Not Fair pt 2

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After seeing Cheol walking away from her and not looking back, Mi-ae felt devastated, she really thought Cheol thought of her as a friend. She promised with him, she thought he was being sincere, that was all she asked of him but now she knew it was fake.

I had to leave, I couldn't be in the same room as him, he made me think we were friends, that he actually cared for me. I didn't think that he actually minded me around him, but the way he turned and left me was what really hurt. At that point Mi-ae was overwhelmed with all the emotions that were surfacing, all she could do was run, run home and not look back. She didn't even wait for the bus, she just ran until she got home. Her mom was the first to notice her coming in but  her dad was the one that noticed the state she was in, as always. at that point Mi-ae had locked herself in her room. Her blinds were open showing Cheol's room across from hers, even the sight of his room hurt. Ya Mi-ae why are you home? You should be in cram school right now, don't ignore me young girl i'm talking to you. But all Mi-ae could do was cry her eyes out, her parents tried to open the door but she had already locked it. Her parents were worried because Mi-ae was not the type to cry at all, they were trying to talk to her but all she wanted was to be left alone. All she could think was how the friendship with Cheol was fake. Did Cheol only agree to the friendship so she could stop bothering him. She stopped crying but still had a few tears streaming down her face. All she wanted now was to sleep and forget what happened.

Mi-ae was already falling asleep until she hear Jungwook's voice, she had no energy to even tell her mom to not let him in. Look Jungwook i'll talk to later okay I don't want to talk to anyone right now, please just go home i'll call you when I can, was what Mi-ae told him through the small space she opened from the door. She closed the door and could hear him try to persuade her to talk to him, but she blocked him out she was to tired to have a conversation. She went back to bed and tried to go back to sleep, until she hear loud voices out her window. She was going to ignore them until she realized it was Cheol and Jungwook. She wasn't trying to eavesdrop but she could hear part of their discussion. Cheol seemed angry to see Jungwook outside of her house, how dare he look angry right now he was the one that hurt my feelings. But then she saw Jungwook punch Cheol, she couldn't believe he did that they were best friends. At that point she could't hear anything, she ran downstairs to try to stop them but once she got there Cheol was alone not realizing she was there. She was going to turn back because she didn't want to be alone with him but seeing him on the floor with a forming bruise on his face made her stay.  She was going to help him get up but Cheol was already getting up and noticing her there, he looked alarmed at first but then went back to his serious. What are you happy to see me getting punched was what he said but Mi-ae felt her heart pull, she didn't like seeing him hurt even if he was the one that hurt her. No I don't Cheol, I actually care for you even if you don't see me as a friend, I care even if you hurt me and seeing how you still seem hostile towards me ill let you be. Was what Mi-ae could say before she started to tear up, she wanted to go back upstairs but her legs felt glued to the floor. Through sobs she continued, Your words hurt me, I actually thought we were friends, I thought you cared for me the way I cared for you, but I guess not, and i'm sorry for forcing you into the friendship. I felt heartbroken, I turned not wanting to see him again and made my way back home trying to not fall. I didn't see Cheol's reaction but what did I expect he made it clear he never cared for me truly. 

So sorry I didn't post sooner, the chapter has a few mistakes but there is going to be one more chapter to this part. Thank you so much guys see you next chapter. 

Growing LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora