Sean's Job

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Sean: [looking at the indoraptor] I got to give you name.
Sean: How about October do you like that name?
October : [starts to lick Sean's hand]
Sean: I'll take that as a yes, ok we are here, all right listen October I need to hide you in my bag for right when I talk to Owen cause I don't want him to freak out when he sees you, you got that.
October : [gives a small nod]
Sean walks into the building with October in his bag
Owen: Look who finally made it what took you so long.
Sean: Wu pulled me aside for something I need to show you later.
Owen: Sounds like you had a good time.
Sean: Not really but anyway what did you need me for.
Owen: I want the Raptors to get used to you so that if you ever have to they won't try and attack you.
Sean: Ok
Owen: Also I wanted to show you this
Owen and Sean turn to the Raptors play area
Owen: [presses clicker] Blue, Charlie, Echo, Delta form up.
The raptors all stop what they are doing and get in line leaving Sean speechless
Owen: Pretty cool right.
Sean: You got them to listen to you?
Owen: Well yes and no, Blue listens to me and repeats the same command to the rest.
Sean: Impressive, Wait so how are you going to get them used to me.
Owen: I was going to have you feed them, Here take this. [hands Sean food for the Raptors]
Sean: Is there a certain way you want me to feed them?
Owen: Not really they are still babys so there isn't much they can do to harm you just be careful.
Sean: Ok
Sean starts to feed the Raptors one at a time starting with Blue by putting the food in his hand as he is doing this Charlie smell something coming from his bag and goes to investigate what's inside.
Owen: Charlie seems really interested in your bag.
Sean: Or she is just hungry.
Owen: So hungry she's poking her head inside.
Sean: WHAT! [turns to see Charlie sticking her head in the bag]
Sean: Shit [holds a piece of food in front of Charlie to get her attention and tosses it]
Charlie: [looks at the food and goes after it]
Owen: Everything ok?
Sean: I hope.
Sean opens the bag to see October in a sleeping position awake
Sean: Everything is alright.
Owen: Sean what's in the bag?
Sean: The thing Henry pulled me aside for.
Owen: And that would be?
Sean: A hybrid [pulls October out of the bag]
Owen: What is it?
Sean: A indoraptor, Wu didn't tell what it is made of but I think the base genome is Velociraptor.
Owen: So it can talk to the Raptors then?
Sean: I think since Charlie poked her head in the bag I think they were talking.
Owen: Should we test to see if it can?
Sean: I was going to ask you that also I should mention that he is a male so we are going to have to separate them during spring time.
Owen: Good to know also what's his name?
Sean: October.

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