Ch. 2.6

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It's currently been twenty four hours since Bella left for Italy, dad has called Renee but that only resulted in an argument, mom was happy Bella is finally "seeing the world", dad however, is angry she left in the middle of the schools year, without supervision, and without letting anyone know.
Both dad and I are in the kitchen when the front door opens and in comes Bella and Edward. Dad immediately stands and Bella just stares at him. Idiot.
"Bella, what the hell were you thinking?!" Dad yells and she turns to Edward and whispers for him to go to her bedroom. "No! He's leaving!"
"No 'buts', Bella. You left the country without telling me. You are grounded, that means no phone and no Edward." Dad says and I smirk, finally she gets repercussions for her actions.
"For how long?" Bella asks, jaw dropped.
"As long as I feel like it." He says to her before turning to Edward, "Leave. Now." Edward bids goodbye to Bella before walking out and soon driving away. Bella huffs and runs to her room.
"Am I being too harsh?" He asks me.
"No. She left the country and didn't tell anyone. She has school tomorrow and instead of doing her homework, got on a plane to Italy. If I were you, I'd send her to stay with Renee." I say before going to make a turkey and cheese sandwich seeing as it is now noon and I haven't eaten.

It's been three weeks, Embry and I have been embracing our next level relationship, but I've fallen ill. I can barely keep anything down and it has me thinking, has he been using protection? Every time we do it, my brain is basically out of it, so I can't really recall but I am too scared to ask him.
Dad's working until midnight tonight, Bella is taking advantage of it and spending the time at the Cullens residence, and Embry has patrol. Which leaves me with an empty house, but instead of spending it watching movies, I find myself in the bathroom. Waiting. Waiting for what you ask, well, the three home pregnancy tests I'be taken to be done processing. As my timer goes off, I quickly check all three to see that they all have a plus sign. Shit! I don't know what to do, how am I going to tell Embry? How the hell am I going to tell Dad?

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