He had appeared insane about an hour ago. It was the reason he was even here in this office with the Sandaime staring at him with a concerned look. Worried old man he was. Jiraiya appeared worried as well. Naruto didn't get what they were so worried about. He saw nothing unnatural in his actions earlier. It had been perfectly normal for him to act as he did.

Again, perhaps he was losing it.

What had happened was that while the villagers cursed Itachi and consoled the remaining members of the Uchiha clan, they had taken their knives and glared at him. They blamed him! They freaking blamed him for Itachi's actions! They thought he was the one who had manipulated the Uchiha. He was a demon after all. He had corrupted their prodigy. Him. He had done it.

Uzumaki Naruto, a seven year old had manipulated a Mangekyo Sharingan wielder, an Anbu captain. And they were dead serious about it. Itachi had been friends with him. They knew. Since they couldn't understand it. Their logical conclusion was that the big old demon was manipulating the Uchiha. If not, his vile nature had driven him insane. Yes, that explained why he would suddenly do something so outrageous.

Hell, there was even a rumor flying around that the vile demon had manipulated Itachi to do what he did as revenge to the clan for manipulating it seven years ago. That was crazy. These people were not rational at all.

What was Naruto's reaction when he was confronted with this?

He had laughed.

Not just any laughter. A full blown laughter. He'd rolled on the ground clutching his stomach as he laughed. He had even let lose of a few tears as he laughed. It had been a disturbing sight, as he heard someone whisper. His laughter hadn't been a happy one though. No, it was a disturbing laughter that would make Orochimaru wipe off a tear on his left eye.

Perhaps he really was losing it.

But he couldn't help himself. Their stupidity, blatant ignorance and foolishness had just reached a new low. How wrong could they be? He was to blame for everything. Everything! Next up, the rain won't be coming and they were going to blame him for it. The fools. He was the one who talked Itachi out of killing everyone. If it hadn't been for him, there would be no clan to speak of. But he had done it once again.

Uzumaki Naruto had saved the day, yet they still blamed him for the bad.

At least something good came out of all these. The Uchiha clan would be trusted once more. Yes, they would be. If Itachi had known all along that it would take for his clan to be trusted again was for such killings to occur, what would have done? Probably nothing. Itachi's goal wasn't to save the clan, but Konoha.

Regardless, he would be smiling wherever he was.

That thought made Naruto frown and he wanted to yell 'cursed bastard.' While Itachi made his dream come true, and his clan was becoming loved once again, his existence had taken another knock on the ground. This had done nothing but put deep holes in his hopes.

Filthy humans.

He was really growing to dislike the creatures that crawled inside this village. Perhaps they were not even human to begin with. Yes, Naruto wouldn't deny that possibility if someone said it may be true. How he wished there was someone who had the same thoughts as him. If things continued like this, he was going to lose it.

What of his mother? Just the thought of his beloved mother, Naruto beat down all his disturbing thoughts. He couldn't afford to have his mother worried for him. She had to worry about herself.

So lost in his thoughts, Naruto hadn't even realized the Sandaime was talking to him. By now, the old man was waving his right hand in front of his face with a frown, matched by Jiraiya.

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