First Day of Filming

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You awoke from your sleep to the sound of your alarm going off on your phone. You groaned as you reached over and grabbed your phone from the stand. With one eye open, you hit the snooze button and rested your head back against the pillow. Not even a minute later, you heard your phone ding and you groaned as you put your head face down in the pillow. Multiple dings went off and you finally grabbed your phone to see that both Jamie and Joseph were texting you multiple times in the group chat that you had.

Jamie-Good morning!
Jamie-First day of filming!
BigBro-Rise and shine!
BigBro-Do NOT hit that snooze button!
BigBro-Are you awake???
Jamie-She is going to kill you lol

You chuckled a little at Jamie's text and texted back.

I am up. Give me 10 minutes
before you come to my room!

You sat up on the bed and rubbed your face with your hands. It was the first day of filming and you were both nervous and excited. You pushed the covers from the lower half of your body and stood up. You made your way to the bathroom and started to get ready for the day. They were going to handle your hair and makeup on set, so you just had to get yourself changed into some comfortable clothes and freshen up.

Just as you were finished getting ready, you heard someone knocking at your hotel room door. They continued to knock as you walked out of the bathroom and headed over to the door. You unlocked the door and opened it to see Joseph and Jamie standing there.

"Are you serious right now, Joseph?" you said as you leaned against the door and he let out a chuckle.

"I thought maybe you went back to sleep," he said as you moved aside so they could come in the room. "How did you know it was me? It could have been Jamie," he said as he came into your hotel room.

"Because you are my brother and you like to irritate me," you said before you looked over at Jamie.

"I got you a coffee," Jamie said as he held a cup towards you. "I know you are not much of a morning person."

"You are a lifesaver, Jamie," you said with a smile as you took the cup and looked at him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Jamie said with a smile as he took a few steps into the room.

"Are you ready to go?" Joseph asked as you closed the hotel room door.

"I just have to get my shoes on and grab my bag," you answered after you took a sip of the drink that Jamie got for you.

"You have a nicer room that I do," you heard Joseph say as you slipped your shoes on. "Can we switch rooms?" he asked as you grabbed your bag.

"No, Joseph, we are not switching rooms," you said before you took another sip of your coffee.

"You ready now?" Joseph said as he looked at you.

"Ready as I'll ever be," you replied with a smile.

The three of you headed out of your hotel room and made your way down to the van that was waiting. Joseph got in the front with the driver while Jamie opened the back door.

"After you," Jamie said with a smile as he motioned for you to get in first.

"Thanks," you said with a smile and climbed into the van.

You got yourself situated in the seat as Jamie got in and closed the door. The driver started to drive towards the filming location and you went through the notifications on your phone. Joseph was making small talk with the driver.

"You excited for filming?" you heard Jamie ask.

"Yeah, but I'm a little nervous. This is one of my first bigger roles, so I just hope that I do well and don't forget my lines," you replied with a smile and Jamie nodded his head.

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