Zane: Their culture appears to be built around the hunting of dragons and exploiting their elemental powers.

Kai: Then it's a good thing we kept our identities secret.

Man with mask: Ah! Welcome to the Dead's End! May I have your parts when you expire?

He asked very creepy as Zane quickly moved out of the man's grasp, not wanting to be torn apart.

Kai: At least we know what to call this dump. But what do you think of this "Slab"? And what's "The Pit"?

Jay: Duh. It's most likely an arena. A brutal tradition, but exciting nonetheless. I, for one, can't wait!

Kai: This isn't good, Jay. It's bad. And it's only gonna get worse.

Jay: Aw, lighten up. We're in an exotic realm, discovering new cultures, meeting interesting people.

Kai: People who wanna kill us, Jay!

Zane: Oh, boy. I believe Jay's mental state has made him useless to our plight.

He pointed out as Kai noticed something very familiar that was being torn apart and being used to build vehicles and weapons.

Kai: Hey! That's ours!

Zane: Let's just hope Cole and Alex can rescue us from out of this mess.

He mumbled as they were being led to a strange building and outside of the village, Cole spotted them.

Cole: They're headed towards that arena. But I don't think they're going to see a show.

Wu: Then we have to go in there and break them out. Come on!

He said impatiently as he was about to jump down to the village and free the others as Cole quickly grabbed the back of his jacket while Alex, who was using his powers, kept an eye on them.

Cole: Are you crazy? The place is crawling with hunters and getting caught isn't on my to-do list.

Alex: And if we went in there, crazily, we just get caught and then we can't escape from this realm.

He said as Cole continued watching the three using his hands as binoculars.

Cole: We're gonna have to wait it out.

Wu: Don't put off till tomorrow what can be done today.

Cole: Uh? Did you- -?

Alex: I think he did.

Cole: Did you just use my words against me?

Wu: They were my words first. You just borrowed them.

Cole: I'm not putting anything off. I'm trying to come up with a plan.

Alex: What do you expect us to do? Go and take them on all by ourselves?

He complained as Wu pulled a spy glass out from his pocket as this confused Cole.

Cole: Since when did you have that?

Wu: I borrowed it earlier. Like how you borrowed my wisdom.

Alex: He's got you there.

Wu: There. We can use that. We can use disguises.

Cole: Ah... I don't know. Disguises haven't worked out so good for me in the past.

He said as Wu handed him the spy glass as the earth ninja spotted the young master heading to the village.

Cole: Master Wu! Get back here! Wu!

Lego Ninjago X Male Oc Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now