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"We only have a day till it'll be a full house. I was thinking that we -"
"We what, fuck?" Banele interjects, already knowing what Randy is thinking.
He chuckles.
"You make it sound so raw and unfiltered but baby, your three months have long passed. I'm beginning to think I'm being punished," he says.
Banele turns to him with his arms folded. They have this conversation everyday and he's gotten tired of it. When Randy is not being clingy, kissing all over him and following him around; he's asking him this.
"You know you've never attempted anything, right? All you do is talk," Banele says. "And when it happens that we actually take things further, are you going to tell your whole family that it happened? Kind of like how you've been telling them I won't let you hit?"
Randy laughs.
"Why would you think that? So , you won't let me fuck because of that? Baby, I won't have to tell them anything after I do. They'll see for themselves," he answers then winks at the younger.
The younger scoffs.
"What do you mean they'll see?"  Banele asks with squinted eyes.
"This is a bad example but it's the same dick that had Jessica shooting bullets for me. Trust me, they'll know," Randy adamantly says and winks again.
"You're not saying anything"
Randy takes his hand then pulls him closer, hands then going to his rear.
"There's only one way to find out," he alludes.
"You'll keep waiting them if you don't say anything," Banele threatens.
Randy chuckles.
"I don't even have to wait. I can seduce you if I want, have you begging me for more but I won't. The wait makes me want you even more and would be the reason I won't stop until you black out, baby. Either works for me. You're away six months have passed? Yet I'm still here and loving you even more."
"You love me?" Banele asks
"I sure do. My heart beats for you," he sings the last part.
Banele gives  a look of disbelief. Randy being in love with him doesn't make any sense to him. It could be lust until he gets what he really wants from him, not that it's any of a big deal to Banele. I mean, Randy could turn him out then maybe leave him. It wouldn't be anything new to Banele with the history he has. He's been played with a lot, given his all only to not get even an inch back. He doesn't know if he should trust that Randy is different. This is a heartless man who wears his heart or the lack of it on his sleeves. He's ruthless, an ex convict and murderer. He's known to be manipulative, using people and tossing them away when he's content. He's -
"OK, I can feel you overthinking from here. You think I'm going to dribble you or something? Think I'm like your exes and that's why you won't let your guard down? You saying I haven't done enough to prove that I want you? Yes, I wanted to tap first but I fell in love first and couldn't help it. I don't know what more I can do to show I'm all for you. At this point, I'm willing to do anything," Randy assures him.
Banele sighs.
"Are you not going to get tired of waiting for me or something?" He asks.
"Nope. You're an amazing person and I've had the best of times with you these past months. I don't want anyone else but you. Heck, I've even mastered gay sex at this point. All I need now is to put theory into practicals," Randy says then chortles.
"You just had to speak of the sex," Banele says then groans.
"But baby, what's causing the delay? What are you afraid of?" He asks. "I'm not hasty but I'm worried. I won't tear you apart or anything. It's not even that big"
Banele chuckles.
"You've never attempted anything, I just told you this. You're all words Randy so let go of me so I can ensure everything is in place for the last time"
"I'm all words? That sounds like a dare to me sweetheart"
He lifts Banele up by his rear, having still been cupping it while they spoke, then kisses him. He's as eager to kiss Randy back like he's been from their second kiss. Now, he's lost count of the many times they've been here — Randy's tongue in his mouth and him sucking it like his life depends on it. He puts him on the kitchen counter then breaks off the kiss to take off Banele's shirt.
"Ah, this is...hot," a voice interrupts.
They've never had guests in their two months of living here. As far as Banele knows, none of their family knows where they live.
"Jessica," Randy mutters while wiping his lips. "To what do we owe the surprise?"
He turns to face the woman who has her youngest with her. This isn't a surprise the two of them are delighted for. They're only expecting furniture delivery, seeing as they've only gotten to furnishing their house now. They were both clueless so Banele found an interior designer whom he worked with to put any ideas he might've had to life.
"That's not the welcome I expected," Jessica muses.
"What did you expect, Mrs Williamse? We apologise for the lack of hospitality," Banele says.
"I'm sorry for disrupting your lovemaking session but Randy, we need to talk," Jessica says then puts her baby down.
It's where Banele's eyes go and once again, he can't help but see Randy in him. The similarities can't be ignored, more so as he's growing. He wonders if Nathan has noticed. It can't be just him.
"What about?" Randy asks.
"I'd rather we do it in private," she says.
"I don't hide anything from my baby. Speak, Jessica. I can't risk him getting turned off. I have a score to settle here," Randy says
Jessica scoffs.
"I don't want to talk in front of your boy toy, Randy. This is serious," she says.
Randy's face straightens; every playfulness having dissipated at the condescending statement Jessica just made.
"What did you call him?" He asks, stepping closer to the woman.
She gulps.
"Randy, don't make him see that side of you," she warns.
"What did you call him?" He reiterates
"At least don't do this in front of your son!" She cautions.
Randy freezes. Banele scoffs. The younger isn't surprised. He didn't think it'd come to light this soon though. Then it's silent.
"Told you," Banele is first to break the ice.
"Nathan knows," Jessica adds.
"Why are you telling me this?" Randy asks after a while. "Why now when he's almost a year?"
"I was upset, ok? I heard about you and him, how you're all over him and happy. Nathan was pissing me off, trying to apologise after he cheated on me again so I blurted it out," she says.
"So, what now?" Banele asks. "He kicked you out?"
She shakes her head.
"Uhm, I had to choose," she tells them. "It was either him or my marriage"
Randy chuckles.
"Right. Leave," he says with a straight face.
"That's it?" She asks.
"We also need his documents," Banele tells her. "He has to take his rightful surname"
She chortles.
"You're sticking with him through this? Do you even know who you're dating?"
"You sound ridiculous. Give us what we want and leave. Congratulations for giving the twins more reasons to hate me. Once again, I'll be seen as the culprit in this matter like you didn't consensually open your damn thighs for me."
She reaches into her bag to retrieve a brown envelope which she hands to Randy then retreats. The mood has been changed. It's quiet again until the baby starts crying. Randy looks at Banele.
"Don't look at me. I told you about this and you said no, remember? You could've at least fucked her with a condom," Banele says. "Can't believe I thought of... I don't want to see you right now"
He grabs his shirt that's next to him then puts it on. He gets off the counter. He needs some air.
"Baby, you can't leave me," Randy says.
"And why not? I'm giving you a chance to bond with your son!" He seethes
"Nelly, I didn't plan this!" Randy tries arguing.
Banele scoffs.
"She admitted that her dear husband is a serial cheater and you fucked her raw? I can't believe you," he says.
He picks up the crying infant, seeing as Randy doesn't then hands him to his alleged father. He weirdly keeps quiet after that.
"He had you in his house. You're telling me nothing happened even then?"
Randy sighs.
"No, Banele. It stopped after she fell pregnant," Randy answers. "Any other questions?"
"Don't use that tone with me. I want you to get tested," Banele says.
That has Randy smirking.
"You want us hitting it raw, baby? I mean, we can go now. I don't mind"
Banele groans.
"I don't like you right now!"
He storms off. Randy is laughing until the infant cries. He has no idea what to do with Banele gone. He groans then decides to go to his mom. She'll know what to do.
"You don't get tired of causing havoc, do you? Because what the hell are you doing with Jessica's son?!" Miley screams after finally calming and putting the baby down.
She wasn't too shocked when Randy arrived, having been told by Nathan of what he did and once again finding him at fault instead of Jessica.
"I'm not in the mood, mother. I don't know where Banele is and I don't know anything about taking care of a baby," Randy stresses out.
"You had a baby with your brother's wife!" Miley bellows
"A wife who had those thighs spread wide and begged me to fuck her like I didn't have her betraying her husband. She's sick and needs to get over me," he retorts.
"How does Banele feel about all of this?" Miley asks, sounding calmer.
"He did suspect him a couple of weeks back so he wasn't surprised. He kind of hates me at the moment. Jessica walked in when we were about to get it on so couple that with sexual frustration"
Miley cringes at that.
"No one wants to know about your sexual endeavours. Can you stop traumatising us about that?"
He chuckles.
"Because you aren't getting any? I'll stop the minute I get some," he says.
"Is it true?" Ricky asks as he enters the lounge. "You and Jessica?"
Randy sighs. He only got to know about his son today and yet it seems the whole family knows for some reason. He hates how anything involving him seems to move so fast. He nods then shrugs.
"Why?" Ricky asks. "Why her?"
Randy scrunches his face.
"Because she wanted to and I was lazy to approach?"
Ricky sighs.
"It's just... you'll never get along with Nathan and them after having a child with Nathan's wife. Now, they hate you even more and I don't know how to feel. What if they also don't like me because you and I are real brothers?"
"Then it's fuck them," Randy says.
Ricky groans.
"No, Randy. I'm disappointed in you," he says then walks out.
"See what you've done? You were selfish and now a whole new life is in here. For once, show some remorse," Miley says then follows Ricky's footsteps.
Randy tries calling Banele, wanting to at least hear his voice. The day completely turned out to be shocking. At first, things were good and he was finally about to tap until Jessica happened. He finds himself despising his childhood sweetheart, regretting ever giving into her advances. He didn't care when that happened. All he saw was some easy pussy until today happened. Now he's here and there's no going back.
"What do you want?!" Banele asks the minute he answers.
"I want you," Randy answers. "Our son-
"Don't you dare, Randy! Don't try that with me!" The other seethes.
"But baby, I can't do this without you. Please," Randy begs.
"I wasn't there when you were humping someone's wife. Why again are you involving me in it?" The younger asks.
"Because I love you and I can't be without you. Please, baby. Come home," Randy begs.
Banele is quiet for some time then sighs.
"Maybe tomorrow. Don't call me," he says then hangs up.
Randy sighs. He's frustrated and fighting the urge not to kill Jessica or hurt her. It's on his mind right now. He sits down, imagining himself slicing her throat with a sharp knife. He can almost smell the metallic stench of blood. He licks his lips, feeling his palms sweat. Maybe hers could taste sweet regardless of disgusting she is to him right now. She's the same woman who snitched on him, the same who couldn't finish a simple job. It's the same who betrayed her and married the enemy. But then Banele flashes in his mind. Sweet Nelly who doesn't deserve this version of him. The Nelly who makes him smile. He cooks for him and makes sure he's fine. He gives him attention, listen to his silliness and makes life worth living for him. Nelly makes him want to be better, to do better and make something of himself.
"You want dinner ?" Miley disrupts his thoughts.
He opens his eyes and finds her staring at him, seeming bored. He shakes his head then stands.
"I'm leaving. I'm sorry for imposing on you. It won't happen again," he says.
"You just said sorry?" A shocked Miley asks.
"Sure did. I'll get him and leave"
"Wait, what are you going to eat?" She asks.
"Miley, you don't care. You're mad at me for this so please. I know you don't want me here," he snaps.
"What you did was wrong and -"
"And I don't want to hear it. You can be on your precious Nathan's side and leave me be, thank you"
"Randy, that's not... I'm not on anyone's side. I wouldn't have you here if I was. Can't you see you were wrong? He's your brother. You slept with his wife!" She explains.
It seems to fall on deaf ears. All he does is walk away and into the guest bedroom where his son is then he's out with him as fast as he got in.

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