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Act one

The beach




tw : trauma 

"Are you sure you want to do this alone?"

Akari let out a small nod. She stared at the building next to which Aguni had parked the car. Its was the only apartment building that had the lights on, and that particular game venue hasn't been identified by the beach members. She didn't want to risk it being a diamond or heart game, knowing that most of the times, only one player got out alive. She wiped her hands on the fabric of her white shirt, already sweating from the anxiety of the upcoming game. She had opted for a different attire that evening, her sport bra and sweater replaced by a white button up. She still had her cargo pants on, which made Niragi have a laugh before she got in the car. She didn't leave without a remark on his own clothes, which only left him cursing her as Aguni drove the car away from the beach.

She opened the door of the car and stepped out. She had forgotten her glasses at the beach, something she found herself doing quite often, and she decided not to take her weapons this time.

"Be careful," said Aguni, lowering his head to catch her gaze.

"I'm always careful," joked Akari with an eye roll, but her amusement seemed to die down when she caught Aguni's glare.

"I mean it," he said with a glare before repeating his previous words, "be careful."

Akari's smile dropped and she gave a small nod before shutting the door of the car closed. She took in a big breath, suddenly feeling anxious again, and started walking towards the building. She turned around and waved at Aguni before walking in the building and losing sight of the car. She walked to the reception of the apartment building, where two people were already waiting. She took a phone and stared at it as the facial recognition did its job.

Registration is complete.

Game : 'Don't push the button'

Difficulty : Ace of Hearts

"Ace?" Asked one of the players, his face distorting into a deep frown. The other player frowned at the information and looked back down to her phon as the game instructions started showing up.

Rules :

Each player will be given a room and must follow the instructions.

The player must not press the button.

It is game cleared when the time is up.

Joker | aibTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang