How to Save A Life

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You layed on the floor as you winced in pain and breathed hard. You were hoping that someone would come into the trailer or else you weren't going to make it. You heard your phone go off from the counter, but you were too weak to retrieve it. You lifted your head up a little and looked down to see that your white shirt was soaked with blood. You rested your head back against the floor and let out a sob. You wanted to scream for help, but you didn't have the energy to do so. You didn't want to die, but you didn't know how much time you had before you would bleed out. The door to the trailer opened and you immediately heard Joseph's voice.

"Y/N!?" he shouted as he quickly ran over towards you and fell down to his knees beside you.

"Joseph," you said in a painful voice as tears came to your eyes and you let out a sob.

"Oh my god," he whispered as he saw blood.

You looked up at him as he glanced at the wound and then at you. He scrambled to his feet and ran over towards the door.

"I NEED SOME HELP IN HERE!" Joseph shouted outside of the trailer as he tried to get someone's attention.

He quickly came back over to you and resumed the position that he was in. He grabbed a clean towel from the counter and pressed it against your wound. You winced as you let out another sob.

"Oww...don't," you said through tears.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I need to try and stop the bleeding," he said as you heard someone come up into the trailer. "Who did this?"

"Brad," you managed to get out in tears and his eyes widened.

"Y/N!" you heard Jamie's voice this time and he quickly came over to where you guys were. "Oh my god. What happened?" he asked in a panicked voice as soon as he saw the blood.

"She was stabbed," Joseph replied and he looked over to see the bloody pair of scissors laying on the ground. "There," he said as he motioned over towards them and Jamie looked over.

You started to cough as you felt something coming up from you throat. It tasted like metal and you knew it was blood. Joseph and Jamie directed their attention back down to you as blood came out of your mouth. They both started to panic.

"Oh my god," Joseph quietly said as he started to get emotional.

"Y/N," Jamie said as you looked up at him and you could see that he was scared. "Stay with me, love," he said as he grabbed onto your hand and you heard people coming into the trailer.

You coughed and gasped for air as you choked on your own blood.

"Y/N," Jamie said as you looked up at him.

You winced as you tried to breathe.

"Get her on her side," Joseph said and they carefully turned you onto your side as Jamie was in front of your face.

"Breathe, Y/N," Jamie said as he held your head in his hands and you looked at him. "Come on, Y/N, breathe," he added as you grabbed onto his one arm.

You tried to breathe, but you were having trouble.

"Stay with us, Y/N," you heard Joseph say in an upset voice. 

Paramedics quickly came into the trailer over to you. Jamie and Joseph had to give them room while they worked on you.

"No, I need to be with her," you heard Joseph say as he tried to come back over to you.

"Joseph, they need to work on her," you heard Jamie say as he held Joseph back. 

You looked up at the both of them and you could see that they were both worried about what was going on. A paramedic placed an oxygen mask over your face while the other covered your wound with gauze and tape to help with the bleeding.

"Stay with me, Y/N," the one paramedic said as they noticed your eyes were becoming heavy.

You were trying to stay alert, but you didn't know how much longer you could hold on for. You had lost a lot of blood.

 "We need to move her now!" they shouted as they got up to get you ready to go.

You were placed onto a backboard and strapped down before you were taken out to the stretcher. They put the backboard down on the stretcher and got you strapped down. You heard the machines start to go off as you felt everything getting blurry. You felt like you couldn't breathe.

"Y/N!" you heard Joseph's voice shout and then everything went black.

The next time you heard anything was the sound of muffled voices talking. You couldn't tell who it was or what they were saying. You could also hear a faint beeping sound. You slowly opened your eyes as you came to.

"She's waking up," you heard Joseph say as he came over to the side of your bed. "Y/N, do you know where you are?" he asked as Jamie came over and stood next to him.

"Somewhere I don't really want to be," you replied in a hoarse voice as you looked around the room.

"Still has her sense of humor," Joseph said with a smile as he shook his head and glanced over at Jamie. "How do you feel?" he asked as he brought his attention back to you.

"My side hurts," you replied as you moved slightly and hissed when you felt the pain.

"Easy. You don't want to rip the stitches out," Joseph said as you rested back against the pillows. "I'm going to let the nurse know that you are awake. Keep an eye on her," he said as he looked over at Jamie and Jamie nodded his head.

Joseph walked over towards the door and once he was out of the room, Jamie looked down at you as he moved closer.

"How worried was he?" you asked in a tired voice as you looked up at him.

"On a scale of 1-10, a definite 10," he said as he nodded his head and you nodded yours. "I was worried, too," he added and you looked up at him again. "I thought we lost you."

He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.

"Did they find him?" you asked as he stood back up.

"No, but they are looking all over for him. They have surveillance video of him and his car, so they put a BOLO out on a him. Said they would contact us once they have an update," he explained and you nodded your head. "You know I am not going to let you out of my sight once you get out of here," he said as he lightly ran his fingertip over your hand.

You opened your hand and he held onto it for a moment. You both gave each other a small smile.

"I'm sure Joseph won't either," you said as Joseph came back into the room with a nurse following behind him.

"Welcome back, Y/N," the nurse said as she walked over towards you. "How are you feeling?"

"My side hurts, but other than that, I feel fine," you replied and she nodded her head with a smile before she looked over at the machines.

"Your vitals look good. I'm going to get you some pain medicine to help with the pain that you are having. Might be able to get you a meal since it's going to be dinner time soon. I'll be right back," the nurse said and headed out of the room.

"Please don't let them poison me," you joked with a small smile on your face as you looked up at Jamie.

He smiled back at you.

"I could save the day and bust you out of here, but I don't think your brother would like that too much," Jamie said as he tried not to let Joseph hear.

"I heard that and, no, you are not busting her out of here," Joseph said as he walked back over towards Jamie. "You are not staying by yourself once you do get out of here, understood?" he added with a serious look on his face and you nodded your head.

"Understood," you replied as you continued to nod.

You knew that Joseph wasn't going to let you be by yourself, especially since Brad was still on the loose. You were just hoping that the police would find him soon.

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