With a sharp gasp, my heart clenches as my eyes lock on to a silver ring with a purple gemstone tied within the twine wrapped around the bouquet.

It was a ring I lost at Stu's party two years ago.

Untieing the knot, I let the ring drop into the palm of my hand as I slowly sit on the bed, gazing at it.

The ring had been a Christmas gift from Billy and Stu, well mostly Stu, who had picked it out and purchased it. Apparently, the purple gemstone was for healing and protects you from negative energy, or so the woman at the store told them.

I held my stomach as a small sob escaped me. Who had found my ring, and how had they delivered it to my dorm? Did they even know the meaning of the jewelry and how much it meant to me?

Slipping the ring back onto my finger, it felt as if I had never lost it, but as much as I would love to pretend that I wasn't curious and scared about who had found it, I was.

Had Sidney been keeping it all this time and was now taking back her revenge in scaring me?

Billy and Stu were both dead. Other than them, my sister was the only person I could think of who knew both where I was and knew about the ring.

Although deep down, I knew it wasn't my sister. The flowers were the biggest clue; she wouldn't even visit me, let alone send me something as nice as flowers.

My mind wandered to my brother for a moment until I could also rule him out. He'd never met any of my friends, and I hadn't seen him in almost 10 years.

I was genuinely perplexed at who it could have been.

Remembering my appointment, I picked my bag back up and continued on the journey I was trying to make before finding the flowers, albeit more dazed than I was earlier.

Weird how a bunch of flowers could do that to a person.

Brushing past all the other students who were happily chatting and going about their days, I couldn't help but feel a little paranoid. It was almost like I could feel eyes on me at that very moment.

Everyone was quickly becoming suspicious to me.

"Kat!" I heard a voice yell as I crossed the campus. Turning slightly, I sighed, seeing my twin waving her hand at me and calling my name loudly.

Ignoring her, I quickened my pace, not expecting her to try and keep up. I knew whatever she wanted wasn't good, so it could wait until after my appointment with the head psychologist of the psychiatric unit I was kept in.

Soon Sidney's voice was drowned out by my entering the main reception area of the campus. I nodded at the receptionist, who motioned me to go to the room with the open door and Dr. Myers waiting by it patiently.

Eyeing the two chairs in the room facing each other, I quickly opted for the one that faced the door, even though I knew that was the one Dr. Myers was sitting in because her bag and notebook were placed next to it.

As she raised an eyebrow at me and sat in the other chair, I gave a broad, obviously fake grin, but she didn't mention it as she greeted me, "It's been a while, Katherine. How are you doing?".

I was just about to spin a tale of how great my life was in college and how well I was doing when the door burst open. My jaw clenched as my sister stood in the doorway with the receptionist stuttering behind her about a private meeting.

Dr. Myers began to ask Sidney who she was when my voice spoke over her with venom. "What the hell are you doing, Sidney?" my eyes had gone hard as I glared at my sister.

"Sidney?" Dr. Myers perked up hearing my twin's name come from my lips. "Your twin sister Sidney?" As I nodded, the doctor got up to shake hands with Sidney introducing herself as my doctor.

Standing up defensively, all I wanted was for my sister to leave. She couldn't be here for this. She didn't care two years ago, so she shouldn't get to know.

"I was, uh, just calling Kat to talk to her, and she scurried off," My sister politely laughed, sounding all innocent and caring. "I'll admit I followed her to talk about an incident we had a few days ago."

My chest heaved as I felt enraged. "You need to leave now," was all I could say without sounding like I wanted to kill my sister in front of the looney doc.

"Actually, I was thinking that now Sidney's here, it might be good to have a session together" My eyes widened at the doc's words, and my sister smiled brightly. "Maybe we could air out some of your problems?"

Sidney blinked as if taken aback. "Problems? I wasn't aware we had any problems? At least none needed to be dealt with by a professional" my hands clenched into fists.

I walked around the back of the chair and gripped it tightly. "I only have one problem, doc; she was born 2 minutes before me and has been the bane of my existence since!"

My sister gasped and crossed her arms with an annoyed expression as if I was the one who was in the wrong here. "Uh, I'm standing right here." she gave a small wave.

"Yeah? Well, I wish you weren't," I threw back at her as the doc stood between us, observing my hands on the chair as if worried I would throw it at my sister at any moment.

That honestly wasn't a terrible idea.

Dollhouse | scream series ²जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें