Chapter 1: Your Tale

Start from the beginning

[Name] sarcastically thought of the popular meme, the "Emotional Damage" made by the comedian Steven He's YouTube channel. They snapped at themselves to focus again towards the screen.

"While we heavily discourage any form of contact or communication with an Alternate, we make exceptions at attempts to executing them yourself."

The broadcast then changes to a new tape, which was yet again VHS. This time there were no speakers telling useless instructions, but rather some old fashioned vintage music in the background instead. The words showed on the screen, and [Name] recognized it as the T.H.I.N.K. Principle.



[Name] shifted and leaned back into the sofa, and placed their empty plate on the coffee table.

"T - TELL an authority figure about your encounter

"H - HINDER the alternate's movement

"I -  IDENTIFY the class type

"N - NEUTRALIZE the alternate (if safe to do so)"

[Name]'s attention snaps as the music suddenly stops and the acronym for K appears on screen:

"K - KILL YOURSELF there's not enough room for the two of us"

[Name] is quite startled for a moment before they see the screen glitching right in front of their eyes back to normal. Even the music starts playing again as if nothing happened.

"K - KNOW YOUR PLACE in reality"

[Name] quickly switched the channel to a Live Local NEWS channel. They didn't want to see more of the useless shit. [Name] sighs. To think that these alternate invasions were happening where they were living, and yet humans were so helpless to defend themselves made them concerned. They did went to the gun shop and buy two pistols along with some bullets, because they did have the feeling that they wanted to buy it in case of self defense. But they didn't expect they might need it for some dangerous creatures that weren't even human and was possibly otherworldly.

[Name] was watching the NEWS channel half mindedly, barely paying attention. [Name] was so bored they were about to turn it off before a name caught their attention.

"-school shooting was caused by a man at the age of around 18 known as Cesar Torres. This man was caught while he was at home, and was taken to the newly built Mandela Police Headquarter Department-"

[Name] was shocked to hear that. Cesar Torres was their friend they made over the past few years they lived in Mandela County, and [Name] knew that he wouldn't do anything like that, not for as long as he lived. He was too kind and considerate of other people's lives to do anything that relates to harming them. For him to do a school shooting?

That made no sense whatsoever.  

Maybe Cesar hit his head really hard on something?

Or was he actually losing his mind?

[Name] decided to call the Department. The police station was huge, and was the only one with the prison in this whole County. Which kind of made sense, as the county was considerably small and didn't need multiple jail courtyards. But it was questionable why it got built later after Mandela County was established. Why not earlier? It was honestly suspicious, but [Name] didn't care for now. They had to talk to Cesar.

They use their cellphone to call the Department. After the phone rings for about three to four times, someone receives it. [Name] sighs in relief, in pure instinct. 

"This is the Mandela Police Headquarter Department, how may I help you?"

[Name] tells them that they saw their friend Cesar get arrested and heard that he was sent to the department. They asked for confirmation if they were right. 

"Cesar Torres? You appear to be correct. Why do you ask, sir/ma'am/mix?"

[Name] asked if the department currently allowed visits for prisoners.

"Yes we do. Would you like to appoint one for today?"

They said yes. 

"When would you like to appoint the visit, sir/ma'am/mix?"

[Name] said to appoint for them as soon as possible from now.

"That would be around 11:30 am, would you like to come in at this time?"

[Name] said yes.

"Okay, the appointment has been done. You just have to enter the front door, check in at the front desk, and when that is done, two police officers will lead your way to the Visiting Center."

They answered that they understood what the woman was saying to them.

"Alright, sir/ma'am/mix. Thank you for calling. Have a great day and see you soon."

They hung up. 

[Name] didn't even look in the mirror to check their face. They washed their face quickly, brushed their teeth, dried their face. Then they walked out of the bathroom, which was located right in front of the door to their bedroom, and walked through the kitchen and living room and out of the front door.

[Name] was met by the somewhat grey-hued and monochromatic town. The town was in shades of grey, but the neighborhood they lived in was pretty clean and well-made. Luckily (or unluckily for some parts), the Department was close to where [Name] lived, so they walked to their left and walked straight on. They were met by a four crosswalk, with asphalts and traffic lights for vehicles. To their front there were small shops and markets, such as the Mandela Market, a small bakery shop known as Muffet's Bakeries, a bar from the Underground known as Grillby's, a shopping mall, a few restaurants, and possibly more. 

To [Name]'s right the sidewalks led to the houses where some monsters lived, and further to the right was the exit out of Mandela County. Behind them and go further to the end there were four schools: Mandela Elementary, Mandela Middle School, Mandela High School, and Mandela University. They turned to their left, and as soon as they did the houses disappeared and all the life-saving stations appeared instead along the sidewalks. A small Emergency hospital, a small fire department, and many buildings with offices and places workers would go to. 

This small town was pretty organized when it came to grouping categories of jobs, shops, and homes together. Therefore at the very end the Mandela Police Headquarter Department was located and it was also where the road ended.

[Name] studied the building from afar, and checked the time on their phone. 11:26 am. It couldn't hurt to be a little early. The building itself was actually huge, save for the courtyard that was surrounded by a tall brick wall, with barbed wires circling on top. Each corner had tall watchtowers, and [Name] could see that there were people inside, doing their jobs. The large building in front was rather simple-looking: rectangular, with many windows. 

Enough ogling. 

[Name] walked in, seemingly prepared for what they were about to face.

* Remember to interact and explore all around the County! *

MandelaTale (feat. Y/N) (Undertale AU X Mandela Catalogue)Where stories live. Discover now