Animal Swap

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You both arrive at the nature reserve - Aisling decides that she wants to be a puffin, so you went along with her and swapped with a puffin too - you also give yourself and Aisling the possibility to talk to each other using your brains, and made it so the swap lasted an hour. You look at your new small body, and feel the fish you just caught in your mouth. "This is so weird!" you hear Aisling say to you. "We're animals!"

Around 45 minutes passes by and you and Aisling are still running round like little puffins. Well, as little puffins. Everything seems to be going well, until you feel a loud scream in your head - from Aisling.
"Help! Some seagull thingy's got me and I'm going to d- OH MY GOD!" This cry for help was followed by another scream, before complete deafening silence. You try calling for her using your brain: "Aisling?!" then by calling like a puffin. You spend the last 10 minutes or so as a puffin looking for Aisling, but there's no luck. You swap back to your own body, which is sitting in your room watching Netflix. Your mum appears at the door.
"Jack, sweetie. I've just got a call from Aisling's mother." She sniffles, then continues her sentence. "She, um, collapsed when she got home before, and, the ambulance team, they, tried their best-"
"No, surely not..." You sit up in disbelief.
"I'm so sorry, Jack." 
You burst into tears and hug your mother for support. Six months together, and she was gone. You sat down to think after your mum went back downstairs, and realised the sad truth. If you die as an animal, your human form dies at the same time. You didn't just hear a puffin die - you heard Aisling die. Your best friend. Your girlfriend. Gone.

Body Swap Device: Update Number TwoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora