You followed me? Why? ~Fluff~

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Pip x Casper
Minecraft logic:D
Mention of making out


I was walking alone. At night. Midnight. I dont know how to explain myself when asked why I do this. I just do. I like it. I walk around even more. Not much happens anyways. And when they do I just simply fight back or ignore it. I was already triggered and had an eye out. I heard things behind me, whispers. Then again it could be ghosts but who knows? Maybe an animal. Who am I to know? All I do know is that someone is following me. Pitch black night, Weird sounds. Do they not understand what Panthers are? Honestly. Night visions. amazing hearing, greater than a humans. Speed, and simply claws. Though I have a feeling they know that.

*Crash* I look behind me. A person sat there. Can see there face, brown hair, green jock outfit, and its Casper. I never met Casper Myself, I know of him and Ive seen him. Silence filled around us. Like a TV show-Anyways. "Uh heheh, Heyy Pip.." He said getting up ".Wtf? Why are you following me??" He shrugged "Idk I just wanted to get to know you better ig" ...Im sorry what?  "Wait Let me get this straight, You followed me, to get to know me?" He nodded that was followed by a 'Mhm" "Bro we couldve just talked" He looked embarrassed. "Oh. Uh well lets do that.." We took a seat at a near bench "So, any crushes?" He asked. I blushed, "Uh heheh, Nope-Pretty hard when all the hot people are taken, or been taken..You?" He chuckled "Maybe..I guess? I dont know its been a while since Ive had these feelings.." He blushed and looked to the ground. I thought of something "How about I help you out?" He looked confused "What?" I chuckled "Like, I help you figure it out, Tell me all about them". What? It made me realize I liked men, and women. "Okay, well, Its a dude, He taller than me, Smart, Kind, Sharing, He looks perfect, He acts perfect, He just is perfect, I would give anything for him.." Yep "Yeah, Youre Gay and have a crush" ...He sat there flustered "Damn..Anyways its getting cold wanna head to your Dorm?" I nodded and we set sail.

We were sitting on my bed "Okay but Like I dont understand, You followed, Why again?" He playfully punched me "You know why, It doesnt matter anymore..We friends now, right?" I chuckled "Hell yah! Just dont follow me-At night-" He rolled his eyes playfuly, He was handsome ngl. A good date....and not for me, what am I thinking?? Pip, He is, Goldy you short bsf, Ex, but he's a bit fine, NO-Bad Panther! FUCK "You good?" I knocked out of my thoughts "Ahem, Yeah, Just ya know thinking-" He looked around "So, who is this crush??" He blushed "Dont worry about it." Hmm.. A boy, Taller than him..Thats 5 people, Danny, Tony, Dave, and UnicornMann. So lets see. Smart crosses Tony off...Kind crosses Dave off, Sharing crosses Danny off, and Looks perfect crosses Ucm off, "...That dont make sense-" Whoops- "What doesnt?" I sighed "Your crush, I thought of all the possible people, and Non match" He chuckled "People have different POVs of people, yk that right?" Thats right... "Shit..Well come on, Tell me" "No." "Please?" "No." "Pleasssssseeeeeee" "Noooooo" "Please!" "Fine its you!" ... "Holy shit it was the person I forgot about-" ... "You forgot about yourself-?" "Stfu it happens" "Okay then-"

"Wanna make out" I asked "What?!" .. "Do you, wanna make out?" He was flustered "I-uh-well-um,I-" I chuckled "I'm just kidding" He frowned "Oh." "I mean...Do you want to?" He stayed silent "Yes." I blushed and was fluster "O-Oh! Alright then..". "Alrighty come here pretty boy" He grabbed my face and Kissed me. He backed away "Youre a good kisser" "stfu before I hand you to Ley and Tony." "Oh okay;-;" He kissed me again. The next moment Cookie busted threw the door. "PIP! oh-" We backed away "Uh-I CAN EXPLAIN-" I said rushing to get up, I fell "Nah, You didnt even tell me? Wow, What a friend;-;" They were being dramatic. She dramatically turned around and left closing the door behind her "AND LOCK THE DOOR!!" ..."YOU WOULD BREAK IT DOWN-" I heard mumbling and then silence "Okay-Since she ruined the moment, wanna just cuddle and Sleep?" He said moving over "HELL YAH!" I rushed onto the bed and hooked onto him like a koala on a tree. Soon I fell asleep in his hands.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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