Chapter ten, #3

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Same thing as last chapter, Jake and Neytiri are fighting Quarbitch- I mean, Quaritch while this is happening.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit," I breathed, placing pressure on his wounds. He raised his hand and touched my cheek, causing my movements to stop as I looked at him.

"Y/n, my love," He whispered in a hoarse voice. "It's okay."

"No, no it's not okay, and you're not dying, alright?" I said and he nodded gently.

"I don't wanna die," He said quietly, his voice breaking.

I looked at him softly and cupped his cheek gently. "I know, baby, I know you don't."

He placed his hand atop my, "I'm scared."

I rested my forehead against his, "You'll be okay, I promise."

"I trust you." He said in a pained voice and I pulled my head away.

"Eykutan'meuia," The ikran looked over and tilted his head. "I need you to get large leaves and-and soft moss. Can you do that?" I asked and he nodded with a dopey smile before running off, I looked back to Tsu'tey, "As for you."

"Uh oh," He said with a grunt.

"You need to keep those pretty eyes open, alright?"

He smiled, "I can do that."



Eykutan'meiua came running back, the materials I requested in his mouth.

I immediately got to work as he set the things down next to me and gently nuzzled Tsu'tey.

"Hey, I'll be alright boy," Tsu'tey whispered to him, petting his head.

I gently laid the moss on his wounds, before wrapping around that with the leaves, gently helping Tsu'tey lift his body enough for me to wrap the leaf underneath him. I looked around, trying to find something to tie around him to secure the leaves.

I looked down at my waist and untied the waist band. I helped him up again and wrapped the band around his waist, needing to tie it tighter than I had it.

"Na'vi men and their slutty waists," I mumbled.

"What does slutty mean?" Tsu'tey asked and I laughed, shaking my head.

"Nothing important." I said as my breathing halted. I choked slightly, my hands coming to my throat.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Tsu'tey asked worriedly, trying to sit up but I pushed him back down as I fell down myself.

I awoke in my link and frantically lifted the lid, ignoring Neytiri leaning over Jake as I rushed to an emergency gas mask. I took deep breaths of the oxygen, the pain in my chest subsiding.

"I need to get back in there," I said as I rushed back.

"What? Why? Is everything okay?" Jake asked.

"No, it's Tsu'tey. He's badly injured. I need to get back. I'll have Ekutan'meuia come get you two and lead you guys to where we are. I need help saving him." I said as I laid down and Jake instructed Neytiri on which button to press to reconnect my link.

"Y/n?" Tsu'tey asked quietly as I opened my eyes again, slightly disoriented.

"I'm fine, just got caught up back at the shack. Are you okay?" I asked, gently cupping his cheek.

"It still hurts, and I'm dizzy, but I don't think I'm losing anymore blood."

I smiled softly at him, "Good, I'm going to send Ekutan'meuia to get Jake and Neytiri and they're gonna help me get you to Mo'at, alright?"

sᴇʟᴄᴏᴜᴛʜ (ᴛsᴜ'ᴛᴇʏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora