Strongest Hero vs AFO pt 1!

Start from the beginning

     We start to head out and Kyo squeaked as I asked her quietly if she as okay. "Ooh. Yeah you. Uhh just mmm your huge dick is ohhh right between my folds hehehe." I blushed as I heard that. "Want me to move you love?" She shook her head and said no. I guess that was okay. I nodded. Eri spoke with her three mamas and Kyo was barely able to keep from moaning. A little ways into the drive Eri fell asleep in Mitsu's lap giving her a hug. "Hehe Kyo if you keep grinding on him like that you may cum with an entire class to witness it." Said Mitsu as Kyo whispered back. "Hehe oooh does it uhhh look like I ahhh care?" Momo and Mitsu chuckled though Momo was blushing too as the 5 other 1A girls all rubbed their thighs together. Kyo leaned back as she kept grinding on me and kissed me causing some boys to blush and drop their jaws as all the girls drooled a bit. Aizawa just rolled over and slept. I looked at all the boys. "What? Did you not think or believe I was really married to my rock goddess Kyoka Jiro? She may be built different but she's just as beautiful and sexy as my other wives." I said barely controlling my urge to moan as Kyo kept grinding.

   The whole class was watching in awe as Kyo threw caution to the wind and dry humped far more noticeably. Her moans got a bit louder but not enough to wake up Eri. For another minute she went at it as we both moaned in unison before her back arched and before she let loose the primal lusty screams I kissed her and those powerful moans went into my mouth quieting her down as everyone was stunned at what they just witnessed. The girls are all wishing it was them in Kyo's place. "Holy sh- crap dude did you just make her orgasm from dry humping?" Asked Kirishima. Kyo had fallen atop me with her head in the croock of my neck. "Of course. Haven't you paid any attention when all my wives told you bout my skills in the sexual arena?" The boys werd blown away. "Dude just how good are you in bed?" All 8 girls said as one. "Izuku is a sex god. Nobody can come close to his skills in bed."

      The boys were feeling a bit emasculated by this. I just looked at them as I held Kyo close to me. "Not sorry boys. You just need to practice more on Katsuki and Mineta." They drooped down from that. I whispered with Kyo as they all got depressed. "Are you alright Kyo?" She nodded. "Y-Yes. Just that was t-the best orgasm of m-my life. Hehe can't wait for the r-real humping hehe."  I giggled with her "Me too Kyoka hehe you and Momo may enjoy this trip a lot if can play my cards right. Hehehe don't worry already brought protection hehe."I lean over and kisss Momo as Sero looked on in jealousy. After a few minutes we break for air and I kiss Kyo and then Mitsu for a few minutes each. 

       After a couple hours we arrive to the Cliffside. I laugh as I recognized the WWPC members Pixiebob and Mandalay waiting in the car. I knew already what was bout to happen so I walked Mitsu and the Sleeping Eri to the car. "Sup yo? Oh cool who is the little dude?" I ask as the two women were blushing at us. "Oh right. I am Izuku Strife also known as the Materia Hero: Dekiru. Nice to meet ya!" The women smiled at that as they recognized nd now. "Oh you're the quirkless hero whose considered the world's strongest. I'm Shino Sosaki aka Mandalay. This is my teammate Ryuko Tsuchikawa aka Pixiebob. The little guy is my cousin Kota Izumi. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." Said Mandalay as her and Pixiebob bowed. While Kota just clicked his tongue and shrugged.

     "Aww cute kid." Said Mitsu making Kota blush. "Hehe this is one of my wives. My first wife Mitsuki Strife. And our adoptive daughter is the sleeping snowball here Eri Strife." That broke Pixiebob and Mandalay. "One of? How many wives you have?" I shrugged "10 currently. All the 1A girls Mitsuki and the 2 who aren't here are Rei and Fuyumi Himura." They were both blushing messes at this pint. I cough and Pixiebob then remembers the reason for them being here. "Oh right. Guess we should do the thing huh? Have a safe trip kiddos!" She said as the students paled and were about to rush the bus when taken over the cliffside by a mudslide caused by Pixiebob.  "Stay safe everyone and you need to find the base camp before sunset if you wanna eat tonight!" Shouted Mandalay. Mitsu and I were cackling like fools and accidentally woke up Eri. "Wow pretty kitties!" She said before rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Oh sorry I thought you were cats." The two women smiled brightly. "Hehe its okay little cutie. Its nice to meet you little Eri." Eri smiled at them. They introduced each other and Kota before we all drive to their base.

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