Two-In-One Deal.

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(a/n, sorry for not writing for a bit, a bunch of stuff happened lol)

[Monty's PoV] 

(also there was a timeskip to the night because im /lazy/ lol)

I sat down on top of the playground, just kinda..Watching over everything. I mean, I didn't have much to do. The lights weren't off yet, so I could just..Chill, I guess. I stayed up there for a bit, overlooking Sun playing with..Sock puppets that looked like /us/?? Kinda weird, but it seems like there was an interesting story unfolding between them. I decided to try and listen in. From up there, I couldn't hear much, but I could see for sure.

After a while of watching Sun playing with his sock puppets, the guy finally noticed me.

"Oh- HELLO FRIEND!!" Sun yelled, waving to me. "..COULD YOU COME DOWN??"

I decided to fuck with him a little, because why not. "What if I don't, huh??"


"Fine, fine." I said, hopping down and running over to Sun.

"Thank you, friend!!" Sun clapped happily, pulling me into a tight hug before spinning me. Still not used to that. "What do you wanna do now that the kids aren't here???? Do you wanna finger paint, or play a game, or-"

Just as I was about to answer, I noticed something. Sun../Glitched/. Weirder still, I noticed that one of the lightbulbs had suddenly turned off. I held Sun's cheek.

"You okay, Sunshine??" I asked as he began glitching even more.

"Y-YES! Yes- I'm fine, friend!!" He said, gently pushing me away.

"What's going on? You're glitching-"

"NOTHING! Nothing! J-Just..Uhm.." He glitched even more. "Go..OVER THERE!" He pointed at the opposite wall, using his free hand to push me over there.

"hey- Sun!" I was..Confused, to say the least. Sun suddenly collapsed.

I ran over, crouching down to be at Sun's level. "Holy piss- Sun?? SUN!?" I was..Extremely worried. About a billion thoughts were racing through my head. I mean, Sun could've been concussed! In a coma- Dead! I had absolutely NO idea.

And that's when he began to stand up.

He looked..Different than Sun. Different than Moon, too. Maybe..A mix of them? They stood up, smiling wickedly. Thing is, they were tall as FUCK. As they smiled down at me, I took a few steps back. This was gettin a lil' bit freaky.

"Hello, Montgomery.." They walked closer to me, towering over me. "Hehhh..We're quite../Tall/..In this form, don't you think..?"

oh my FUCK

I backed up even further, trying to keep my composure. The unfortunate thing is, I backed /straight/ into a wall. "..Who..Who /are/ you??"

"/We/.." They corrected me, getting even /closer/. "..are Eclipse, mr. Rock and Roll." Eclipse chuckled lowly, leaning their arms on the wall behind me. I felt a blush creep onto my face as Eclipse spoke. "And we already /know/ who /you/ are.."

oh my fazfuck im gay

"T-Then who am I..?" I asked. The only reason I did so was to keep myself talking. The only thing distracting me from Eclipse was trying to find out how to make sarcastic comebacks.

"/You/.." Eclipse leaned in close. "Are our /handsome/.." Their claws began to dig into the wall behind me as they spoke. "/Perfect/..Little Starshine.." 

I blushed even more as I felt Eclipse's hand move to tilt my chin up to face them. I was speechless.

They giggled. "What's wrong, tough guy..?" They asked. 'Cat got your tongue?~"

I gently grabbed the ruffles on their wrist, clearing my throat nervously. "I-I..Uhm..Nope. Just choosing not to answer you."

"Ohhh..You are now??" They smiled wickedly, an idea forming in their head. "So you'll just..'Choose' to ignore us when we do.." They ran their hand down to my neck, playing with my spiked choker. "This??"

holy FUCK

I covered my face with my hand, looking away from Eclipse and trying to hide how FUCKING RED I WAS. Eclipse moved their hand back up to my cheek, turning my head to face them. jesus FUCK im SO gay-

"I'm over here, Starshine." They winked, meanwhile I was getting redder by the second. 

"You know.." Eclipse smiled wickedly and traced my bottom lip with their thumb. god im gay. "You're quite cute, even while ignoring us like this."

I managed to keep my mouth shut, not responding to /anything at all/. Which you would /think/ is easy, but when both of your crushes just merged into one and now they're flirting with you..godDAMN 

Eclipse then kissed me on the cheek, causing me to turn a thousand different shades of red. god. DAMN. "Oh golly~" They giggled. "/That/ got you real flustered, didn't it, R&R??"

According to my code, this was too damn much. So, I overheated. Again. god FUCKING dammit.

(754 words!)

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