Tanjing's Extra 2

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Li Juan thought for a moment, "Maybe I can try singing?"

Finally, the cameramen had caught up. After all, one had long legs and the other was an athlete. They'd be impossible to catch up to once they started running.

Fortunately, they didn't go very far, otherwise the crew would have a marvelous time trying to film that.

So, the two quickly decided that they were going to sing.

But where would they go to rent an instrument?

"Do you know how to play the guitar?" Tan Jing saw a guitar shop on the side of the road.

"A bit."

The two went and rented a guitar out of that store.

Tan Jing didn't know how to sing nor play the guitar, so the important task of busking was entirely up to Li Juan to do.

To be frank, even though he said to her that his voice was awful and his guitar was bad, she thought that he was just being conservative. Many actors were extremely talented, as many would sing the OSTs of the dramas they starred in.

Since Tan Jing didn't know anything, she tried to get people's attention. Pretending to be street vendors, she yelled, "Busking, busking, ten dollars for a song, twenty dollars for 3. Buy two, get one free!"

Soon enough, some people came. Why would anyone want to listen to people sing in the middle of winter?

But as the figures came closer, they realized that they were photographers and here to gather materials.

They all came over to see what was going on. The man that was going to sing was wearing a hat and sunglasses, but even though they couldn't see his face, they could still tell that he was a good material.

So, they stayed around to see what the two were going to perform.

Hearing that they were charging a song for ten dollars, they felt that it was still too expensive even if they were filming a show, so some people purposely said, "Your market price isn't normal, everyone else charges five dollars a song, what makes your songs worth twice the money?"

Tan Jing: "..." She hadn't done any market research.

However, she couldn't change the prices, as if they cut the price to five, other people might follow and continue trying to lower the price.

She still had some entrepreneurship.

"We just charge ten for a song," Tan Jing responded.

She was also wearing a hat. Even though she didn't wear a mask or sunglasses, no one was able to identify her under her thick winter jacket.

Then, someone took out ten dollars. "I'll have one, can you play '爱如潮水' for me?"

(Note: '爱如潮水' is a very popular song from the Taiwanese singer Jeff Chang)

Tan Jing: "..." Yes!

She turned around, looking at Li Juan. "Our first business is here!"

Li Juan naturally heard that as well.

After tuning his guitar, he began playing and singing.

His voice was deep but still quite nice.

"My love is like the tides, overcoming me like the water..."

However... It was so off-tune!

Tan Jing had a moment when she thought that... He wasn't lying when he said that he sucked at singing.

I Give Half of My Life to YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ