Chapter 6

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As I sit in Brimstone and Sage's office, I listen in shock as they explain to me the concept of parallel universes. It's a concept that I've never even considered before, and the idea that there could be multiple versions of our world is mind-blowing.

"So, let me get this straight," I say, trying to wrap my head around it all. "There's an Alpha world and an Omega world, and Raze and Killjoy are from the Omega world?"

Brimstone nods gravely. "That's correct," he says. "The Omega world is a parallel universe where the Valorant Protocol never existed. Instead, there's an organization known as the Valorant Legion, which is made up of agents with abilities similar to ours. They've been causing chaos and destruction in their world, and it seems that they've been trying to expand their reach to other universes."

I shake my head in disbelief. "I can't believe that there could be an evil version of the Valorant Protocol," I say, feeling a sense of disgust and disappointment wash over me. "And to think that Raze and Killjoy would choose to work for the Valorant Legion, instead of fighting for the greater good."

"It's a disturbing thought, I know," Sage says, frowning deeply. "But it's important to remember that everyone has the choice to do good or evil. It's up to us to make the right decision, and to stand up for what we believe in."

"So, which other agents know about the parallel universes?" I ask, feeling a sense of concern wash over me. "I can't believe that this is something that's been kept a secret from us."

Brimstone and Sage exchange a look, before turning back to me.

"To be honest, Zehra, only a select few agents have been informed about the existence of parallel universes," Brimstone says, looking apologetic. "We only recently learned about it ourselves, and we wanted to be sure that we had all the facts before we made any decisions about who to inform."

"I understand," I say, nodding slowly. "But what about Raze and Killjoy? They know about the Valorant Legion, and about the other agents in their universe. Are they the only ones who know about it?"

"Not exactly," Sage says, frowning deeply. "Viper, Phoenix, Jett, Sova, and Yoru also know about the parallel universes and the Valorant Legion. We felt that they needed to be informed, in case we face any threats from the Omega world."

I nod, feeling a sense of understanding wash over me.

"I understand why you've kept this information secret from most of the agents," I say, feeling a sense of understanding wash over me. "But is there anything else that you can tell me about the parallel universes and the Valorant Legion? I want to be as prepared as possible for any threats that may come our way."

Brimstone and Sage exchange a look, before turning back to me.

"I'm sorry, Zehra, but there's only so much that we can tell you at this point," Brimstone says, looking apologetic. "We're still learning about the parallel universes ourselves, and we don't want to risk spreading misinformation or causing panic. But rest assured, you'll be informed as soon as we have more information."

I nod, feeling a sense of frustration wash over me. I want to know as much as possible about the threats that we may face, but I understand that Brimstone and Sage are being cautious.

Sage sighs gravely. "I understand your frustration, Zehra, but it's important to keep this information secret for now. The less people who know about the parallel universes, the less risk there is of causing panic or confusion."

I nod, understanding her reasoning. "I understand," I say. "But can you tell me anything?What do the agents from the Valorant Legion want from us?"

Sage hesitates for a moment, before finally speaking up. "From what we've gathered, it seems that the Valorant Legion is trying to steal our world's radiant," she says, looking concerned. "They've been using rifts to teleport between the two worlds, and we believe that they're trying to gather as much radiant as possible in order to gain more power and influence."

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