Project Sekai school tournament🤔

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(It's very confusing for me to explain this but in this AU the game exists and the characters are like based off themselves or whatever)

I signed up for the new 1v1 elimination tournament at school

Oya? Which game?

Project Sekai, you know, the one we did voice acting for

I should try signing up as well

That's rare to see you play games

Sure I suck at fighting games, but Project Sekai is a rhythm game
The only people better than me in rhythm games are probably Toya and Jakads (Yes that's an actual person)

Are you really that confident?

You'll see

Practice is allowed during lunch break and Tsukasa took out his phone to just play the game

Since he wasn't allowed to bring tablets to school until the day of the tournament, he just casually plays with his thumbs, which he is really bad with

He ended up missing on difficulty 22's, which caused the others to look down on him, thinking he has no chance on winning at all

The next day, Rui walked down the class corridors and happened to hear some gossips

Classmate A
Have you seen Tenma's practice play? It's so bad

Classmate B
Yeah I don't even know why he signed up for the tournament
Didn't he voice for the game though?

Classmate A
Yeah, he probably signed up just so he can show off the fact that he's in the game's main cast

Shaking his head, Rui walked to his class

Rui went to the rooftop during lunch break, seeing Tsukasa sad, to the point where he's almost about to cry

He sat next to Tsukasa and Tsukasa rested his head onto Rui's shoulder

Don't worry about them

I only had a bad play because I can't bring my tablet til the tournament...

I'm sure you'll win
There's a voting session right before the tournament, I'll be voting on you

But what if I lose?

I'm sure you won't

Rui had to stay back after school after getting into trouble with An, so Tsukasa went to the wonder stage early

They can't really practice without Rui so Tsukasa and Nene pulled out their tablets from their bags to practice

Isn't that the game we did voice acting in?
You're both playing it?
That's so wonderhoy!

We have a school tournament and the winner gets to be in the newsletter
We both signed up for fun

Nene then looked over to Tsukasa's screen to see his alarmingly high combo and accuracy on Machine gun poem doll on expert

She stared at the screen til the end of the song, he managed to all perfect it


But that was just a warmup?
Plus Toya is way better than me at this

Just a warmup?
Then you must be amazing!

Toya isn't participating in this
But his class C friend is

Rui then arrives

What's this commotion all about?

Tsukasa had managed to all perfect Machine gun poem doll on expert

He did what?!

It's not all that bad to be honest

Just saying, you're taking home the win, no matter what they say

A few days later, the tournament starts

Saki and Emu came to watch as well since it's after school

Just as Rui said, he had his vote on Tsukasa

Classmate A
You know he's not going to win, right? Why don't you bet on someone else?

We'll see about that

Rui-senpai has a point

Classmate A
Aoyagi? You too?

In fact, his bad play wasn't because he's bad at the game

The qualifiers started, Tsukasa and Nene both passed with an all perfect on difficulty 25's

Classmate A
Ok I see your point now
Oh well, I already had my vote on Akiyama and I can't change it

A few more rounds passed, there's four people left, Tsukasa, Nene, Akito and Mizuki

It's the semifinals

Nene against Mizuki, it was a close call of one great apart, but Nene won with five greats on the intense singing of Hatsune Miku on expert

Tsukasa against Akito, Akito is only good with keeping combo, but his accuracy had let him down

Tsukasa won with only one great on machine gun poem doll on expert

Everyone was surprised at Tsukasa's insane play, especially the ones who witnessed his bad play

That's my Tsukasa-kun!

Onii-chan! Go!

Tsukasa-kun! Nene-chan! You can do this!

The disappearance of Hatsune Miku on master

Nene stood no chance against Tsukasa, she got ten misses with a horrible accuracy while Tsukasa only got five misses, nothing else other than just perfects

And the winner is...
Tenma Tsukasa!
The one with the lowest votes on winning possibilities with only two votes actually won this tournament

A/N: I finally did it

A/N: I finally did it

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Project SEKAI Oneshots I Wrote (Mostly Ruikasa) (Requests open!)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz