''SHUT UP!''

That touched the right spot. No matter how many times his loud voice did the trick, Iruka couldn't help but smile in appraisal of his kids silencing jutsu. He always felt content and would smile happily when the jutsu did work its magic to quiet down the little ones. It was a pity to Mizuki though. The chunin couldn't do a better job than he did. Then again, Mizuki was just his assistant. Naturally, he should be the one getting things done quickly.

''We'll be going to the training ground today for an exhibition on the academy Taijutsu Mizuki has taught you,'' the Chunin said.

His announcement was welcomed with smiles by the students who would have anything other than his so-called boring classes. Yeah right. Iruka knew they loved him despite calling his classes boring. They just liked going out there as it was a place they could talk however they wished and they could also watch their beloved Uchiha beat up someone.

Iruka failed miserably to supress the urge to frown when he met Naruto's eyes head on after his announcement: the look was still indifferent, the eyes still blank of any emotion, as most of the time. It really frustrated the chunin that he could never read the blond because he always hid everything behind that untouchable mask of indifference.

''You're in trouble,'' Shikamaru muttered to Naruto, seeing the look their sensei was giving the blond.

While he didn't seem like he was interested, he knew full well that Naruto and their sensei had a rather rocky relationship - if their interactions could be considered a relationship. Iruka held something against the blond. He was certain of this. But Naruto didn't seem to care. No, he just didn't care. Furthermore, he paid no mind to whatever Iruka had to say, and was willing to go as far as to brush off the chunin. Naturally, that made the chunin infuriated with the blond.

''It appears so,'' Naruto said. ''I do wonder what sort of trick he has planned for me this time...''

''Probably going to get you matched with the best in taijutsu,'' Shikamaru said.

If Naruto could get beat, it would embarrass him and force him to pay attention to class a bit. At least that is what he thought Iruka had in mind. It would also be some payback for the many times Naruto has had the class laughing at the chunin. Iruka had it better though. The other teachers... Shikamaru shook his head. How he pitied them.

Naruto was just downright blunt in his assessment of the academy and its education. He made no attempt whatsoever to mask his disdain over the curriculum offered. The fact that they taught simple taijutsu and offered no real training on the expectations of the shinobi world did no better. Shikamaru could concur with the blond on that note. His father does tell him bits about the shinobi world and he knew academy teachings offered little comfort for what was out there in the wild.

The ones who suffered the most were none-clan children, and those from not so shinobi families. Shikamaru didn't have to suffer because his father made him train his mind at home. He was learning clan techniques, so were other children from clans. The others weren't getting any training whatsoever and they continued to look towards the day they become shinobi with false expectations and blind hopes.

Just thinking about it made the Nara heir sigh...

Naruto snorted upon hearing Shikamaru's response. Like hell anyone in the academy could embarrass him. From what he has gathered so far, Sasuke was the top dog in the field. He knew the Uchiha better than anyone. Sasuke may be better than him executing that damned fire jutsu, the Uchiha has never beaten him in taijutsu, even when he does go easy on the boy, just so no to wound his pride too much that it will earn him a Sharingan enemy.

''I don't have any interest in participating in anything. But I guess I won't have a choice if I'm forced,'' Naruto said.

His eyes narrowed at the Nara heir. An idiot? Not the least. The Nara was smart, even so more than Sasuke. Naruto doubted he could win against the Nara in a battle of intellect. The only problem was that the Nara made no effort. He made no effort in anything whatsoever. Naruto believed the only time the Nara would get serious would be in life threatening situations.

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