Chapter 13

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"So you want to know what I know do you? Well I admit I only know the basics like how the maiden powers are weaker versions of my power that only allow for limited manifestation and flight. I also know that Ozpin reincarnates whenever he dies. I know that Salem is immortal, thinks very highly of herself, and infected by Darkness."

"How do you know that the maiden powers are weaker?" She asks walking around me in a circle.

"It's simple really. You seem like the kind of person to summon a sword hotter than the sun any time you have the chance in my opinion."

"How do you know Ozpin reincarnates?"

"The same way I knew you possess the Fall Maidens powers the moment I laid eyes on you. His soul told his lives to me."

"What is Darkness?"

"The opposing force to the Light."

"After you helped me up you said that you could help me grow my own power. How?"

I stand up now. "While I may not have much experience manipulating Solar Light I am adept at manipulating Void Light." I say coaxing a small singularity to form out of nothing. "You are now Paracausal, your powers have a limit but until that limit is found you must train your mind and body to become much stronger."

Just as she starts speaking again my scroll rings. I take it out and answer it.

"Ozpin how are you?"

"I want you to come meet me in my office again we will need your help."

"Sure, I'll be there in a jiffy." I say and hang up.

"Looks like we'll have to cut this short, our dear professor has decided he requires my presence."

"Once he is finished with you make your way back to her Majesties castle."

"I'll need to make some stops for equipment first then I'll head there." I say before blinking up to Ozpin's office.

"Professor, if you don't mind me asking, why have you called me here?" I hear Pyrrha

"You might want to take a seat. This information isn't something ordinary people hear." I call from the pillar opposite of Qrow where I'm not leaning."

"Ah! Autumn when did you get hear?"

"I only just arrived." I say before she sits down.

"Tell me, what is your favorite fairy tale?" Ozpin asks her.

"I'm sorry?" Pyrrha asks in bewilderment.

"Humor the old man." I call out.

"Well there's the Tale of two Brothers, the Shallow sea, the girl in the tower-

"How about the story of the seasons?" Ozpin asks.

"Oh yes! A callous old man who refuses to leave his home is visited by four sisters who opened his heart and in return he gave them great powers. My mother loves that story." Pyrrha states.

"Would you believe me if I told you that one's been around since the was a boy?" Ozpin questions.

"You not that old professor!" Pyrrha almost laughs.

"She is going to freak out when she hears Oz's and our age."


Ozpin folds his hands "what if I told you it was true?"

Pyrrha scoffs at the notion. "I beg your pardon."

"What if I were to tell you that there were four maidens existing in this world that could wield such tremendous power without Dust?"

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