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IT'S BEEN three days of silent treatment which has worn heavy on Randy who's usually not bothered by anything. He is with his mom now, not because he misses her but because he can't handle what's happening at his home. He can't handle Banele being mad at him which surprises him because he usually doesn't care. He's here because he's not getting attention where he badly wants it and is seeking it elsewhere. It's not like the woman who gave birth to him is a stranger. It makes sense to come to her instead of resorting to cheating. He wouldn't dream of it.
"This is a surprise," Miley says with a grin. "Missed mommy?"
Randy cringes at that.
"You look ridiculous making that face. I was bored," he says then shrugs.
Her grin falls.
"Oh. I'm glad you're here either way. Where's Banele? Thought you'd come with him"
He frowns at her.
"You didn't know I'm coming"
She rolls her eyes.
"You don't get tired of being rude to your own mother?"
He scoffs.
"Rude? You're just sensitive. You haven't replaced King yet? You need to"
She's tempted to slap him. Randy never minds his words around her, reminding her of his father.
"You're your father's son," she spits.
He chuckles.
"Proudly. Where's Ricky? Finally got tired of you?"
She groans.
"Why are you here if you're going to get under my skin? You can leave, you know"
Randy chortles.
"My own mother chasing me away? I wonder how Ricky will feel about that. Is it because I'm not King's seed?"
This time, she does slap him which has the son chortling. He's finding pleasure in aggravating his mother. His cheek stings though and he hopes the mark will be something that gets Banele to talk to him. It has to. The silence is killing him.
"So abusive"
Before she can reply, she hears her other son call her. It's Nathan. This won't end well. She knows it from the smug that embraces his third son's face. Randy doesn't like peace, especially when it comes to her and the twins.
"Behave," she says with the knowledge that it'll fall onto deaf ears.
"Always," but they both know he won't. Again, he's an enemy of peace.
He remains in the kitchen, searching for food that Banele hasn't let him have him had. Him being mad mad means that Randy doesn't get anything. He's been surviving on takeouts, which he doesn't think is going to last for long. He's given Banele enough time to sulk and from here, he's going to sort the younger out. It may include doing the one thing he doesn't like doing — apologising. Heck, he never does but this is Banele. He's grown a liking towards him, which he doesn't want to admit to himself. At least not yet.
"What are you doing here?" Nathan asks with a mug.
"Eating," Randy answers coolly.
"Here to bother my mother? I don't know why you can't stay at your place that you built from the money you swindled my twin!" Nathan seethes
"You need to breathe," Randy says then laughs. "I make you hold your breath, big bro?"
"You Fucken ..." he tries reaching for him but stops.
He's not about to stoop to his level. He huffs then turns on his heels to finally attend his mother. He deems Randy not worth it. The said man finishes his food then drives back home. There's a little warmth that creeps into his cold heart whenever he drives into his yard. It comes from knowing he'll find Banele there. He's only been leaving the house to go to his sister, leaving Randy behind since he's the reason they were kicked out last time. The man can't keep his mouth shut for peace's sake.
"Baby, I'm home!" He shouts after closing the main door.
He gets no response which prompts him to go search for Banele. The two haven't made things official yet and have only kissed twice. However, In Randy's eyes, Banele is all his. He'd kill over him, that's for sure. He finds him in the bedroom, having just stepped out of the shower.
Banele looks at him then rolls his eyes. He's in no mood for the older and hasn't been in the past few days.
"You going somewhere?" Randy asks after seeing the outfit Banele picked out which he has lined out on the bed.
"Far from you,yes"
A reply that gets Randy smiling. At least he's no longer being given silent treatment even with the animosity he got from Banele's tone. It's something to him. Might not be kind but he still spoke.
"Baby, look at my cheek. See what they're doing out there? You can't leave me"
It's only then that Banele notices the hand print on his cheek then scoffs.
"Pretty sure you deserved it," the younger sasses.
Randy chuckles.
"You don't care?" He asks
"Should I?" Banele retorts. "Why should I when you don't care about anyone besides yourself and your big ego?"
"You wound me, Nelly," Randy says with a hand on his left breast. " I care about you"
Banele titters.
"Care about me? Don't lie, please. Ethan was right about you"
That causes his smile to drop. His forehead creases as he glares at his lust interest.
"You mean that?" He asks
Banele nods, determined to piss him off.
"You didn't have to say those things to Lexy. That woman was pretty upset. Lisa tells me she's been locking herself in her room most times since then"
"Good. She should do that until it registers in her mind that she deserves better. She's allowed Ethan to treat her like shit for too long. However, you're right. I shouldn't have retaliated to Ethan. I should've let him fill your head with whatever nonsense about me," he says. "I'm sorry. Can we be good, now?"
Banele sighs then shrugs.
"I guess. Just stop being too much. I feel like you're the reason you don't get along with your other siblings"
"Me? Those people have never liked me because of who my father is. Heck, I don't think they like Ricky too. They made it seem as if I chose who my father is. My only sin is not being King's seed," Randy says.
Banele scoffs.
"Really? Didn't you have Jessica attempt to kill that King until he eventually died? Stop acting like a victim so much and accept your part in whatever rivalry y'all have," Banele sasses.
"Why are you being sassy with me? You want some dick?"
That causes Banele to cough, caught off guard by the question.
"Really? Are you that horny?" Randy nods. "I'm not surprised"
"You not going to help me though? Your ninety days have passed so why are you still making me beg? You're going to enjoy it," Randy says while holding the front of his pants.
"You sound so sure. What makes you think I want a dick up my ass?" Banele questions with a quirked eyebrow.
"You have a bubble butt. Between that and your pretty face, I don't know what I saw first," Randy answers smugly.
"You're so annoying!" Banele groans.
"Sure am. What are your plans for today?"
"I'm meeting up with Thuso, spending the day with our baby and all. I'll come late at night," he tells Randy who frowns.
"You hate me, don't you?"
Banele chuckles.
"Hate is a strong word"
"No, because why else do you want to be away from me for so long? Matter of fact, I'm going with you," Randy says in finality.
"Let's go then"
He's dressed up and ready to leave. They leave in Randy's car, the man driving with one hand while the other is grabbing Banele's thigh.
They've never spoken much about what they're doing, seeing as Randy had long said he wants to tap then maybe the love will follow. He's never found himself questioning what they're doing, not having thought of it until now. They've gotten comfortable around each other in a short period of time. He finds himself missing Randy way more than he'd like to. He likes having the annoying man in his presence, even if the two aren't on talking terms. He can't say he's worried much about how their sex would be if it gets there. He weirdly trusts Randy to know what he's doing when it gets there and for him to guide him through it.
"What are you thinking about, pretty?" Randy's voice breaks his chain of thoughts.
"Us," he admits.
That causes the older to smirk.
"Dirty thoughts I assume?" Randy says as if he can read his mind.
"I'm not sharing"
The other chortles.
"Ah, baby. You've just made my heart flutter!" Randy coos.
"Like I'd believe that," Banele retorts with a roll of his eyes.
Life is so... peaceful in the older's presence, which is ironic considering the kind of person Randy is. It scares Banele that he might be falling for him. Isn't it why all he thought of when he was back in deployment was Randy? It sucks because he's been hurt before, all from falling too soon, too fast for someone. He's been bitten twice and yet he's not skeptical about how the third time will be. Yet.
They've arrived. He lets Randy get out to get his door as usual.
"Get out of your head, baby. Whatever you're thinking will stress you if you don't communicate with me"
He helps Banele out of the car who doesn't respond but has heard him. Banele knows he's right but these are his insecurities. However, he allows the thoughts to dissipate as they sign into Thuso's apartment building. Her house is currently being renovated and the parents are hoping it'll be done by the time their daughter comes. It's minor renovations to transform it into a place that's suitable for an infant.
The two walk hand-in-hand through the exit and even in the elevator. Thuso asked Banele to come alone but not in so many words. Her jaw drops when she sees Randy at her doorstep too.
"What's he doing here?" She asks Banele.
"That's my baby too so fuck are you asking?" Randy snaps.
"This is the kind of energy I don't want around my daughter!" Thuso complains.
"Well, good day Thuso. How're you guys doing?" Banele finally speaks.
"We were good until we saw him," Thuso retorts.
"You'll mind your tone when you're talking to my baby. Be nice," Randy chastises.
Thuso groans , opening the door wider to allow the two in. She's exhausted and wants the baby out of her already. Her feet are swollen and she's sweating like it's ninety degrees outside. It's a few weeks until she's due but that feels like forever. She offers them something to drink, with Randy going for beer that he knows Thuso keeps around for Banele. The baby daddy opts for a glass of juice, feeling like it's too early to be drinking.
"How's she?" Banele asks while rubbing Thuso's exposed bump.
She's wearing a cropped top along with her draws, feeling as if she has too much clothing on. If Randy wasn't here, she'd be wearing only her panties. She's usually barely dressed in Banele's presence, as if to tempt the man who doesn't see her like that anymore. She's been subtly trying to get back with him and do right by him this time. She hurt him and badly wants to be given another chance. She wants them to raise their daughter as a couple. The only thing or rather, person, standing between that is Randy. He's all over Banele like a bad rash. Like now, he decides to put his hand over Banele's and their treacherous daughter decides to kick which makes Thuso groan. Randy laughs.
"She loves daddy!" He gushes
"Shut up!" Thuso grits.
He chortles.
"Don't be jealous"
She groans. She can feel that she's not going to get any of Banele's attention with this man here.
"Go in the car, Randy. You don't always have to be difficult," Banele says to the stubborn man.
They're about to leave now, it being late and after dinner. They ordered because Banele refuses for Thuso to be on her feet for too long. Usually, there's a helper who does the cooking as per the dietician's instructions. He wants Thuso to deliver as safely as possibly and for their baby to come with no complications. There hasn't been any worries from the ob so they're on the right track.
"I'm giving you ten minutes," Randy relents then kisses him on the lips as if to taunt Thuso.
He leaves the two inside the apartment as he walks out. He's not any worried about Thuso and her attempts.
"Why did you have to bring him?!" Thuso finally questions.
"What's wrong with it? He's going to be in my daughter's life so you might as well get used to it now"
"I don't have to... get used to anything. You're not gay and Randy can't be trusted. Open your eyes and see him for what he is!" She seethes
Banele chuckles.
"Or I'll make the same mistake I did with you?"
Her eyes widen.
"Me? Why me?"
He scoffs.
"I'll tell you what. Randy is a bad person and has never pretended to be good. At least with him, I know what I'm getting myself into. You and I aren't having this conversation again"
He retreats, not waiting for Thuso to respond to that. Randy immediately starts the car after Banele gets in.
"She wants you back," he says.
Banele turns to him with a frown.
"You think I'm that stupid?"
"I'm telling you that's what she has up her sleeve in case you're blind to it. That's why she was barely dressed," Randy continues
"I know that. She can go as far as being in bra and panties when it's just me," Banele confesses.
Randy dramatically widens his eyes.
"And you've never told me? You, as a straight guy?!"
Banele chuckles.
"Aren't you straight too, Jessica's ex?"
They share a laugh.
"That's the one woman who thinks like Thuso. She thinks she can have me whenever she wants, snap of the finger and all. She probably doesn't like you much now since you have my attention," Randy cockily says, winking at Banele who rolls his eyes.
"I don't even want your little attention," the younger lies.
"And I don't care. We going home, right?"
Banele shrugs. Randy just glances at him then starts the car. It's been a good day. He wanted them to go out but he likes how they spent it either way.
"Wait, when last were you and Jessica intimate?" Banele asks as Randy is parking in the garage.
It comes out of nowhere. It might be because of the conversation they just had.
"Why are you asking that?" Randy counters.
"I don't know if it's just me but her last born looks way too much like you, green eyes and all. It's sus"
Randy coughs.
"Uhm, I don't know what you're talking about. Come, I want to cuddle and sleep"
"Randy Grobler!"
He gets out the car then opens the door for Banele. He cups his face when he's out.
"It's not mine," he tells Banele.
"Are you sure? You're telling me you've been sleeping with Nathan's wife? For how long?!"
Randy sighs.
"It happened before I met you and she's the one who initiated it. It stopped after she told me she's pregnant," he says. "I'm all for you, Nelly. I mean it. Only you"
Banele sighs.
"I don't know, Randy. It seems what you guys had is deeper than I thought"
"We don't have anything, baby. She's married and probably used me because her husband isn't any loyal to her. I am sorry I allowed my lust to get the best of me. I know what I did is triggering for me but I normally don't give a damn about no one but myself. Can we not make my past an issue?"
Banele nods, relenting. They share a hug then seal it with a kiss. All Banele hopes is that Jessica won't be a thorn in what they're building.

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