Twenty Six

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Hey everyone!

I can't sleep so I thought I'd update with a chapter I finished a couple of days ago. We had some bad news yesterday & my mind won't seem to shut off.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter & I'll update when I can.

Happy reading.

Nat xx

When Toni woke up she was in the exact position she'd fallen asleep in. Cheryl still had her head resting on her as she snored lightly. The sunlight was forcing its way through the crack in the curtains, but the brunette ignored it and decided to just enjoy the moment. A moment that was interrupted by Cheryl suddenly shooting up out of nowhere.

'Woah,' Toni said as she gripped on to the bed so she didn't fall off.

The cheerleaders head snapped around however as soon as her eyes landed on Toni she visibly relaxed.

'Toni? What am I doing here?'

'You were pretty drunk last night so I wanted to make sure you were safe'.

'Does Reggie know I'm here?'

'I told him I was going to take you home. He wanted to, but you were pretty adamant about staying with me'.

Cheryl put her hands on her cheeks, 'oh my. Toni I'm so sorry'.

'Don't be. I wanted to take care of you. I ran into Jason whilst trying to get you home. He said your parents wouldn't be pleased so I offered for you to stay here. He carried you, do you remember?'

'I... I think so'.

'You were pretty into me last night, practically found me irresistible,' Toni teased.

'Oh, I'm so embarrassed'.

'Don't be,' Toni said taking the redheads hand. 'I didn't want to take advantage of you last night so I kept my distance...'

'That's nice of you Toni'.

Cheryl looked into Toni's eyes and although she was completely embarrassed by her behaviour it was worth it to be with the brunette.

'Do you think it would be inappropriate of me to ask for a kiss?'

The twinkle in the serpents eye made Cheryl stomach feel funny, like she had a million butterflies trying to escape.

Toni waited until the redhead nodded before she sat forward placing a gentle kiss on the other girls lips.

'I've been wanting to do that for a while now,' Toni whispered.

'Then maybe you should do it again'.

The brunette raised her eyebrow playfully before wrapping her arms around the redhead pulling her impossibly closer. As their lips met again they fell backwards against the pillows.

In this moment it was just the two of them.

No expectations. No boyfriend's. No rules.

Just two people who cared about each other more than they'd admitted.


'Yeah?' she whispered.

'Do you think... could I maybe...'

'Could you what?' Cheryl asked, her face only a couple of inches away from the other girl.

Toni wasn't sure if she'd ever been so nervous in her life, 'could I take you out on a date?'

'A date?' Cheryl was a little taken aback. 'You want to take me on a date?'

'I'd love to'. Toni nodded, 'but I understand if that's not a part of what this is'.

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