Play Time

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You both walk in and order a coffee before sitting down in a booth and looking around - it was quite busy for a weekday afternoon. "Alright then." You begin. "This is how it's gonna go. You're gonna swap one thing with me and another person but I won't be aware of the swap. All I have to do is guess what you've swapped. Once you've swapped me, we'll reset and I'll do it to you. Got it?"
"Got it." Aisling replies. You quickly play rock paper scissors to see who will go first, and its...

you! You look around the cafe for a swap which you feel will be quite big that she won't notice. Just as you're thinking, the waiter drops your coffees off. "Thanks buddy." You say, as you swap Aisling's and his clothes. Now, your girlfriend is wearing the coffee shop uniform and the waiter is wearing Aisling's black sweater and jeans. Every piece of clothing has changed, including underwear, so you catch a quick glimpse of the waiter's new bra poking out. "Okay then, fire away. What have I done?" You question, grinning. Aisling looks around for a good minute, but turns back clueless. "I actually don't know!" She giggles. She picks up her coffee and notices the lid isn't on the cup properly, so coffee spills down her. "No, not my apron! Hooooold on."
"Go on.." you grin.
"Why would I be wearing the uniform if I don't work here? Did you swap me with the waiter?"
"Bingo!" You reset the swap. "Alright, your turn."
Aisling picks her device up, searches for a bit and turns back round, activating a swap.
"Okay then." you whisper as you check everything. "Clothes seem alright, hair seems alright, personality? No, that seems alright. Oh my god, this is hard." You say, crossing one leg over the other.
"Take a closer look." She replies.
"That doesn't help." You say with a straight face. "Ermmmmm, nope. Give up."
"Doesn't work like that."
"Ugh, really?" you groan. "I genuinely can't see any difference!"
"Alright, do you really want an obvious hint?" Aisling grins.
"Yeah, go on then." you mutter as you stare down at your body, check your clothes, read your licenses and look at your phone. Your feminine reflection is exactly the same, so it can't be that.
"Okay. Heheheee! It's going to be so obvious when I tell you to look over at that girl on her laptop over there." She giggles. You look over to where she points and see a girl on a laptop, surprise surprise. A perfectly normal girl, with short hair and a smaller frame, she really only looks about 16. "One minute." You say, looking at yourself one more time. "It's her! Did you swap our bodies?"
"Hahah! It took you so long! Yep, that's you." Aisling yells.
"No, surely not! This has always been me! That's so weird! I've always looked like this. Well, I mean, to me I have. God, its so strange being on the receiving end of a swap. I guess I can't really check myself out either, as I'm so used to it! Alright, swap me back so I can save this body for another time."
Aisling resets the swap before beginning to look for another option, and you save the girl's tanned body into your BSD. "Ooh, got one!" She says.
"What? No, we need to get going." You declare as you both walk out of the cafe.

Body Swap Device: Update Number TwoWhere stories live. Discover now