I gasp in shock, unable to believe what I'm hearing. "They're trying to steal our world's radiant?" I say, feeling a sense of disbelief wash over me. "But why? What do they hope to gain from it?"

Sage shakes her head. "We're not sure yet," she says, frowning deeply. "But we believe that the Valorant Legion is trying to use the radiant to gain more power and influence, and to spread their chaos and destruction to other worlds. It's important that we do everything we can to prevent them from succeeding."

I nod, feeling a sense of determination wash over me. "We'll do whatever it takes to stop them," I say firmly. "We can't let them succeed in their plans."

"Good," Sage says, giving me a reassuring smile. "I'm glad to have you on our side, Zehra. And remember, this information is to be kept secret for now. We can't risk causing panic or confusion among the agents."

"I understand," I say, feeling a sense of responsibility wash over me. "I'll keep this information to myself, and I won't tell anyone else about the parallel universes or the Valorant Legion. I just hope that we'll be able to learn more soon."

With that, I bid Sage and Brimstone farewell and make my way back to my room. As I lay in my bed, trying to meditate and clear my mind, I suddenly feel a strange sensation wash over me. My vision starts to blur, and I see dancing shadows of light in the darkness. They swirl and twist around each other, seeming almost alive.

I try to make out what they are, but the light shadows are too fast and elusive. They seem to disappear and reappear at will, floating into particles of light that shimmer and sparkle in the darkness.

I can't make sense of what I'm seeing, and I wonder if I'm just imagining things. But as the shadows continue to dance and swirl around me, I can't help but feel a sense of unease wash over me.

I close my eyes, trying to clear my mind and focus on my breathing. As I do, the shadows slowly start to fade away, disappearing into the darkness.

I open my eyes, relieved to see that the shadows are gone. But as I lay in my bed, I can't shake the feeling that something strange is happening. I wonder what the shadows could mean, and if they're a sign of something sinister to come.

I decide to keep a close eye on things, and to be on the lookout for any other strange occurrences. With that in mind, I close my eyes and try to get some rest.

I wake up to a notification on my comms device, and as I read through it, a smile spreads across my face. It's not a deployment notice, calling me out on a mission. It's a message from Sova, asking me to meet him outside for a surprise date. I had been given the day off for the success of my mission.

I can't help but feel a sense of excitement and happiness wash over me. I love spending time with Sova, and the idea of a surprise date sounds like a lot of fun.

I quickly get out of bed and get dressed, making sure to look my best for our date. As I finish getting ready, I can't help but feel a sense of anticipation building inside me. I can't wait to see what Sova has planned for us.

I head outside, and as I approach the designated meeting spot, I see Sova waiting for me with a smile on his face.

"Hey, beautiful," he says, giving me a hug and a kiss. "Are you ready for our surprise date?"

"Absolutely," I say, grinning from ear to ear. "I can't wait to see what you have planned for us."

Sova smiles mysteriously, and takes my hand. "You'll just have to wait and see," he says, leading me away from the base.

Against Odds - A Sova Fanfiction (Valorant)Where stories live. Discover now