This Olden Crown / A Burden to Bear

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My only love sprung from my only hate!
Too early seen unknown, and known too late!
Prodigious birth of love it is to me,
That I must love a loathed enemy.

William Shakespeare

THIS OLDEN CROWN!(    ❝ well

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(    well . . . happy birthday. ❞   )
(    oh, i'm real happy i nearly died.    )

━━ DELANEY MCKNIGHT was in a pretty shitty predicament. By shitty predicament, she means seemingly she did something horrible some months back and people hate her for it. Which, that sounds like Delaney, but the problem is, she doesn't feel any regret.

               Why feel regret when she was entirely justified in what she had done?

               Delaney would feel bad if the gods had changed; but just how it would end, they hadn't. They never changed their ways. But she figured that wasn't shocking. They were thousands upon thousands of years oldthey took 'stuck in their way' far too literally. And even if Delaney felt a sliver of guilt, she would never apologize. She had every right to fight for her and other children of minor gods!

               And that wasn't Delaney's only problem. A rather annoying goddess had reared her ugly head and given her about a hundred more problems. Whichthat was right up the gods' alley. They loved creating problems for the half-bloods. Delaney not only had been shipped off to some run-down school in the middle of Armpit, Nevada, but she also had to help said goddess.

              And not only that, but now Delaney had to rear her head back at a place that hated her guts. ( Perhaps they were also justified in their hatred for her, but whatever. ) And not only was Delaney supposed to show up there, but she was also supposed to work with half-bloods she had been fighting against months back. Like, what the hell?

               To make things so much worse, the demigods she was supposed to work with were annoying. This blond boy who couldn't even recall his own name ( what a dumbass ), this scrawny guy that could shoot fireballs out of his hands, a girl who had a missing dad that was apparently some mega superstar, and some girl who hated her guts ( which was not that shocking considering they had fought on opposite sides last summer ).

               So now, Delaney was stuck with the ragtag quest members of the century and having to help the goddess that had been the catalyst in this whole fucking problem.

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