The Unknown

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"Yes, Olivia i'm okay" I said and she continued to hold on to me. she was practicing killing me with how strong she was. I forget she isn't human and neither is Chris.

Speaking of Chris, i see him walk out from the back and he looks at me dead in the eyes. Its an unsettling look, he looks like he ready to murder me.

Did Asher tell him?

Was he about to kill me?

"Ally, welcome back, Olivia said you were sick" Chris said coming over to me and Olivia, she thankfully had released me from her death grip she called a hug.

"Oh, um yeah, some stomach bug, fucked me up real good" i mentally faced palmed myself, why must i be so awkward around everyone and it's even worse now that i know what they actually are. i wonder if they know, i know.

"Well glad to have you back, hunny i'm going over to Ashers bar he said he has something to tell me and it sounded serious" Chris said then kissing Olivia on her head before going out the doors.

"Asher still here"

"What do you mean is Asher still here, of course he is, why wouldn't he be?" Olivia said looking very confused

"Um, I don't know" i said, i was a terrible liar and i know she could tell i was lying but she blew it off and told me to get to work and so i did.

It's only 10 am and i've had over 20 people come in already, i've been here two hours and i'm already exhausted. I just want to go home and sleep. Or go find Asher and make him stay, tell him i made the wrong choice. Tell him to stay with me.

I looked back into the kitchen and saw Olivia dancing around while making a new batch of cupcakes, it made me sad, really fucking sad. Not only am i making Asher leave, but Olivia and Chris also. Olivia loves Seattle and she loves her shop, i can't take that away from them.

Asher said Olivia finally felt at home here, she felt happy and like she was living a normal life, Chris seemed to like it too but it's hard to tell with him, you never know what that man is feeling, he always has a blank look on his face. But he loves Olivia and i can't let my decisions hurt them.

Right then i knew, I made the wrong choice.

I need to find Asher.

I need to fix this

He has to stay

They all have too

3:30 finally, i get to go home. But i wasn't going home. I was gonna go find Asher and fix this.

I said goodbye to Olivia and pretty much ran into my car, started it and sped to Ashers house. I remember Chris said he was going to Ashers bar, but that was hours ago. He also said Asher had something important to tell him, i think i know what that was.

I finally pulled into Ashers driveway after what felt like years getting there. Thankfully his car was there. I got out and ran to his door, i started knocking like crazy till he finally answered.

"God damn, what" He said but when he noticed it was me he froze, he stood there stone cold

"Ash-" i go to say but he cut me off before i could finish

"Why are you here Ally, i'm in the middle of packing" He looks sad, really fucking sad.

"Asher stay, i want you to stay, i made the wrong decision, i want you here, i want chris and olivia to stay. i don't want you gone. please don't leave, please don't leave me, please" i was crying hard, i looked at his eyes but they didn't have any emotion, he looked numb

"Ally, you were more then sure on your decision a week ago, why the change of heart" He doesn't sound the same. He seems mad i want him to stay.

"I don't know, i just know i can't let you leave" I could barley get words out due to me crying, his face still stayed the same tho, he showed zero emotions and that killed me.

"Why Ally?" He asked sternly

"I can't lose you Asher, i can't make you suffer, i can't make Olivia and Chris suffer. You all are so happy here and i can't do that. I need you Asher, you make me forget everything bad that's happening around me, i feel happy around you. i was scared, i didn't know what i was thinking. But i don't want you to leave, please Asher, listen to me. I want you to stay" I was crying harder now, not because of what i was saying, but because the look on his face never changed, he stayed looking in my eyes, emotionless.

"I don't understand you Ally, you wanted me gone and now you're standing on the front porch begging me to stay? make that make sense" No emotions, nothing, it hurt worse than my first heartbreak.

"I was scared of you, i know you said you'd never hurt me but, i had a dream and you weren't yourself in it. you killed me, you drained the blood from my body and left me dying in the woods, i was so scared that would become a reality if i let you stay. but i know now that it won't, i trust you won't hurt me, i trust that Olivia and Chris won't hurt me. I need you Asher, Please stay here, don't leave me"

"God damnit" he said and before i could say anything he grabbed me and pulled me into him, he lifted me up and i wrapped my legs around his waist holding onto his neck.

He shut the door and walked over to his living room sitting down the couch with me now sitting on his lap. i continued to cry as he held me in his arms.

"I want this to work Ally, i've never felt this before and god it scares me everyday to feel this way, i've been numb to everything for centuries and then you come along and make me feel human again, i thought i'd never feel that way again, numb all the time, then you told me you wanted me gone"

He broke my heart when he said that. I made him feel numb again, broken, worthless, made him feel what he truly is.

"I'm sorry Asher, i'm so sorry" i had my head buried in his neck, my tears soaked his shirt. he didn't say anything else, he just held onto me tightly, like i was going to disappear....

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