Inches away from him, Ocean frowned as she looked at Niall's series of expressions. She could tell he was hurt by her words at the way he looked down and away from her, but wasn't entirely sure what other things were running through his mind. It looked like Niall was contemplating something and weighing things in his head, and she wondered if he was going to agree to her matter-of-factly statement without any form of objection. 

She didn't want to hear anything blunt come out of his mouth, in fact, she wanted to hear something deeper come from him. Although she was hesitant to admit it, she really wanted Niall to express to her how he felt about her.

The thought of seeing him with another girl frankly upset Ocean, and she huffed at the frustration that her heat was telling her to stop fighting him and to keep him close. But she was stubborn as hell; however, she couldn't backtrack from what she had just said and wasn't going to surrender that easily. However, if Niall felt like asking her again, she would happily comply.

"I suppose.." Niall finally said before adding, "But I would miss you." 

He wanted to keep it real with enough to leave the door ajar for her to follow in. He was expecting her to laugh coldly and say something mean back, but he sure as hell didn't expect her to do what she did next.

Ocean leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips, "I suppose I would miss you too." She mumbled silently almost to herself, but Niall heard the words loud and clear.

A grin crept proudly over Niall's face as he reached down to cup her ass firmly. 

Niall wanted to tease her about what she had said earlier, but he decided against it. It was best to tread lightly and simply accept her words and move on. 

"Would ya want to come up with me then?" He asked, cautious of what Ocean's response might be.

There was a moment of silence as Ocean weighed the option in her head. Her inner rebellious side, that wanted to fight her feelings was about to retort but she pushed it down and instead decided to risk the outcome into saying yes. Even before agreeing, Ocean was inwardly smiling, but her voice showed her expression even if her features were hiding it.

"I guess I can."

"Sick!" Niall expressed happily and grinned at her, tapping his hands on the curve of her ass. "It'll be like a li'le road trip."

"There will be no songs of yours playing in the car though,"

"Don't worry, I don't lis'en to my own music." Niall reassured her, eager at the prospect of spending the car journey up to Manchester with her in a couple of days. "And no sad songs either!"

"Lana Del Rey is not sad." Ocean objected as she rolled over onto her back and Niall towered over her.

"Ha! As if!" Niall mocked her with her usual movie quote as he eyed her up and down below him. His eyes were getting hungrier the more he looked at her and he soon fell in the nook of her neck and sucked on her skin lightly.

Ocean giggled and squirmed underneath him as she allowed him a few moments of pleasure, before pushing him away. However, a hickie had already been formed and was glowing crimson on her neck.

A hand went to touch the swollen side of her neck as she shuffled away and stood by the side of the bed. She then bit her lower lip and went to open her bedroom door. 

"If you want the rest of me, you'll have to catch me." Ocean slurred seductively as she quickly had to run out her room, as Niall quickly jumped out of her bed not giving her enough time to finish her sentence before he was already chasing her around the flat. 

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