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Act one

The beach





At least two weeks had passed since Hatter decided to take all the cards. Two weeks of playing games for Akari. And just that. Playing games was the only thing that filled her days. She'd wake up, wander around, Niragi following her everywhere she went. She'd have some small things to eat, she'd train in the gym of the resort, and then, when the time for the games came, she would finally wake up.

Hatter had complained about her laziness a few times, not enjoying how she never said anything in the meetings, how she never voiced her opinion and how she'd complain any time he'd ask her to do anything. But, Akari didn't really care. She did her work just by being present. People always seemed to go silent when she passed. At first, she thought it was Niragi, always trailing behind her with his assault rifle lazily held on his shoulder. But it continued happening when she wasn't with him too. So it was her. The militants were supposed to keep the order, and she did just that.

She didn't know, however, the cause of that fear. She didn't do anything to scare the people of the beach. She didn't beat up anybody, she didn't kill anybody, and she certainly didn't say anything bad to anybody (actually, she barely even talked with the people of the beach apart from the executives and Kuina Hikari, a girl she befriended rather quickly). It must have been the sparing competition the militants decided to hold, she thought, remembering how she came out as the winner.

Still, she didn't ponder much on what it was thought of her. The people at the beach started multiplying like germs, and she didn't like it one bit. The militants were growing too, which she didn't really mind, until some started trying to get her into their beds (Hatter's second rule seaming the favourite of all the members). It happened a few times when she was alone, but she managed to walk away. Once, Niragi did intervene, and after that day, she didn't see the man ever again. He probably had enough and left, was Niragi's only response when she asked him about it.

She knew it wasn't the case.

Another member became an executive, and they called him Last Boss. Akari didn't know his real name, the man didn't seem to talk much, and this was exactly the reason the young woman liked him so much. She would often spar with him and they started sharing fighting techniques, especially when Last Boss found out she knew how to wield a sword. Last Boss also made the executive meetings more bearable, which she was thankful for. He refused he seat he was given, opting to stand or lean against the wall or Akari's chair, sometimes even Niragi's. He also remained quiet during the meetings, making the remarks of her own quietness disappear.

Everyday became the same. And for two weeks, Akari played almost everyday. She even got the chance to play a few low heart games. Niragi convinced her to return to the baseball arena one day, not to play but to see if it was still standing. But there wasn't anything there anymore, and rumours started that another seven of spades appeared on the other side of the city. Probably the same game but a different venue. Akari didn't really want to know. None of the players that Hatter sent there came back, which didn't surprise anybody, especially not Akari and Niragi.

That day, it rained. The drops fell against the windshield, but Akari didn't bother to press the button so she could wipe them. She knew the road to the centre of the city by heart, having acted as the militants' driver when she didn't want to participate in the games. She drove to one of the venues and dropped off Niragi and Last Boss, continuing her drive with Kuzuryū and Mira silently. She stopped the car after a few minutes and Kuzuryū got out, waiting for Mira. But the woman didn't move.

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