The Incident

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A/N: There is slight abuse towards the end of the chapter.

It had been a long day of filming and you were glad that it was over. You were exhausted and couldn't wait to get a shower and get some much needed sleep. You grabbed your bag and headed out of the trailer. Jamie and Joseph had finished their scenes earlier in the day, so they were already at the hotel. You got into the van with a few of the other cast members and headed back to the hotel.

Once you were in your hotel room, you set your bag down on the coffee table and retrieved your phone to text the guys and let them know that you were safe and sound in your room.

You-Just got back. Gonna shower and get some sleep.
Joseph-Wow. That's a long day.
Jamie-Get some rest and we will see you in the morning.
You-Goodnight, guys!

You made your way to the bathroom and set your phone down on the counter. You walked over to the shower and turned the water on. As the shower started to warm up, you stripped out of your clothes. You got into the shower and washed all of the long day off of you. 

Once you were all washed, you turned the water off, dried off, got changed into a pair of pajamas, and got yourself ready for bed. Just as you finished brushing your teeth, you heard a knock at your door. You were wondering who could be knocking at your door that late at night. You walked over to the door and looked through the peephole to see Brad standing on the other side. You stood there for a moment before you unlocked the door. You opened the door and leaned against it as Brad looked at you.

"I know it's late. I just...I need someone to talk to," he said as he looked at you as if something were wrong.

" in," you said as you let him into your room.

You were wondering why he couldn't just wait to talk the next day, but you weren't one to push people away if there was something wrong.

"Did you just get back?" he asked as he looked around your room and then at you.

"Yeah," you said with a slight chuckle as you locked the door and turned to face him. "It was definitely a long day," you said as you walked over towards the couch. "Jamie and Joseph finished way before me, so they were already back here while I was still filming," you explained as you sat down on the couch and he sat down with you. "So, what's up?" you asked as you looked over at him.

"Well, I kind of feel like we got off on the wrong foot," he said as he turned to face you and you looked at him.

"How so?" you asked as you crossed your arms over your chest and relaxed against the couch.

"I don't know. I just feel like we could be a thing, if you wanted to. I mean, we work on set together. We have some scenes together. I feel like you are a beautiful woman," he explained and you started to shake your head.

"Brad, did you come here after midnight to talk to me about this?" you asked in a tired voice. "This is something we could have talked about tomorrow when my bed is not calling my name," you added with a slight chuckle.

"Well, it's been on my mind the past couple of days. I didn't really want to talk to you on set about it, especially with your brother around, so I figured I would wait up for you," he said with a smile on his face.

"Look, Brad, I'm sure that you are a nice guy and all, but I'm really not interested in being in a relationship right now," you said as you shook your head and his smile faded. 

"Why not?" he asked as he continued to look at you.

"I don't know. My life is kind of busy right now. I don't really know you and I'm not interested in dating someone I just met on set," you replied as you shrugged your shoulders. "We could be friends, if you'd like. See where that goes."

"Oh," he replied as he looked down. "Yeah, I guess."

"I'm sorry," you apologized as you looked over at him. "Is there anything else that you wanted to talk about?" you asked as you looked over at him with tired eyes. "It's late and I need to get a good night's rest before filming tomorrow."

"No, that was all," he answered and you both got up from the couch.

You walked over in front of him towards the door and opened it for him so he could head out. You turned around as he walked towards you looking down at the floor as he slipped his hands in his pockets.

"I guess I will see you tomorrow," he said as he finally looked at you.

"Yes, bright and early," you replied with a fake smile on your face.

"Goodnight," he said as he walked out of your hotel room.

"Goodnight," you said and then once he was out, you closed the door.

You shook your head as you made your way towards the bed in the room. You didn't understand why he wanted to talk so late at night and you had hoped that you didn't hurt his feelings. It was just a weird conversation to even have. 

As you got under the covers and rested your head against the pillow, you let out a sigh. It felt good to be in bed after filming all day. You closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.

You were awoken by the feeling of someone's weight on top of you and kisses being planted on the side of your neck. You jolted awake and looked to see who it was, but it was hard to tell because it was too dark in the room.

"What...Get off," you said as you started to panic.

"Relax, Y/N, it's just me," you heard Brad's voice and you panicked more.

"Brad, please get off of me," you said as he continued to plant kisses on your skin. "Get off!" you said a little louder and he roughly grabbed your arms and shoved them down on the sides of you.

You yelped and you felt your heart pound in your chest as you looked up at his dark figure that hovered above you.

"You're going to listen to me and listen to me good. If you do as I say, I will not hurt you. If you don't listen to me, things will be rough and you will get hurt. Understood?" he said to you as he was just inches away from your face.

You could smell the alcohol on his breath. He brought his lips down to yours and roughly pressed them against yours. You couldn't believe this was happening. How did he get into your room? You felt his hands start to roam your body and you knew that you couldn't let him do this to you. You started to squirm and he roughed grabbed onto your body.

"Oww," you said as you winced from the pain you felt. "Please stop," you said as tears formed in your eyes.

"I meant what I said. Just be a good girl and do what I ask," he said in a devilish voice and you let out a quiet sob.

You felt more tears come to your eyes as he started to roughly kiss you again. You tried to think of good thoughts to mask out what was going on, but it was hard. You wanted to die right then and there. Tears ran out of your eyes and you prayed that it would all be over soon.

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