That time at St. Freya 😭🍡☀️

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There had been rumours of two boys joining St.Freya, an academy that trains girls to become Schicksal's Valkyries. Even the principal herself had confirmed this. One of the boys is the son of house Tenma, while the other is the son of house Kamishiro. Both houses had greatly contributed to stopping a honkai eruption, and the day starts with a blonde haired boy from house Tenma walking into the academy gates.

(Why am I enrolled into an all girls academy?)
(It's not all that bad I guess)
(Next year Saki will be here too)

While Tsukasa was thinking of all that might happen, he bumped into a purple haired boy with blue streaks in his hair


I should be sorry
I wasn't paying attention
(Another boy?)
(My eyes must be tricking me)

Tsukasa hurried over to the entrance ceremony after denying a lot of possibilities of why the boy was there.

(But that mark on his neck...)
(Is that a stigmata?)

Tsukasa reconsidered the possibility of the boy being a student at St.Freya, as boys born with a stigmata are extremely rare.

At the entrance ceremony, the same boy he bumped into got assigned right next to him.


Hi, I'm Rui

I'm Tsukasa, nice to meet you

The boys listened through the entire ceremony

And that concludes our entrance ceremony
For the students who haven't received a stigmata, please stand up and follow the teacher at the doorway there

See you

But I'm not going?

You're born with one too?

You're also born on with one, right?


I hope we share a dorm, I really didn't expect another boy to be here

Everyone else can leave with the red head teacher
Rui and Tsukasa, can you two stay behind for a bit?
I want to talk to you both

They both obliges

You both are the first boys to enroll in St.Freya, so I decided to separate the both of you from all girls in terms of dorms. On that, you both will share a dorm fitting five people to yourselves.
Furthermore, since people of each dorm form a group, you will be partners for assigned missions.
I believe in the both of you, Goodluck.

Tsukasa and Rui heads to their dorms under Theresa's instructions.




Why is there only one bed

I'll be back

Theresa heads off, the two boys just stood there awkwardly

I'll sleep on the couch tonight

I was about to say the same

Well, I said it first

Oh well
I hope we get a second bed soon

Theresa comes in with a red haired boy in a white uniform and a white cap

Captain, explain this

I ran out of budget...

Didn't grandpa give you enough to fit the budget for 300 dorms?
Don't tell me that you used them to buy manga again...

Captain left in a hurry, Theresa obviously guessed it right

Don't worry, I'll have it done ASAP
It might take a while, but hopefully not too long

Theresa heads off, annoyed

We'll take turns on the couch while we wait for the second bed


All was going well for the boys for the next half a year or so, they started developing a crush on each other, they were happy, until they carried out fifteenth mission to investigate a honkai outbreak


The two were separated by zombies and honkai beasts, Rui drew his blade and attempted to unleash his ultimate skill, which can be very dangerous if one move goes wrong in the slightest. But it's unbeknownst to Rui, and he made one simple mistake while carrying out the attack.

Rui collapses at the immense pain he is feeling all over his body, and a voice echoes inside his head

Let me take over
I can stop the pain
I can kill those things for you

(This must be the work of a herrscher)
(I can't let it take over my consciousness-)

It was too late, the herrscher of thunder already manifested within him. Suddenly, the enemies around Rui were obliterated, but Rui is still far from Tsukasa

(Rui's eyes are glowing red...)
(This is not him...)

Suddenly, a voice calls out to Tsukasa, it's a voice Tsukasa can't recognise

I'll lend you my power, you can still save him

(What was that just then)

You are the herrscher of the void
I am the core's sentience
I'm unable to control you like how herrscher of thunder controlled him, as I did not have a prior owner or a will
So, use my power to save him

Tsukasa thought for a bit, and decided to trust the core's sentience.

The was an explosion, the enemies were all blown away, it was just Rui and Tsukasa on the battlefield

The herrscher of thunder is unphased by it, and is even more excited

Instead of attacking Rui, Tsukasa used his powers to block off Rui's attacks

He does not want to hurt Rui, so he redirected those attacks to a random spot on the battlefield where neither of them are standing on.

Tsukasa tried to think of a way to immobilise the herrscher of thunder with out hurting him

He shot out the void lances out of his portals, immobilising the herrscher of thunder

Tsukasa walked up to the herrscher, who tries to break free from those lances

I win
Now give him back

Herrscher of thunder
Why would I?

Tsukasa gets ready to snap his fingers

Herrscher of thunder
Ok fine, I'll go away
I'll disappear from the core, and he will have full control over the core.

The red eyes fades back to the usual yellow, Rui regains his consciousness

What just happened?
Did the herrscher-
What happened to you?

I've taken care of the herrscher
I'm fine, it's just a different battlesuit

Alright then
Can you at least free me?

Tsukasa smirked, and then went forward and kissed Rui right on the lips

Rui was shocked, but came to accept it and was enjoying it. Afterall, he had a crush on Tsukasa for quite a while now

They went back to St.Freya to report the mission, and started their secret life as herrschers.

Project SEKAI Oneshots I Wrote (Mostly Ruikasa) (Requests open!)Where stories live. Discover now