing mash-ups and was dancing with him.


“What did you do, Akshara?” she said, out loud.


“What did you do?” the familiar voice from behind shocked her, but she did not turn around.


When she didn’t move or say anything, he took a few steps toward her and placed his hands on the bare skin of her waist. The dress that showed off her curves making her look stunning on the stage while she danced with him, was suddenly making her feel uncomfortable.


“Hey.” His breath was warm in her ear.


She froze as her mother’s words sounded a warning.

“Abhimanyu, we should not have kissed.”


“Why? It was a beautiful moment.” His lips ran along her neck as he circled his arms around her, firmly.


“Abhimanyu, I don’t want you to read too much into it. It was just a—”

He didn’t let her finish as he spun her around and crushed his lips over hers. She cried out in surprise, but her lips gave in as her body responded to his touch.


“I know you want this. I have seen in it in your eyes and how your body craves for my touch.

How did he know?

“Abhimanyu, I don’t know what the kiss meant. I want to take my time.”


Her voice shook as he continued to kiss her, his lips going toward her chest.


“You know you want me, and tonight is the night. Everyone is out partying.” His words made her worry, and her body sprang into a defence mode.


“I don’t want...” Her voice was weak as she tried to fight her own need to be held by him. Her body shuddered with pleasure, making her weak.


“I will make you mine tonight.” His voice was harsh like he didn’t like the fact that she had second thoughts.


“Later… I need to go…” her voice was lost when her phone started to ring, and the ringtone indicated it was Vansh calling.


“Vansh is away partying. No one will disturb us,” he said ripping open the zipper on the back on her blouse, shocking her.

ABHIRA: THE RULE BREAKER'S GIRL Where stories live. Discover now