Day One.

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(a/n, thanks for the votes n stuff! im gonna be adding some art to this and maybe taking requests for where to take the story since i have no idea lol. anyway, happy reading!!)

[Monty's PoV]

Whelp. Huh. I was gonna be staying with Sun for uh..A week. Funky. I stepped up to the daycare doors and pushed them open, only to be met with Sun's extendo-arms lifting me up yet again.

"OH HELLO FRIEND!! I'M SO EXCITED- 7 WHOLE SLEEPOVERS! 7!!!" Sun pulled me into a tight hug, spinning me around, fast. 

"Jeez, Sun- Put me down!" I yelled. I was getting../Very/ dizzy.

"Oh! Sorry, friend!!" Sun gently placed me on the ground. I took a moment to regain my balance, stumbling around a bit.

"Woah- Friend, are you okay???" Sun put my arm around his shoulders, holding me up. I felt my face heat up a bit. Fuck- Why was I getting all flustered over /this/??? Fuck fuck fuck fuck-

"I'm fine, man-" I said, steadying myself. "You don't need to help me. Just some maintenance shit. Nothin' to worry about."

"Language, friend!!"

"Language /this/-" I pulled back my fist, ready to swing when..I tripped again. I was..A bit disoriented. For some reason I couldn't see, probably because my eyes or somethin- But when I came back to my senses, Sun was..Holding me. He caught me, I guess? I blushed even more. God fucking DAMN this guy's cute-

"Are you okay, Monty?" fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck

"Yep. I'm cool." I covered my eyes with my glasses, smiling cockily. I was trying to seem cool, even though I was probably as red as..I dunno, a red thing.

"Are you sure?" Sun looked me in the eyes, gently holding my cheek. "You're burning up!"

FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK "I-I dunno what you're talking about, bud. I'm chill." I gently grabbed Sun's wrists, pushing them away from me. 

"Oh- Alright!!" Sun grabbed me again with his extendo-arms, spinning me around. "So whaddaya wanna do??? We could finger paint- Or we could play a game- Or- OOOO!! MAYBE WE COULD-"

"Maybe we should just chill- please put me down-" I said, and Sun dropped me on the ground. I got up and dusted myself off. "Ow."

"Sorry friend!! Ooo- Wanna play hide and seek again?" Fuck.

"Sure, lil dude." I said, adjusting my glasses. "You hide, I seek."

"Oh- But your legs!!" Sun ran over, clearly worried.

"I'll be /fine/, Sun. Promise." 

"Oh, fine!! I'll go hide!!" Sun then ran off as I put my hands over my eyes.

"Okay! I'm gonna start counting. One..Two..threefourfiveTEN!" Counting Fast To Get Ahead In A Game Of Hide And Seek (TM). Always works. But, by the time I uncovered my eyes..Sun was already hiding. Weird. Guess he's quick on his feet or somethin. Not really what I'd expected, since he's so..Tall.

I walked around the daycare, climbing the playground stuff, looking absolutely everywhere for this guy. I mean, with how tall he is, you would expect him to be easy to find, right? Well he's about as hard to find as that Waldo guy, which is sayin somethin for sure. As I was looking around, I checked my phone. 1:50 AM. Plenty of time, I guess.

Suddenly, I began to hear the jingling of bells. /Perfect/. This was gonna be easy. I began to follow the sound of the bells, which, for some reason, were going..Basically everywhere, until they stopped..In a slide. I laughed. Might as well humor the guy.

I climbed over the top of the playground, hopping on the top of the slide (it's one of those tube-y ones) and sitting down, knocking on the outside of the slide. 

"WHOAH- Oh- Just you!" I heard Sun say, his bells jingling slightly. "I mean- Uh- No one's here! Nope!" 

I snickered at Sun's desperate attempt to stay hidden. After a couple minutes of following around the sound of bells, I was ready to get this guy. I decided to check my phone once more before I caught Sun, just to see how much time I'd spent trying to find him. 1:59. Hah! Only 9 minutes. Maybe I was better at hide and seek than Sun!

After about a minute..The lights went out. 


I heard the jingling of bells once more, followed by a low giggle. FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK-

A clawed hand came out of the slide, grabbing the side of the multi-colored plastic.

"So.." A low voice said, another clawed hand grabbing the opposite side of the slide. I watched as two red eyes began to rise out of the slide, cutting through the dark.

"We meet again."

(cliffhanger lol. 770 words)

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