a 5,000 word Aphmau story

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Written by 9 or 11 year old me, based on MCD

My story starts off with Aphmau encountering a evil version of her and a evil version of garroth in the forest.Then they attacked her and and they forced her to drink a potion and then she became evil.They sent  her with more potions to go force garroth,aaron,laurance, and dante. She found garroth,aaron,and laurance in another part of the forest. Then she made them drink the potions. Then she found dante in the village when he refused to drink the potion Aphmau held a sword to his throat and levin and malichi saw and rushed over to see what was going on when Aphmau saw levin and malichi the spell that the potion put on her broke. Then aaron,garroth,and laurance rushed out of the the forest with zane by their side with gene and zenix on their team. Then Aphmau turned to Irene and tried to blast the spell off but it did not work and she fainted and garroth and gene took her away. Then Katelyn and Dante got ready to go and save Aphmau,Garroth,Laurance,Aaron,Zane,Gene,and Zenix. Meanwhile,Aphmau was thrown into zane’s dungeon. Just then Katelyn and Dante got there. Then they started fighting and Aphmau started waking up and saw that she was locked up “Garroth,laurance help me HELP ME”she yelled and garroth said “no you don’t get to get out” laurance replied “ yes you will sit there and rot until Zane needs you” “APHMAU WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU “  Dante yelled “ha it’s to late” laughed Gene “yes,she’s already in the cell once she’s in she can’t come out unless you have the key which-” Garroth agreed  “which I have” laughed Zane as he came down to the dungeon Aphmau tried to blast the cell’s steel bars with a “ugggg” she fainted again “APHMAU NO” Dante yelled but it was to late Aphmau was laying fainted on the floor of the cell then  Zenix came down to the dungeon with new prisoners Malichi and Levin “MOM” Malichi yelled when he got down stairs and saw Aphmau “WHAT is it Malichi” Levin sighed then they were threw into separate cells Malichi was not used to being human still and tried to run through the bars hit his head and fainted Levin who was across the hall said “MALICHI YOUR NOT A GHOST ANYMORE” “hahahahahahamauuahahahahahah”laughed Zane eagerly “LEVIN MALICHI WHAT HAPPENED” Danted yelled upsetly “we were telling the village to stay calm then Zenix and Aaron snuck up on us and---”said Levin “I have more of them” said Aaron as came down with Kawaii~Chan and Lucinda “APHMAU~SENPAI” screamed Kawaii~Chan when she saw Aphmau “w-w-what happened?” Aphmau stuttered “wait Kawaii'Chan,Levin,Malichi, and Lucinda” “what are you doing here?” just then Zane put an electric collar on Aphmau “huh what's this?” she wondered “That is a power collar try to turn to your Irene form now mwahahahahahaha” Replied Zane then when she did something shocked her causing her to become confused “huh?” “m-m-m-mom”stuttered Malichi as he woke up “LEVIN~KUN,MALICHI~KUN” said Kawaii~Chan clearly worried then Garroth,Zane,Gene,Laurance,Zenix,and Aaron all left the room but first zane put the collars on everyone else “don’t try anything dumb” said garroth sternly as he closed the door behind him then laurance came back in “ Dante,Katelyn in NOW but first come here for your collars” and just like that they obeyed him then laurance explained that kawaii~chan was to happy and had to go to the “rotting in evil room” “also known as the RIE room” then Aphmau got very mad and blasted the collars and cells then she blasted zane and garroth who were taking kawaii~chan away but it didn’t work then what Aphmau did was undone and it was them all in cells with working collars and kawaii~chan was in the RIE room and it had no light a black bed with no pillow or blanket and it had dead flowers and a TV that was broken and couldn’t be turn’d off and it was only scary and inappropriate shows and movies one morning she was sad depressed and serious then she asked laurance to take her to a cell and put a collar on her with zane’s permission he did then Zenix declared that “Aphmau your goin’ in the RIE room next TOMORROW” “NO I WON’T ZENIX” she yelled “we’ll see we’ll see hahahahamamamauuumauuuhahahahahah!” Zenix laughed the next morning zane and garroth came very early in the morning before Aphmau was awake and took her to the RIE room when she woke up she cried and cried and cried more and more and more then a magical orb is glowing in zane’s hands then “HHHHHHU” goes aphmau falling to the floor then garroth came in and questioned “what’s it goin’ to do zane?” “well garroth when I give her back her spirt she will be evil” “ahem sir zane dear brother siere so great please-” garroth started begging “what do you want” sighed zane “once she wakes up I…..I……..I want to marry her”admited garroth “WHY MY BROTHER WHY” Zane yelled angered “brother please understand brother pleassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssse”  “🎵please understand I love I love (gets quieter) her (gets back to normal) we were meant to be together ohohohohohohohohohohohohohoho (gets very quite) ment toooooo beeeeee” “NO GARROTH” “not even with my beg song” garroth whined “NOT EVEN WITH YOUR STUPID BEG SONG” Zane yelled angrily then they all escaped (including aphmau) then when Aphmau woke kawaii~chan was well kawaii again and she told aphmau that Aphmau and her mother are mefiwus  “WHAT” “i-i-i I-I’m a mefiwu” meanwhile,”THEY ESCAPED GO GO GO GET THEM NOW AT LEAST APHMAU” yelled Zane lucinda was busy at her house making a potion to save garroth,laurance,and aaron and any others from the evil spell. Then she finished it and gave one to each good person and each good tackled 1 bad Aphmau and aaron,dante and garroth,katelyn and laurence. Then they saved the good gone bad but garroth overpowered dante and stuck his sword in dante’s arm “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH” he screamed garroth took aphmau and left. Not long after did  Aaron and Laurance snapped back into reality laurance saw Dante  and asked katelyn “what happened” “g-g-g-g-GARROTH(sniffles)took APH” these thoughts haunted her but she didn’t here Laurance “KATELYN” he yelled “WHOA” “WHAT HAPPENED TO DANTE” “i-i-i-i-I don’t know it was all a blur all I saw was Garroth picked up a sword and Aphmau then I felt a pain and fell to the floor” “THIS IS ALL MY FAULT I SHOULD'VE HELPED HER, RAN AFTER HER,DO SOMETHING”she cried as she broke out in tears “KATELYN IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT” “l-l-l-l-lL-Laurance” dante stuttered weakly “DANTE w-w-what happened” “ all I remember was garroth o-o-o-overpowered me and picked up his sword the next thing I know is a pain in my arm,screaming,and knocked-out” “did you see where they went with aph” “THEY TOOK APH” aaron said as he jumped up from beside Katelyn after trying to calm her down “no but maybe zane’s casAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH” “Dante what’s wrong” m-m-m-my arm” “get help AAAHHHHH” “Aaron go find aph” “got it” “katelyn stay here with dante” “o-o-ok” “I’ll go get help” while katelyn sits  beside pained dante whimpering she hears something in the bushes and jumps up and no other than Ivy jumps out holding “APH” “IS SHE OK” She SHOULD be fine” WHY WOULD YOU HELP US” “ARE TAKING HER BACK TO TULA” “no no relax Katelyn I’m exchanging I WAS going to but now I found YOU” laughs Ivy throwing Aphmau as katelyn jumps in to save her but then Ivy swoops in and grabs katelyn “HUH” “TULA WANTS YOU” “ME WHY” “Why any of the jury members expect jeffory-------” “HOW DARE HIS NAME COME FROM YOUR MOUTH” says Katelyn angered as she strikes Ivy with her sword causing them both to faint “KATELYN” dante yells as he is in pain he yelled so loud that laurance heard but thought it was his pain but then he yelled “LAURANCE AARON HELP” and laurance came running to find Ivy backup dragging aphmau,dante and katelyn “LAURANCE HELP SHE’S PULLING MY ARM AAAHHHH LET GO” “BE QUIET” she shouted at him as she splashed him with a sleep poition “DANTE” he said as he grabbed dante and katelyn but Ivy disappeared before he could grab aph “NO APHMAU” meanwhile……. Aaron was in he didn’t find aphmau then laurance came through the bushes dragging dante and katelyn “he said she took Aph to tula just before he fainted” Aaron explained to lucinda “APHMAU'S IN TULA” “but who do you think “She”could be” asked aaron “wait she” “IVY” they yelled at the same time then aphmau woke up in a tula cage it brought back so many memories then she saw “LEOSHANT” “m’lady what are you doing here” “WHERE IS SHE” “who?” “IVY” “wait DANTE” “WHY”she cried “WHY ME WHY NOW” “m’lady what’s wrong” “EVERYTHING LEOSHANT EVERYTHING ME HERE DANTE IN PAIN GARROTH EVIL I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHERE LEVIN OR MALICHI ARE” “m’lady dante in pain garroth evil what’s been happening since I was captured and started working for tula in Ivy’s force” “gene” “m’lady?” “gene can help dante” “here”(key sounds) “thank you” “let’s go m’lady” “let’s?” “I don’t like working for Ivy I want to go back. O_O OH COURSE IF YOU WANT BE BACK THERE” “I yes of course I’ll have you” “ now let’s go find this gene you speak of” later “so this gene is evil but he’s dante’s brother” “hehe yes” “AHHH UUUUUUHHHHHHH” says aphmau as something pulls her into the bushes “m’lady” says leoshant as he sees her being carried by what she described “gene?” “do I know you?” “no I’m leoshant I worked for Ivy but now I work for M’LADY” “leoshant i’m fine” “gene we need your help” “huh?” “it’s about dante” “???””he’s in pain” “NO” “he’s with lucinda” “LITTLE BRO I’M COMING” “GENE?” said dante confused “little bro who did this to you?” “THEY WILL PAY OF MY WRATH” “my brother it was it was………” “WHO” “garrot------------” “little bro what’s wrong little bro?” “he’s fainted” said lucinda as she stepped out of the shadows of her house “splash this potion on him to wake him up as he did he woke up “it was garroth gene” “little bro i’ll take it out please let me it will like ripping off a bandaid” “ok” “3...2...1…” “AAAAHHHH” “(dante breathes heavily)” “dante isn’t” “yes katelyn gave it to me she also gave laurance and him their swords” “him?” “who did this to me” “garr---” “sorry” “i just don’t want to talk about it with him doing this and being evil” “no no I understand” “gene?” “yeah dante?” “why……… why are helping me i’m good your bad” “yes but we're still brothers” “b--b-b-but what about w-w-w-when I was young?” “shhh I was still a good brother and let you keep yours” “b-b-but m--om and -d-ad?” “they didn’t even know my name no-one did!” “sshhh” “the point is I left yours alone” “big bro?” “yeah dante?” “I-I-I want you to stay like the big bro I used to know” “???” “the loyal,loved,nice,and good one not the evil one” “little bro” “and if it’s possible to know are mom and dad still alive?” “yes dante they are” “do you still have the “magic”?” “yes dante? “But what are you saying?” “i want you to give them it back” “me?” “ME GIVE MOM AND DAD THEIR MEMORIES BACK!!!” “shhh yes why did you do it in the first place though?” “zane zane controlled me once I died I was brought back even more powerful and ready to face the good alongside zane” “but he told you to leave me?” “no that was my choice I wanted to still have a loyal brother or someone in the family who remembered me and you looked up to me” “???” asked aphmau as she overheard “oh aph it’s nothing just brotherly business” “that makes me want zane and garroth” said vlayd as he jumped out of a tree gene jumped out and grabbed his sword at the same time leoshant did “no it’s ok I work alongside lucinda as an assistant and guard her or warn her of any coming danger” “yes he’s correct hold down your weapons” “were is garroth shouldn’t he be here to?” “.............” lucinda then said “I didn’t want to tell you but” “he’s with the evil now” “garroth and zane aww man!!!” “i’m sorry vlayd I didn’t want you to find out because you'd’ be upset” “i’m the only good brother and so that meaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH” said vlayd as he got pulled into the bushes “NO THIS IS WHY I TOLD YOU TO STAY HIDDEN” “???” “your mad at him?” asked laurance as he woke up from all the screaming “no I’m worried I knew zane and garroth wanted to recruit him to so I told him to stay hidden in the trees but I didn’t tell him why” “LUCINDA HELP” “I’M COMING VLAYD” she yelled as she finished gathering helpful potions then she jumped into the bushes and splashed a faint potion on Vlayd and garroth then dragged them both out of the bushes “put them both in the prison we don’t know if garroth did something to him once they were both in lucinda splashed vlayd with the wake up potion “lucinda let me out” “look I know I can trust you but Aphmau wants to give you a check first” just incase” “uhhh” moans garroth “GARROTH” says vlayd running over to help him up “no vlayd he’s evil” “sorry now let me out please!!” “ come Aphmau is waiting for you” “ok?” later “he’s seems fine” “thanks lady aphmau” “ no problem vlayd” meanwhile “WHY HASN'T HE RETURNED I’LL GO AFTER HIM MYSELF!!!” yelled zane “zenix i’ll take you and gene” “um sir zane” “WHAT” “we can’t find gene anywhere in the castle” “WHY THEM” “sir I believe he went out to find garroth earlier” “well zenix then you stay here call for me if they come back” “yes sirer” meanwhile “wait GET DOWN I HERE MY BROTHER HE’S COMING HIDE NOW!!!” “ZANE’S HERE!!!!!????” “YES NOW HIDE!!!” “is that vlayd I hear” “vlayd come out come out wherever you are!!!” “COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!” “I HAVE MAMA’S COOKIES AND THERE YOUR FAVORITE KIND!!!” “aphmau i love mama’s cookies” “no it’s a trap vlayd he doesn’t actually have them!!!” “throw one if you actually have one!!!” “well ok!!!” “see he does!!!”
“I’m coming!!!” “ yes come come NOW!!!” “yum” “AAHH!!!!” “VLAYD NO!!!!!!!” yells lucinda “VLAYD!!!” she cries “LUCINDA” “WAIT” yells cadenza “CADENZA” yells laurance surprised “WHERE IS KADEN!!!!” “it’s ok kaden is with kenmur!!!” “but right now we have to STOP lUCINDA!!!” “UH RIGHT you are RIGHT RIGHT I’M COMING!!!” “how is kaden” “good” later facing zane “ZANE YOU DON’T WANT TO DO THIS” yells vlayd as zane has laurance pinned to the floor “LAURANCE HELP” yells cadenza as zenix has her against the wall “ZANE ZENIX YOU CAN’T DO THIS OUR BABY BROTHER NEEDS US” “YES PLEASE HE KADEN NEEDS US” “oh really is he in meteli?!” “YES” “garroth go find him once he sees them dead he’ll have no choice but to join us HAHAHAMAUHAHAHA!!!” “NO YOU WON’T” says cadenza and laurance as they turn to shadow knights then vlayd turns to a shadowknight and Aphmau turns to Irene and aaron turns to the shadow lord “m-m-m-m’lord i’m sorry” “HAHAMAUMAUHAHAHAAHA” “NOW STOP THIS EVILNESS LET THEM GO GIVE THEM VLAYD” “but m’lord” “DO AS I SAY RIGHT THIS MOMENT” then dante became a form no-one has ever heard of “d-d-dante”stuttered gene “I went to a realm after you had died the realm of blame and gained the form of the blame lord because the only way to escape was kill him and optian his form” “It happens whenever I’m around another blame soul” “I see the blame soul in” “y--you went to” said zane as he became a blame soul “zane?” “yes I was him” “y-y-your the man who saved me from-----” “me” “AARON YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!!!” “AARON TRIED TO KILL YOU”everyone yelled “GENE NO HE WASN’T IN CONTROL OF HIMSELF” yells dante as gene ran toward aaron “everyone has a time in the blame realm where they go crazy with blame even I did” “dante???!!” “zane was like a helper to me first he saved me from aaron then when I went crazy he calmed me before I hurt anyone” “he was a nice guy before he left the realm” “when I left the realm I was so upset of what missed for all those years in the realm I became obsessed with time travel and when I was successful I went back to far and saw my past as a child” “garroth did tease you a lot then I came along and got all the attention” “you ruined my life back then and when I saw it I was overcome with anger and became somehow a destroyer” “but why did you go to the realm anyway?” asked dante “I was the one who would always steal the cookies and blame it on someone else” “I was the robber who stole mommy’s necklace for my thief master an old friend of mine” “Damian” “damian was like the only friend you had and the only one who understood you” “not damian an old friend that was daddy” “DAD” “yes I killed him because he forced me to do bad things and when he died I was bad and only garroth could take care of me” “ZANE” “you pretended to be dad JUST to make ME SMILE” “yeah I helped garroth as much as I could” “baby brothers” says garroth “let’s go” says garroth jumping out of the bushes (glass breaking noise) “ha” says lucinda “that should make him back to crazy good garroth” “garroth” “i’m so sorry” cried zane “baby brother it’s ok just sit in aphmau’s cell for awhile” “BIG BRO” yells vlayd “VLAYD” says garroth as vlayd runs to hug him “garroth please let him out” “NO VLAYD” “please it wasn’t his fault he didn’t hide from us tell him zane” “i went to a blame realm because I killed dad because he forced me to rob mom” “IT WAS YOU” “garroth I didn’t want to but he told me if I didn’t he would kill you and vlayd I couldn’t let that happen you were my only family after I did it he killed her so I killed him” “I tried my best to be good and help you” “I even got a job as a police” “that’s why you were never home” “yeah” “but then one day as I walked out of the house I was in the realm” “no” says emmalyn “did you find him on the doorstep” “yeah I did then I got garroth” “well that realm was all a dream” “now that I think about I found dante lying on the kitchen floor and put him in his bed”said gene “but then how do we have our forms?” “asks zane “it says only the people that that love or believe in the person can see the form” “well I can’t see zane or dante in a form” says Aaron “it’s ok you've always been kind of a loner” “HEY!” “hehe sorry” “well if it was a dream?” “we would have scared you guys so much!!!” “yeah kinda I thought I killed Dante because he was so lonely because nobody remembered him” “???” “N-N-NOTHING”  “gene can I talk to you in private?” “???sure?” “gene tonight can you take me to mom and dad” “I want them to know me again” “you want me to sneak out” “of where!?” “i heard they’re putting me in the cell” “NO!!!” “aph you can’t put gene in a cell” “remember when I told you about what he did” “tonight he’s going to mom and dad with me to make them remember me!!” dante cried “dante I don’t want to take any risks of your safety” “but aphmau” dante whined “sorry dante” “APHMAU” laurance yelled angrily “PLEASE” dante cried as laurance pointed at him “laurance gene is evil” “WAHAHAHA” “he’s is crying at your feet BEGGING YOU!!!!” “LAURANCE” “AARON TAKE HIM AND CALM HIM DOWN” “yes aphmau” “dante calm down” “I know he’s your brother but he’s also evil and I’m not putting you in danger!!!” “but my mom and dad will finally remember me they're ALIVE” “FINE,but i’m sending garroth with you!!!” “FINE,it’s a deal!!!” “gene let’s go”later “MOM DAD” “???” “gene do it” (magical noises) “GENE,DANTE!!!??” “MOM DAD”yell gene AND dante “ah families” “whose your friend boys”asks her mom “mom dad this is garroth” “and we guard the lady irene herself!!!!!” “herself!!!???” “yes” “mom?” says dante as he tears up “yes dear” “please don’t leave me again come to phoenix drop with us and we will protect you” “ok” “come on follow us”later “mom dad welcome to phoenix drop” says dante “mrs and mr broad!!!???”says aphmau when she sees dante's parents “IT IT’S YOU AAHH” “mom it’s ok this is Irene,but she prefers aphmau” “no aphmau sweety” “grandma” “W-W-WHAT” “THAT MEANS” “YOUR MY DAD!!!” “YOU ARE MARRIED TO MY MOM” “kawaii~chan is your mom aphmau when she went missing we called her to act for your mom” “NO” says aphmau as she runs away crying as she runs past garroth and laurance “STOP APHMAU WAIT” screams dante as he chases her garroth and laurance ask what's wrong “she she’s my daughter I think and Kawaii~chan is her mom nekoette is her sister and my mom is her grandma” “APHMAU WAIT” “WHAT?!” “DANTE YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS””DANTE YOUR DEAD!” “APHMAU WAIT!!!” “APH” later when laurance catches  her “APH” “JUST GO” she cries “aphmau calm down it’s ok” “NO IT’S NOT ALL OK” “aphmau please” “just  calm down please for me” “JUST GO”she cried more “I-I-I can’t stand to see you sad and i-i-i know this is all crazy for you but please calm down” “YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND DANTE IS MY DAD” “AND KAWAII~CHAN IS MY MOM” “aphmau I-I-I do understand when I was adopted by haden i didn’t know anything about him or metili and this might be as hard as it was on me especially when he adopted cadenza and she was my real sister and I didn’t know until haden told me” “wow I didn’t realize you went through the same thing” “APH” says dante out of breath “NO” she screams as she jumps into the ocean just then she realises “LAURANCE HELP” she says underwater “APHMAU DON’T WORRY” says laurance as he jumps into save her “DANTE I CAN’T GET HER HER LEG IS CAUGHT IN SEAWEED” “I’M COMING”he says as he jumps in with his sword “THERE I CUT IT OFF” then they pull her back to land “Aph” says garroth as he sees her but he thinks shes sunbathing “GARROTH GET AARON FAST” “ok?” later “uh what do you n---APH” “Aaron can you give her mouth to mouth?” “UH OH YEAH” he says as he dives down to the ground beside her later “A-a-a-aaron you saved me” “no you should thank dante and laurance they saved you” “no I just tried to pull you out and dante used his quick thinking to cut the seaweed from your foot” “speaking of foot it really hurts” “here we should get you home” says laurance later “it doesn’t look to bad” says zoey “but the seaweed was so tight that is squeezed the bone and broke the ankle bone and cut off circulation” “but she will be okay” “b-b-but all my stuff to do” “it’s ok we’ll take care of  them” says zoey “well aphmau looks like you’ll be here for a few weeks” just then malichi came in to talk to zoey and saw aphmau laying on the couch “hi mom” “MALICHI YOUR OK!” “um yes,but are you?” he asked “actually no I’m going through some tough times right now” then zoey put on a cast and got levin and left aphmau,levin,malichi,and aaron alone “mom what happened?” asked malichi “well I was running from your grandpa dante and fell in water and I can’t swim and my leg was caught but laurance saved me”  “WAIT DANTE AND KAWAII~CHAN ARE OUR GRANDPARENTS” “well actually could you go get your sisters?” “of course mom” said levin “um aaron can I talk to you alone?” “sure?” “I-I-I know that everyone knows me and you are a thing so I wanna get married” “NO I MEAN YES?” “it’s ok if you need some time to think---” “momma momma” the girls said in unison “hi girls um momma hurt herself so your brothers aaron garroth and katelyn will take care of you but elina will stay with me” “ok momma” the girls said in unison like they always did one day while aphmau and elina were napping zane snuck in and stole the girls a few moments after garroth came in to check on them and saw aphmau’s crutches and elina’s toys there but they were missing then he saw a piece of black hair on the ground “zane” he whispered then he got laurance aaron and katelyn and headed to get the girls (with leoshant) “wait a minute your telling me that zane has Irene and elina trapped!!??” “yes laurance I’m sorry I should have stopped him” “RRRRAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH” laurance yelled as he turned to a shadow knight and attacked garroth “laurance stop!” said aaron “WHY SHOULD I HE LET ZANE TAKE THE GIRLS!” “yes but he didn’t know he went to check on them after they were gone and just be thankful that we are saving them” aaron said “fine” said laurance “just give me a sec to change forms” he said as he jumped into the bushes in the bushes he found gene “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!” laurance yelled startled “laurance are you ok?” said garroth “STAY AWAY FROM ME GENE!” he yelled as gene grabbed him “LAURANCE ARE YOU OKAY?” garroth said again “HELP ME!”  but it was to late gene had Laurence and was bringing him to Zane “MY IRENE WHY DOES IT ALL HAPPEN TO HIM!” jokes Aaron then he says “let’s go” they run to Zane’s castle and are surprised when they see Gene saving Aphmau and Elina with Laurance and Travis “huh?” earlier……. “Sorry Laurance but I need your help something Dante told me got me thinking I want to join your team so I thought this would be the perfect way to prove to Kitty she can trust me to be good” explains Gene “ahah you worshiper of Zane” says travis? “TRAVIS?” “ yup the one and only!” “now let go of my ol’ buddy!” “WAIT NO PLEASE WAIT!!!” says Gene as he is K.O.ED by Travis. “Travis, uh, He was helping us….” “Oh uh sorry Gene.”  3 hours later “Hey your awake heh sorry about that Gene.” “Its fine, now let’s go save Kitty!” “And Elina” Said Laurence “Elina?” asked Gene not realizing he had missed so much since High School “Her-” “Don’t tell me Kitty has a daughter!” “Yes, two actually Elina and Lilith” When the three walk into Zane’s castle “Momma! Momma! Momma! Momma wake up! I was being sneaky Momma! But a big man wif bwack hair picked me up an he took me to here Momma! And he swap me Momma! Momma are you wake! MOMMA! Wook vey comed to swave us fum bad guys!” “Elina, Aph, nice to see you again!” “Twayis!” “Warant! Warant!” “Warant who that mwan?” “This is… NOT THE TIME ELINA!” He said as he ducked under Zenix’s sword being swung at his head. “Go Warant and Twayis and Odeer Guy!” “Get thoose bad gu-” Elina was chanting before Zenix punched her in the face, then Aphmau woke up “WHO HIT MY BABY” she screamed as she turned into Irene and broke the cell bars with a single white blast of power “What!?” cried out Zenix as he was blasted away and knocked out by a piece of the flying metal bars. “YOU WEASEL!” cried out Zane “HOW DARE HE LAY A FINGER ON MY DAUGHTER!” Aphmau screamed running over to Elina. “STEP AWAY FROM ELINA MY WIFE!” “Sorry sweetheart but he punched our daughter in the face…” She backed away from her…. “Come come, dear, we have plans i'll punish Zenix and the medic is already on his way my dear.” “Ok sweetie!”  They walked away in the midst of the kaos “Where's… Aphmau?..” Huffed out Travis “Wake up Elina get up please!!!” Laurence pleaded holding Elina in his arms… “Daddy? Is that you?” She said hugging him “No its me.. Laurence..” “Warant?” “what happened Warant?” “you… fell?” “oh…” “um.. We need to drop Elina off with Leoshaunt and grab the others… Travis get Gene and meet me outside…” Laurence huffed out nodding his head toward Gene laying only half conscious on the cold stone floor. “We must train princess Li- Elina!” “Yes we have to train them Leoshant!” 


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