I love you

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(a/n, hehehehhehehehhehehehhehe)

[Moon's PoV]

As I looked down at the "intruder", I could hardly believe my eyes. This wasn't any form of intruder I had ever seen- Far from it.

This was Montgomery.

"..Hey." He breathed weakly, smiling although very clearly in pain. I instantly scooped him up in my arms, though it felt wrong now. Especially after what I had just done.

"..Hah. See you're..Still pretty strong.." Monty said. I felt warm blood trickling down from my claws.

God was I guilty.

"We need to get you to parts and services." I said, keeping my voice as level as I could. I could hardly believe Monty had the audacity to show up here. After what he told the employee. After what they had told me.

"Wait- No-" Monty insisted, slipping away from me and waving his hands. "See- I can still stand! I'm- I'm fine. I don't need parts and services, I swear."

"Why don't you want to go? I'm trying to help."

"They're- If they see that you did this to me, they'll make sure I never see ya again." Montgomery pointed out, and I felt sick.

"As if you actually care." I growled, grabbing Monty by the wrist. "We're going to parts and services whether you want to or not."

"What-?" He asked, as if he were confused. "Why would I not care-? I– I love you! You and Sun!"

I tightened my grip on Montgomery's wrist. "You dirty liar."

"What- Whaddaya mean??"

"You know exactly what I mean!" I yelled, unable to stop tears from coming to my eyes.

"What- I don't, though?? I love ya, Moon, but-"

"Stop." My voice wavered.

"..I don't- I don't understand." Monty said. "I don't get it. Why- What happened?"

"That employee told me everything." I confessed. "Told me how you thought of us as a game. Something you could use to pass the time."

"What the hell-?!" Monty seemed shocked. Lies. "I don't- Wh- What??? I–"

"Save your pathetic excuses." I growled out. "I don't want to hear them."

Monty paused for a moment, seeming perplexed as he stood there. He grabbed my hand, holding it as gently as he seemed capable of. He was shaking.

"..I don't- I don't know what yer talkin about.." Montgomery started, then sighed. "But I don't hate ya. I- I never could."

"..Are you lying?" I asked.

"Do ya trust me?" He grinned.

"..I..Suppose so.."

Monty chuckled, warm and light, before..Hugging me.

"..I love you, ya idiot."

I paused for a moment before hugging back, tears finally beginning to fall.

"I love you too."

(404 words!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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