Why this life?

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Todoroki POV:
My body was aching with pain.
Why? Why do I have to wake up another day? To live and to die? My eyes shot open with realisation, I know damn well I'm supposed to be waking up early today it's as if... I don't care.

I don't give a damn

Not a single shit

As if caring will change my fate

We're all living to die

So what's the point of living at all?

I might as well fall asleep and never wake up

I just wanna shut my eyes and drift away.

After all, I don't care

Why care?

Why live?

Why this life?

I shook my head till my dizziness was overwhelming. What just happened?
Your fine. It's fine. I'm fine. I'm.. fine? Yea I am. I just need to live. For.. For.. Wait.. What's my reason? Where is it? I can't find it.

I can't find my reason for living
There is one..


Endeavor POV:

Why is that brat not awake? I told that piece of shit for brains to wake up at this time!
I stomped through the hallway to my worthless son's room.
Does he actually think I wouldn't notice if he skipped training? Did he think I would let him go that easily? Does he think I wouldn't punish him? Because I will. I will. Don't worry, I'll knock that thought right out of you, Shoto.


Todoroki POV:

Andd.. There he goes. The number one hero yelling my name like a physcopath once again.
I don't have the energy or power to get up. My body is still numb from last night's training. Can't I have a break from doing this every single day?
"Yes father?"
"What time do you think it is?"
Bitch o'clock obviously.
Maybe if I act clueless he'll have a little sympa- No. He never does. Not for me. Not for Fuyumi. Not for Natsuo. Not for goddamn fucking Touya. Not even for his own fucking wife.

Is there any point in calling you "father" anymore when you aren't a father to me?

You make me sick Endeavor.

No.. This isn't Endeavor.

This isn't a mighty hero who protects people.

The hero that you expect to come to your rescue no matter what.

Because Endeavor doesn't exist.

Your just a fraud.

You make me sick Engi Todoroki.

And as long as I live,

Which won't be long,

That will never change.

Suddenly, my check began more numb than it was before from a lethal slap. At least, that's how it felt.

"How pathetic. This is the boy who expects to be like me?"
"I would never want to be a lowlife like you!"
.............. Oh shit.
Is this the day he kills me?
The day I-
Beep Beep
My alarm!
"Oh uh.. gotta go shower!"
I sprinted away without looking back because I know if I did I would see a face full of evil intentions (like ways to kill your son.)
His screams of anger echoed behind me, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get away from him. Get away from this house. Get away from this life. Be free.

516 words
I had fun writing this ngl.
Sorry if it's short I'll try make it longer next time so you guys can get more story. Bye for now :)

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