"I cannot forget him. My heart does not want me to. I do not know what to do. Should I drink until I lose consciousness or sit here and keep wishing that he comes over and sits next to me?"

"My lord, do you like him in that special way?"

He looked down at the words that he had written in the dirt. Love? Such a strange ailment. He had never imagined it would strike him down this way.

Kairav breathed out loudly and squeezed his wrist to comfort him.

"This is your first time experiencing something like this, my lord. This emotion knows no mercy. I can see the pain in your eyes already. It has infected you badly."

"Then what do I do? How do I stop it? This pain in my heart? Why did I see him and fall so quickly?"

Adhi shook his head in disbelief. His eyes were focused on Zyaan as he watched Rin and Reiji sparring. A smile dawned on his lips. He could not stop admiring this ethereal person who had inflicted him with such suffering.

"I cannot forget him. Not even in a hundred lifetimes. He is a part of my soul. I cannot simply throw him away."

"Then fight for him. You are stronger than anyone else I know. Even this sharp-tongued, terrifying little Olin will crumble before you. Do not let up. Just as in battle, seek out his weaknesses and attack. Counter every move he makes. I have seen you do it countless times. Only this time, you do not battle with swords and axes. You battle using the power of your heart."

Adhi smiled, his confidence returning. The sadness slowly began to dissipate, being replaced by a growing hope.

He bounced to his feet and stretched. His movements caught Zyaan's attention. He rolled his eyes, but Adhi did not let it bother him. Suddenly, the world seemed colorful and dreamlike again. The wind was melodic, and the stars created a masterpiece for him to gaze at. He buried the worries beneath the understanding that he could win this battle of hearts if he kept fighting.

Kalaya emerged from her tent wrapped in a fur blanket, lured by the happy shouts and cheers of the spectators of the friendly fight.

"You seem interested, my lord," Kairav said suddenly. He rolled onto his knees. Adhi held his hand out to him. He planted his feet on the ground to keep from falling over as he helped the man up. "Whew! That is all the exercise I need for the night." He doubled over, caught his breath, and then threw his voice to the wind and said, "Why not join in the fun? Show them your magnificent skills, Lord Adhi?"

Reiji stopped and looked at Adhi. A smile dawned on his sweaty face. "Yes, why not? Come on, let us practice together. Let me see those legendary skills of the great Akai prince."

Zyaan shifted his seating position, his face plastered with curiosity. Prompted by his reaction, Adhi crossed the campsite to where they were.

"Adhi!" Kalaya called. "Show him how an Akai warrior fights."

Adhi gave the man a kind smile to soothe the wound, having come to understand how badly words could injure.

Rin handed the wooden sword to Adhi, and he looked down at it. Lifting his head, he settled his sight on Zyaan. His face had grown stony, but Adhi countered with a soft smile and then refocused his attention. He pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind and fixed his body into an attack stance. Reiji nodded in understanding and took his pose to ready himself.

Adhi had never fought a man like Reiji. He viewed it as a chance to learn. The Aisu prince was bigger and stronger, but Adhi did not need physical strength to win.

"Wait!" Zyaan said, his voice piercing the night. They all waited as the Olin rose to his feet, glowing in the light of the fire. "This is not a fair fight. Lord Reiji has already been fighting. He must be tired. I will fight you instead."

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