Even more voices🌤️😭

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(This is written in response to one of my friend's oneshot)

(Rui's POV)

Who is he even talking to?

Did he forget we're in a call?

"Tsukasa-kun, are you okay?"

I'm fine

"Who were you talking to"

I don't know if I should tell you...

"Tell me, if you don't things might turn for the worse"

Why do you want to help him so much, are you that obsessed with him?

I ignored the voice, I'm pretty much used to it at this point

But sometimes I would still talk back

I've been... I've been hearing voices in my head a lot, telling me that I'm a terrible person
And it told me that nobody likes me, saying how I'm the worst person out there
I feel like I'm going to burst any time soon

"You're not the worst person alive"

Precisely, he's not, you are

"For me, you're the best of all"

"The voices tells you things you're afraid of, I'm used to it at this point"

You're used to it?
Does that mean-

"Yes, I also hear those voices"

"Just remember, those voices are trying to deteriorate your mental state, but if you don't take those things too seriously, they will slowly go away"

Like hell it would

"Just believe in yourself, afterall, you're the world's brightest star"

I grew up with those voices, during middle school is when it was at the worst

It's only comes in every once in a while to make some rude comments now

I hope Tsukasa-kun can get over this soon

As his boyfriend, I will support him through this

(Just remember that if you need help, I'll always be there :D)

Project SEKAI Oneshots I Wrote (Mostly Ruikasa) (Requests open!)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu