Sean Vs the Indominus

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Meanwhile at ACU headquarters
Sean: Sorry I am late October wouldn't let me leave.
ACU trooper 1: When does he not?
Sean: I don't know he seemed very worried about something.
ACU commander: It's alright you got here just in time we are about to go over the mission objective.
Sean: Well then don't let me keep you.
ACU commander: Alright so we've had a breach in contaminant at paddock 11 and the asset is currently hiding somewhere in the restricted zone luckily we have a tracker on it so we know where to go to find it.
ACU trooper 2: Hey Sean aren't you gonna be in charge of guarding paddock 11.
Sean: Yeah why.
ACU trooper 2: Maybe you could enlighten us on what we are dealing with.
Sean: I wish I could but Claire told me nothing about it.
ACU commander: Hey pay attention!
ACU trooper 2: Sorry.
ACU commander: Alright the asset we will be dealing with is the Indominus Rex, Control has only authorized use of non-lethals.
Sean: What kinda dinosaur is this.
ACU commander: It's a hybrid we don't everything about it yet.
Sean: And control only authorized non lethals, Yeah no I am bringing my battle rifle.
ACU commander: Sean you it's not a good idea to disobey control.
Sean: I don't care if we know almost nothing about this thing then going in with non lethals only will just get us all killed.
ACU commander: I know anyway anyone have any questions?
ACU commander: No good gear up and rally at the motor pool.
Timeskip to the team on their way to the beacon
ACU commander: Keep yours eyes open this thing could be anywhere.
Meanwhile at the control room
Owen: Your going after it with non lethals you need to call this off!
Masrani: We have 28 million dollars invested in this animal we can't just kill it besides we have the best operatives ACU has to offer.
Owen: * looks at the screen with all the operatives heart rates * Why is Sean on this mission.
Claire: Sean is one of our best Operatives we need him in recapturing the Indominus Rex.
Owen: You need to call this mission now these people are going to die.
Vivian: 200ft from objective.
Owen: Call this off no-
Silence filled the room also did anyone hate Claire for saying that
Vivian: 20ft from objective.
Cut back to the ACU Team
ACU commander: Everyone keep your eyes peeled.
Everyone: Yes sir.
By the way this is what Sean is wearing now

The armor he is wearing is bulletproof but mostly in the chest, neck, head, and leg regionsACU commander: Sean get up here with me

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The armor he is wearing is bulletproof but mostly in the chest, neck, head, and leg regions
ACU commander: Sean get up here with me.
Sean: Got it
As Sean moves up with the commander the commander spots something and orders even be to hold
Sean: You see something?
ACU commander: Everyone hold.
The commander moves toward the thing on the ground, it turns out it is the tracking device that was put inside the Indominus, as the commander is looking at the device blood drops down on his arm as he looks to see where the blood came from he and everyone else sees parts of the trees moving it turns out to be the Indominus reveling itself to the ACU squad
As the commander try's to run he is grab by the Indominus, Sean try's to save him but is knock away by the Indominus and he hits a tree very hard cause his heart monitor to flat line making everyone expect Owen to think he is dead, What take places next is a massacrer as everyone try's to subdue the Indominus nothing seems to work all it does seems to piss it off more and more well killing anyone who is unlucky to be it's next target, pretty soon it is just 4 operators left 2 are dragging a wounded operator away well one faces the Indominus unfortunately Pershing, the Indominus gets ready to kill the last three operators but as it is about to do so it hears something
Now if you would kindly imagine/play the most badass song for the remaining of the chapter thank you
Indominus: * looks at Sean *
Sean: Oh I'm gonna kick your ass so bad that your egg shell will feel it!
The Indominus clearly insulted by Sean's words charges at him, as the Indominus charges Sean ready's his AR-15 (forgot to mention what his battle rifle was) He moves out of the way at the last second causing the Indominus to hit a tree and allowing Sean to climb atop it and start doing damage by hitting it with a shock stick near the eye and where it clawed the tracking device out causing the Indominus to roar in pain, it try's to grab Sean and throw him off but he shoots it's hand before it can grab him, Sean then takes his knife out and stabs part of the neck so he can shock the neck (oh also the control room can see what is happening because of dead ACU operative's body cams) As Sean is shocking the neck the Indominus rolls on it side to get Sean off and it works but as soon as the Indominus got up Sean was ready to continue fighting and so the fight continued with Sean shooting weak areas causing pain to shoot though the beast and dodging it's attacks
Sean: Is that all you got you bitch or do you want more.
Indominus: * roars angrily *
Sean's taunt seemed to angry it more causing to charge again Sean got ready to move at the last second again but before he could the Indominus spun around tail whipping him throwing him back against a tree, the Indominus seemed to be proud that it was able to trick Sean and took its time moving toward him, as Sean seemed to lay against the tree unconscious he waited for the Indominus to get close enough to check it off guard, after awhile the Indominus was face to face with Sean it opened its mouth to eat him but as soon as it did this Sean grab a shock stick and stab the roof of the Indominus's mouth causing it to screech in pain and back up, Sean got up ready to continue fighting but all they did was stand there for minutes after a while the Indominus left deciding it wasn't worth the fight leaving Sean victorious
Sean: Thank god that's over.... Everything hurts
This definitely one of my longest chapters sorry this took some time had to plan this one a lot anyway so the next chapter will definitely take some time to come out cause I am gonna go though this chapter for any spelling errors I hope you enjoy and no none of my story's are dead or abandoned I just got to finish others ones before I can focus on others anyway good bye for now

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