A precious boy

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Meanwhile at Gyroshpere valley Sean and October are playing/training.
1 hour before the Indominus escapes
Sean: October come here buddy.
October: *walks over with a object in his mouth*
Sean: Good work October you can drop the ball now.
October: *drops the ball and starts to lick Sean playfully*
Sean: *laughing* Ok ok ok I love you to.
October: *stop licking Sean and starts to nuzzle him*
Sean: You so adorable.
Sean sees a vehicle coming their way
October: *looks towards the vehicle*
Sean: No need to worry October.
The vehicle stops next to Sean and October n's someone gets out
Worker: Sean there you are I've been trying to find you.
Sean: Well you found me what do you need?
Worker: Claire told me to tell you that Masrani is here and that he is likely going to be stopping be to see how you and October have been doing.
Sean: We'll she has me number so just tell her to call me when he is headed my way.
Worker: Ok see you later.
The worker gets back in the car and drives off
Sean: Well the smart thing to do would be to head back but I think we should stay a little longer, What do you think buddy?
October: *nods*
Sean: I'll take that as a yes.
Sean: *sits down next to tree*
October: *sits next to Sean*
October's Pov
I sat down next to Sean and put my head on his lap and then he started to pet me, I like being pet.
After a while he told me he is happy to be with me.
30 mins later
Masrani: Sean how are you doing?
Sean: Mr Masrani I wasn't expecting See so soon, Claire was supposed to call me.
Masrani: I told her not to cause I wanted to talk to you where ever you were with October.
Sean: Oh ok well what is that you what to talk about.
Masrani: I want to talk about October.
Sean: Uhh?
Masrani: There is no need to worry nothing is going to happen to him.
Sean: Oh ok that's good.
Masrani: Look I am gonna be straight forward and tell you.
Sean: Tell me what?
Masrani: The US Army wants to use October as a weapon.
Sean: Over my dead body!
Masrani: Which is why I have thought of a plan.
Sean: Ok.
Masrani: I am having my lawyers write legal document giving you full control of October and should anything happen to you he will still be protected and can't be used as a weapon.
Sean: That's great, I'd give you a hug but I don't want to wake October.
Masrani: It is fine I just wanted to tell you so you would know, The last thing I want is any of these animals to be used as weapons of war.
Sean: You and me both, There is enough death on the battlefield the last thing it needs is animals running wild.
Masrani: Well enough of that enjoy the rest of your day with October.
Sean: You too.
Masrani leaves the two alone
October: *soft roar* Sean is everything ok.
Sean: It's ok October you fine everything is fine.
15 mins later
Sean: October get up buddy we need to head back to the pen.
October: *soft roar* but I wanna stay out here.
Sean: I know you want to stay out here but we need to head back.
October: *soft roar* ok.
The two head back to the pen

Ok so I wanna explain something just in case anyone is confused so when a Dinosaur like October or Ripper or Blue talk when humans are around that can't understand them there will be something like this *loud roar* here before what they are saying is written now if a character like the reader insert character from The Hybrids is talking to a dinosaur character the *loud roar* will not be there unless there is a character that can't understand the dinosaurs is around. I will be trying to follow this rule if I don't then I will go back and edited it in Ok bye for now.

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