Better Late Than Never

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Soft taps on a steering wheel accompanied by gentle humming mimic the song playing on the old car radio. The humming stops when one if the hands on the steering wheel reaches for a soda can. The driver takes one big sip from the can and returns it to its previous place.

"Ahhh. That's the stuff. Not as refreshing as Pit Cola, though."

Brown eyes spot a familiar dirt path off to the side of the road and prepares to make the turn.
A large pig in the passenger's side squeals excitedly when a familiar building comes into view.

"Ha ha, I know! I'm excited too, Waddles."

The car comes to a halt in front of the Mystery shack. Mabel exits her car and walks to the other side to unbuckle her pink companion.

Waddles makes a run for the shack and jumps on the old man sitting on the couch on the porch.

"Woah! Calm down! I missed you too, pig." Glasses are knocked off the old man's face as Waddles attacks him with love.

"Grunkle Stan! It's been so long! I missed you, old man." Mabel makes her way to her great uncle and envelops him in a warm hug.

"Its only been, what... six years?" Stan's sarcasm causes his great niece to let out a small giggle.

"Of course. A reasonably small amount of years." Mabel smiles and shakes her head.

"Get inside and say hi to everybody. I'll put your bags upstairs." Stan swings Mabel's car keys on his finger as he walks to the car.

"When did you..?!" Mabel looks at Stan with shock and amusement while she's patting her jacket pockets.

"Heh, I still got it." Stan unlocks the car and pops the trunk open. "Now, go in. You've got a lotta people to greet."

"Fine. Let me know if you need help. Don't wanna throw out your back in your old age." Mabel smirks and goes inside of the Mystery Shack.

"HEY! I'm not that old..."

The bell of the front door rings and the old wooden floor creaks under the older twins foot. A petite blonde girl looks up from a magazine she was reading. Blue eyes open wider as cheeks slowly turn pink.

"M-Mabel?!" The short blonde runs around the counter and gives Mabel her second hug of the day.

"Hey Pacifica. Surprised?" Mabel smiles warmly at the shorter girl in her arms.

"Beyond surprised. What are you doing here?" Pacifica takes a good look at the brunettes face. The blush that was disappearing was slowly coming back.

"Well, I'm gonna be living here. What about you? You work here, I take it?" Mabel walks away from the tomato faced girl and looks around to take in the familiar view.

Pacifica blinks a few times and clears her throat. "Uh, yeah. They were hiring and I thought, why not?" The blonde looks down and twiddles her thumbs "and I was maybe hoping you'd come back one day..."
Mabel whips her head back at the other girl and develops a blush of her own. "Pacifica... I--"

"Dude!" A round man boisterously walks into the room and crushes Mabel in a big bear hug.

"Soos! How's it going?" Mabel smiles at him.

"I've been good! I think I got this business owner thing mastered." Soos crosses his arms and smiles triumphantly.

"Except for when you almost burned down the Shack." Pacifica leans on the counter behind her and stares at her employer with a smirk.

"That was one time, dude!"

Pacifica clears her throat.

"Okay... two times..." Soos replies.

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