Bruises Don't Lie

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The next morning came and you ended up arriving to the set before you would even run into Jamie and Joseph. You had let them both know that you were heading to the set early so you could go over your lines, even though you already knew them off by heart. You sat in your trailer as you thought about the events that happened the night before. Brad grabbing you so roughly that he caused bruises on your arms and body. The rough kisses that he placed all over your skin. Him trying to force you to do things that you didn't want to do. You were grateful that his friend had called him and he ended up leaving to go be with another woman that he had been interested in before he ended up completely forcing himself on you, which was his intention. There was a knock at your trailer door and then you heard Jamie's voice.

"Y/N?" he asked through the door. "Y/N, can I come in?"

You sat there and couldn't answer him. You were too emotional, too broken, and you just wanted to be by yourself.

"I'm coming in," he said and then the door to the trailer opened.

He stepped up into the trailer and you looked over at him. The moment that he saw you, he knew something was wrong. His smile immediately faded.

"Y/N," he said as he closed the door behind him and then started to walk over towards you. "Are you alright?" he asked as you felt your heart pound in your chest.

You wanted to answer him, you wanted to tell him everything that happened, but you were afraid. He kneeled down in front of you and you brought your eyes to his. Tears immediately pooled in your eyes and you watched as his eyes softened.

"Come here," he said as he opened his arms and you leaned towards him as he wrapped his arms around you. "What's going on, love?" he asked and you felt your emotions let go.

You started to sob in his arms and this made him worry even more.

"Y/N, love," he whispered as he lightly rubbed your back. "Talk to me. Did something happen?" he asked as he tried to figure out what was going on.

All you could do was nod your head and he pulled back from you as he looked at you again.

"Did someone hurt you?" he asked as he looked for any sign or marks.

You nodded your head again as you reached for the sleeves on your hoodie. You lifted up your sleeves and showed him the bruises on your arms. You then reached up and pulled down on the neck of your hoodie to show him the bruising by your neck. His eyes went wide and he got concerned.

"Who did this?" he asked as he examined the bruises, but you didn't want to answer him. "Y/N...who did this?" he asked as he looked at you and your bottom jaw quivered.

Just as you were about the answer him, the trailer door opened and you both looked over to see Brad come into the trailer. Your breath hitched in your throat as you made eye contact. He stopped in his tracks when he saw you and Jamie together. Your heart started to pound more in your chest as he set his things down on the counter. Jamie looked at you as you tensed up.

"What are you doing in here, Jamie?" Brad asked as he took a few steps towards you guys.

"I was worried when Y/N didn't show up to set on time," Jamie replied as he stood up and stood in front of you to protect you. "I figured I would come and check to see if she was okay."

"That's real cute," Brad said with a slight chuckle. "You know, whatever she told you, she's lying," he added with a smug look on his face.

You wrapped your arms around yourself as more tears went down your cheeks.

"What would she have told me?" Jamie asked as they both looked at each other. "I mean the look on her face says it all," he said as he motioned towards you.

You looked at Jamie as tears went down your cheeks. Jamie looked back over at Brad.

"Did you put your hands on her?" Jamie asked and Brad let out a slight chuckle, causing you to feel even worse that he didn't care what he did.

"Listen, when I want something, I get it," Brad said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Even if I have to force it, I get it," he added with a smirk and Jamie's blood started to boil. "You are in the same business as I am. You know how it is."

You looked down as your bottom lip trembled.

"No, actually, I don't know how that is," Jamie said back to Brad.

You reached up to wipe the tears from your cheeks with the sleeve of your hoodie as you sniffled.

"Now, if you would excuse us, I would like to spend some time with Y/N before we head to set," Brad said as he tried to look around Jamie at you.

"There is no way in hell I am going to let you get near her," Jamie said as he continued to stand in front of you.

"Wow, Jamie, you seriously want to be with someone like her?" Brad asked as he motioned over towards you and you tilted your head up to look at him. "Look how pathetic she is," he added with a slight chuckle. "If she would have just given me what I wanted, I would have never layed a hand on her," he said as he rolled his eyes. "She's actually not that good in bed. She's pretty terrible."

The door to the trailer opened again and you looked over to see the director come into the trailer along with a couple security guards.

"What's this?" Brad asked as you felt relieved that something was going to be done.

"Brad, we are going to ask you gather your things and leave the set," the director said and Brad scoffed. "You are no longer in the cast of this movie."

"I didn't even do anything," Brad lied as he shook his head with a fake smile on his face.

"We heard everything that we need to hear. We are giving you a chance to leave willingly or we will take matters into our own hands," the director explained as you reached up to wipe more tears away and Jamie placed his hand on your shoulder as he tried to comfort you.

"This is ridiculous," Brad said as he started to get his things together.

You looked down at the floor, not wanting to watch him much longer. You were grateful that they were taking matters seriously and he was going to be removed. You heard him zip up his bag.

"This isn't the last time you will see me," Brad said and you looked up to see him looking over at you. "Trust me."

"Come with us," the one security guard said as he held his arm up and ushered him out of the trailer.

Once he was out of the trailer, the director walked over toward you and Jamie.

"Y/N, I want to apologize to you. Do you need anything at all? We can provide counseling to you, someone to talk to," the director said and you shook your head no.

"I'll be okay," you quietly said.

"We are going to have you guys take the day off. We are going to have to find another actor to fill Brad's spot. You guys are free to go for the day. We will be back tomorrow to continue with the filming," he explained and you both nodded your heads.

"Thank you," Jamie said and the director left the trailer.

You let out a breath as you leaned forward and held your head in your hands. 

"Oh my god," you said through tears as you closed your eyes.

Jamie gently placed his hand on your back and lightly rubbed it.

"It's okay," he said to you as he tried to comfort you the best that he could.

"Y/N!" you heard Joseph's voice as he came into the trailer. "Are you alright? I just heard what happened," he said as he came over to you.

"I'm okay," you quietly replied as you nodded your head.

Joseph kneeled down in front of you and gave you a hug.

"I knew that guy was no good. I should have done something sooner," Joseph said as he hugged you. "I'm so sorry, Y/N," he said as you quietly sobbed in his arms.

No one knew that something like that was going to happen, but you were relieved that Brad was no longer going to be on set with you. It was going to take some time to get over.

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