Chapter 9 : Old friends

Start from the beginning

Everyone was talking with each other discussing the next plan
and I was just standing in the corner watching them .

" Aakriti , are you going to stand there forever or what ? " Meghna said and gave me signal to come near her .

" You are coming with us right .Then sit with us ." She said and I took the place beside her. She took my hands and squeezed it lightly while smiling .

My nervousness seems to fade away ..

" I am really happy you are here . Now you can attend my wedding now ."

Vaishnavi said happily .

" Congratulations both of you "

" Thank you " she said .

"But I don't think I will be here for 2 months and I will be back as soon as this gets over ." I said trying to be quite
reasonable .

" No way , you are coming with us . Please , you know I was asking everyone for your number . Please Aakriti come to our wedding "

She was pouting and pleading to me . I was having great difficult to say no to her .

" Leave it Vaishu . If someone really don't want come then we should not force them "

Rahul said in stern voice .

Samir chukled at Rahul comments and gave me cold look...

" But she is not someone . She is our friend and She will definitely come .Right Aakriti ."

Vaishnavi said in response .


1 hour later ....

" Guys ,I think that's enough discussion , now it's time we need to give this stomach something to eat ...." Rohit said while getting up from seat .

" Guess what ! Aakriti made today's dinner for all of us ,Palak Panner and Pulao .....that's going to be amazing ...."

Rohit said happily and rub his hand together in excitement ...

Everyone get up from there sits and moved towards dinning table .

I started to fill the bowls and kept two chapattis in each plate .

Meghna and Vaishnavi also help arranging the palates on table ...

Everyone sat on the chair  but Aryam didn't get up .

" Hey Aryan , What are you waiting for? come here . Take your sit ." Parth said while taking his seat ..

" Actually I already ordered Chiken Biryani for myself .... I develope kind of repugnance towards Palak Panner ..."

He said scrunching his nose .

" Enjoy your Palak Panner Guys " Aryan said . And divert his attention to Mobile .

" Keep some biryani for us too Asshole " Parth muttered.

Slight pain emerge inside me at his comments .

He used like Palak Panner specially made up of my hands .

In next minutes , the bell rang and Aryan get up and opened the door ....and received his parcel .

" Dig in everyone " Rohit said and took the big piece of naan and dipped in the Panner ..

" Yuck..." Rohit said and vomit his food slide empty plate .

And start to rub his tongue with tissue .

" It's very spicy as well as salty ....
It's not Palak Panner . It is salty Panner ."

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