Chapter eleven

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This stems from chapter 10, #3.

Children laughed as they ran around me in circles. I smiled at them as I felt a small dampness down below, but I just ignored it.

"Y/n!" One of the kids yelled, tugging on my hand and I looked down.

"What is it?" I asked in a soft voice.

"Can you play tag with us?" The little boy asked, eyes wide.

"Oh I would, I'm afraid I cannot run right now, with the baby and all," I gestured towards my stomach and the boy had a sad look in his eyes, before it disappeared and he continued running around me laughing.

The dampness turned into a small trickle down my leg. I looked down with a sigh before groaning in pain as a sharp pain erupted in my stomach.

"Ms. Y/n? Are you alright?"

I began to answer before it was cut off with a sharp hiss, another pain.

"Run along, go find Tsu'tey for me?" I asked gently and the kids nodded and all ran in his direction together.

I grunted, holding my stomach in pain as I sat down, my back against the trunk of the new Hometree.

I looked up upon a yell, "Y/n! Are you okay?" Tsu'tey asked as he ran over the kids following behind him like lost puppies.

He put a hand on my shoulder and the other on top of my stomach as I groaned.

"I think it's happening, Tsu. The little thing is finally coming out." I told him in a pained voice and his eyes widened. He stood up and carefully helped me to my feet.

He turned to the kids and whispered something to them, before they ran off with smiles. I looked at him in question and he just shrugged as he helped me to the nursery place, where Na'vi women went to give birth.

I got there and laid down on the makeshift bed with a sigh, feeling small relief despite the prominent pain in my stomach.

After a few minutes, the animal hide which had covered the entrance was frantically pushed to the side.

"Y/n?" Jake said worriedly as he looked at me. "Is it time?" He asked, rushing to my other side.

"I think so." I told him and he nodded, a very worried look in his eyes. "Don't worry, it'll b-" I was cut off with another groan from the pain. I rested my head against Tsu'tey's stomach, shutting my eyes as tightly as I could as he gently pet my hair.

"Okay, it's okay. Neytiri is getting Mo'at now. This thing is coming out of you, Y/n." Jake comforted me.

"No shit, Sherlock."

"Fuck you, Watson." (I saw somewhere that that's how you reply to the "no shit, sherlock" idk if it's true but I like it)

Who's Sherlock? And who's Watson?"

My body tensed as another pain racked through my body.

"Complicated." Jake answered as Mo'at and Neytiri walked through quickly.

"Hello, dear one." Mo'at greeted me and I looked at her with a small, pained smile. "Are you ready for this?" I nodded, gritting my teeth.

"What do we do?" Tsu'tey asked, holding onto my hand.

"You just began feeling pain, correct?" I nodded. "Then now we wait."

Ten long hours that felt like days of pain passed and finally, the baby was ready to be popped out. Mo'at's cold hands felt nice on my burning skin as she gently prepped my body for birth. The pain was almost unbearable, but I got through it thinking about all the good that would come from it. All the memories I would get to make now, with a child. My child.

"Okay, young one, it is time. You need to begin pushing." Mo'at instructed and I nodded.

I took a deep breath and pushed. Constant pain coursed through my body but I kept my mouth shut, squeezing my eyes shut and gripping roughly onto Tsu'tey and Jake's hands. I pushed again, the pain somehow getting worse as the baby crowned.

"I can see it's head." Mo'at told us.

"You're doing so good, my sweet Y/n, almost there." Tsu'tey whispered, gently stroking my damp hair with his free hand.

A few more pushes and a lot of fucking pain and cursing later, cries finally filled the air. I sighed in relief, a few teary laughs falling from my lips at the sight of my child. Mo'at gently cut the umbilical cord.

"Who would you like to check the gender?"

"Jakesully." Tsu'tey answered and I smiled at him, briefly remembering the small argument we had over it.

Jake's eyes widened as the baby was handed to him. He looked over to us in questions and I nodded with a smile. He carefully looked between the legs of our child and smiled.

He looked back up and into my eyes, before they flickered to Tsu'teys. He took careful steps towards us.

"Guys, meet your son." He said as he handed me the baby.

I smiled at the little boy in my arms as Tsu'tey knelt down and gently rested his forehead on my shoulder.

"Hi, baby." I whispered with tears in my eyes, I looked back at Tsu'tey and he stood up as I carefully handed him the child.

I smiled at him as he gently held our son. He held him so cautiously, as if any movement would break him. A soft smile rested on Tsu'teys lips as he watched the boy look around in curiosity. Tsu'teys tail gently moved back and forth as his body untensed.

I watched my two boys lovingly as sleep slowly took over my senses. A ghost of a smile danced on my lips.


shit like this makes me want to give birth, but then i remember that u can like, fucking die from giving birth and decide against it. Anyways, short chapter, but I love some of the request you guys have already given me and I'm gonna start working on them right now. Like I'm so obsessed with writing this right now I've been yelled at twice to eat because it's dinner time. I'm gonna eat though guys, don't worry.

Anyways, I'm gonna tell you a bit about my day because I want to. It was my first day to school and it was ABSOLUTE SHIT. My head was pounding all day and I was sooooo tired. I took a whole ass nap in fifth period. Also everyone looks different then they did before we left and it's weird bc i look exactly the same (which btw, i would do a face reveal but im not risking the chance that someone ik could find this acc. i'd die.). Anyways, there's this boy (not a romantic interest in my life, the only romantic interests for me are ten ft tall blue aliens) but i used to be best friends with him in like, 1-3rd grade, but then i left the school and now ive been seeing him everywhere. I saw him at a couple of school football games (for a school he didn't go to) and now he's in my dreams and it's WEIRD. anyways, i'm done now.

How was ur day?

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