Reliving That Night

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The next morning came and you were sitting on the couch with your knees drawn up to your chest. You couldn't stop thinking about what happened with Brad, the awful things that he said to you. You could tell that Jamie wanted to beat the living daylights out of him and it's a good thing security came in when they did or else it might have happened. You didn't get much sleep, if any at all. Joseph insisted that you stay in his room just until you felt safe and you were protected being with him. You heard your phone go off and you looked over to see that Jamie had texted you outside of the group chat.

Jamie-Hey. I just wanted to check on you. U ok?
You-Not really. Sitting on the couch in Joseph's room.
Jamie-Do you want some company? Can't sleep.
You-Sure. Come on over.

You set your phone back down on the stand. You knew that Joseph had given Jamie a spare room key so he could come and go as he pleased. You heard the door being unlocked and you looked over to see Jamie come into the room. He quietly closed the door behind him and walked over to where you were sitting. His hair was a little messy and he had his black frame glasses on.

"Is Joseph still asleep?" he quietly asked as he sat down on the couch with you.

"Yeah, he was up pretty late last night making sure I was okay," you quietly replied and he nodded his head.

"I couldn't sleep. I keep thinking about what you are going through," he said and looked over at you. "Are you doing okay?"

"Not really," you replied as you shook your head and looked down.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked and you picked at a loose string on the blanket as you felt Jamie's eyes on you. "You have been one of my close friends since Joseph and I met. I want you to know if you need to talk, I am here to listen."

You wanted to reach out and talk about it, but then you wanted to keep it bottled up. Sharing your emotions with someone was sometimes hard to do. You could feel tears start to form in your eyes and Jamie reached over towards you as he noticed. He gently placed his hand on your arm.

"You know I care about you, right?" he asked and you slowly started to nod your head as your bottom jaw started to quiver.

"I know," your voice broke as you finally looked up at him with tears in your eyes. "I'm sorry," you said as you glanced at him.

You felt embarrassed being so emotional.

"It's okay. You don't need to apologize," he said as he gave you a sympathetic look as he lightly rubbed your arm.

"I just...I don't understand why he did something like that to me," you started to explain as you shook your head. "He stole my room key when I wasn't looking and came into my room while I was asleep. Forced himself on me," you said as you shook your head and Jamie moved closer to you on the couch as you got more upset. "Why did he do that?"

You brought your hands to your face and started to sob into them. You felt Jamie's arms go around you as he hugged you. You wrapped your arms around him and you both held each other as you sobbed.

"I'm here for you, Y/N," Jamie whispered to you as he lightly rubbed your back. "I know you're not okay now, but everything is going to be okay."

Joseph stood in the doorway and watched as Jamie comforted you. He was glad to have a great friend in his life that could also be there for you when you needed someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on.

The evening came and you were on the couch with Jamie as you watched a movie together. Joseph had an interview to do, so Jamie stayed with you to make sure you were okay. Your head was rested against the side of his leg as a blanket covered your lower half. Jamie's hand was resting on the top of your arm close to your shoulder.

"Don't go in there!" he shouted at the TV as we continued to watch what was going to happen. "See, that's why you don't go in there," he said the moment the person was killed.

"Typical horror movie," you said with a slight smile as he placed his hand back on your arm.

"I want to be in a horror movie," he said.

"Doesn't Vecna count as horror?" you asked.

"I don't want to be the villain. I want be the one running from the villain," he explained as he wiggled his eyebrows and you let out a slight chuckle.

You felt your eyes start to get heavy and you let out a yawn. You blinked your eyes a few times before you finally closed them and drifted off to sleep.

You don't know how long you were asleep for, but you started to have a nightmare about what happened with Brad. 

"GET OFF!" you shouted at him, but he refused and applied more pressure to you arms. "PLEASE! GET OFF!" you screamed at him through tears and you could feel someone trying to wake you up.

"Y/N! Wake up!" you could hear Joseph's voice pull you out of your sleep and you jolted awake.

You looked around and realized that you were now laying on the couch. You quickly sat up and breathed hard as you looked at your surroundings.

"It's okay. You were just having a nightmare," Joseph said as he lightly rubbed your back.

You hands shook as you brought them up to your face and let out a sigh. Joseph continued to rub your back.

"You're okay," he said to you as kept looking at you. "It was just a nightmare."

"I can't do this," you said with frustration as you held your head in your hands.

"Can't do what, Y/N?" Joseph questioned.

"I can't keep feeling this pain," you said as Jamie came back into the hotel room with a couple bags of food they had ordered while you were asleep. "I don't want to go to sleep because all I think about is what happened that night. Every time I close my eyes, I see him," you explained as tears went down your cheeks.

Joseph took both of your hands in his and you both looked at each other.

"I know it's hard, but we are never going to let him get close to you ever again," Joseph said as he glanced over at Jamie. "You are safe now. He is not allowed within so many feet of you. I made sure of that," he explained as you wiped the tears from your cheeks and looked at him.

"But what if he does?" you asked as you looked at Joseph.

"Then he will be dealing with us," Jamie said as he walked over towards where you and Joseph were.

"That's right," Joseph said with a small smile as he glanced up at Jamie. "We are not going to let him hurt you ever again," he said as he looked into your eyes and you nodded your head. "Now, we ordered a bunch of food. You need to eat something," he said as he stood up and walked over to where Jamie had set the food out. "We just got a bunch of different things," he added as he started to open up the containers and you got up from the couch.

You walked over towards him and crossed your arms over your chest as Joseph started to list off the different food items. You felt Jamie wrap his arm around your shoulders and you looked up at him. He looked down at you and gave you a small smile before you leaned your head towards his chest and looked back at Joseph as he grabbed some plates out of the cupboard. Jamie held you a little closer and lightly rubbed your arm. He had always been a close friend of yours ever since you met him and you were glad to have him in your life.

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