"I haven't given it much of a thought," Sasuke said.

Really, aside from his clan, there was nothing much that he thought about. He was never truly exposed to this world and how it acted to form a point of view. But what would it change if there was any difference? Would it affect how he lived his life?

His brother was someone who understood much about what happened around the shinobi world and Naruto knew it as well. their conversations used to go towards that line when they were talking. There was the issue of peace that his brother often brought up, but it was something that Naruto never entertained. He just didn't seem to care about it.

"That ignorant part of you truly bothers me," Naruto said in a flat tone. "You're going to be a leader of your clan. To remain ignorant means never knowing anything. Don't become a foolish leader, be knowledgeable of the things around you. No matter how humans may try to deny this, but the environment around us shapes our thoughts. Even I am influenced by what the world and the things that pertain to life itself."

"What do you want from me?"

"Learn about the shinobi world, Sasuke. without purpose, you just wonder about this world and eventually, you might fall into the dark-side because it will keep knocking if you just stay still without a purpose..." Naruto said. "This world is treacherous, it is evil, you cannot trust It, lest you're a masochist you enjoys being backstabbed. The weak are devoured, and people like you are easily called into the other side by the silver tongues of the masters of darkness.

"If you choose to ignore this world, it will give you a rude awakening and you cannot walk with me if you have not opened your eyes. I have big dreams, and those behind me must also dream big. If not, I will discard them unless there is a special reason..."

Sasuke stared for a few moments before snorting. No matter what Naruto said, he wasn't going to leave him. Sasuke wasn't going to say it aloud, but he knew the reality. As long as his mother remained, there would be no changes. It wasn't the Sharingan that attracted the blond - that kind of thing didn't matter. Naruto was most concerned about the effectives of a person than anything else.


"What do you do if you do not want the world, to rule over you, Sasuke?"

Sasuke blinked before asking. "Is that rhetorical?"

Naruto shook his head before standing. "You're a little bit bellow to have this kind of a conversation apparently and you wonder why I do not discuss some things with you. When we returned to Konoha, you were most interest in finding out about how the villagers would react to my return so that you could form a decision, but now you seem to have reverted to being a mere child.

"In any case, the answer is this: if you do not want someone to control you, you stop them, you control them yourself. I'm saying that this world influences me in ways I do not like and as long as I live in this shinobi system, I will be its victim. To stop being influenced, we must influence the system; we must shape this world with our own hands."

Sasuke was silent for a few moments. This was certainly something big and Naruto didn't just say things just for the sake of saying them. He was serious about changing things in the Elemental Nations. He knew that Naruto liked things going his way, but there were so many forces outside that surprised him every now and then.

"The main problem is the Akatsuki. Once they are removed, I may be able to see the world I desire," Naruto said calmly. He took out a scroll from his cloak and threw it at Sasuke. "Go to the Valley of End; you will meet Sai. Give him that scroll and request that he take you with him when he goes to back to the hideout. I will join you in a day or two."

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