Chapter 1

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The announcers, the roar of the crowd, the sound of fists meeting skin. All of this makes up a symphony all his own during a fight. He can hear it all, ringing in his ears and filling his mind. It keeps him focused and clear headed. The alpha in him thrives in the ring, his instincts making him a brutal fighter that relishes in destroying his opponents. It is a high and almost nothing can compare.

Then the fight is over and Esteban steps out of the ring with his blood still pumping furiously and adrenaline humming beneath his skin. On the way to the locker room his beautiful symphony fades away only to be replaced by incessant buzzing. Filthy reporter scum block the alpha's path. All of them clambering for a sound bite or an exclusive even as the scent of his aggression makes the mostly beta crowd cower. They want him to give them a story. When he doesn't bother they will just print whatever bullshit they want to.

Esteban bulldozes his way through them without giving them a word. He spikes his scent and watches with wicked satisfaction as they succumb to the show of dominance and back away slowly with bared necks to show submission. Along the way he undoes the wrappings around his knuckles and flexes his shoulders. The alpha can feel the soreness that comes from a good fight and he smirs to himself. There's nothing better than tired muscles after pummeling an opponent into the ring. Well...there are a couple of better things.

Just as he is about to open the door to the locker room, his escape from those fucking buzzards, a flash of blonde hair catches his eye out of the corner along with the scent of one particular omega and he groans internally. No doubt it's the same bitch that had been hanging around for the past week. Hopefully she has the common sense to stay the hell away while the alpha showers and comes down from the fight.

He lets the scalding hot water wash away the grime and sweat from the fight while analyzing it in his head. He replays it all and mentally notes any changes he wants to make for next time. Esteban is lost in thought as he steps out of the shower and dries off, tying the towel around his waist.

That's probably why it took him a moment to smell the nuissance that had snuck in. "Why the fuck are you here, Marissa?" Esteban growls and grabs the omega from her hiding spot, gripping onto her arm roughly in his irritation. Instead of taking it as a warning, like any sane fucking person would do, the little bitch grabs onto Esteban and tries to rub herself against the alpha.

"It's time to stop playing hard to get My alpha. You can't say you haven't noticed me coming around all week. You said you hated me the last time we saw eachother, and yet, you didn't have me banned from the premises. You want me here, just admit it darling" Marissa purrs with a haughty entitled tone and a cocky smirk like she believed she had won or some shit.

Esteban hasn't felt this level of rage in so long. The only reason he hadn't killed Marissa after their last encounter was out of respect for her father, who had practically helped raise Esteban and had ask for mercy on his daughter's behalf. He could still remember the sick violated feeling as he fought off the effects of heat haze all because this despicable omega wanted to trap him into a mating bond.

Alpha's are basically powerless against heat haze. An omega has to deliberately take fucking pills to intensify their heat pheromones tenfold which puts any alpha nearby into a mindless state. Doing something like that to force a mating is fucking disgusting and deranged.

Oh does Esteban gonna teach this egotistical brat a lesson for having the goddamn audacity. He had tried to erase any memory of ever meeting Marissa and chose to ignore her very existence but, now that she had the balls to try to push back into Esteban's life, he'll take the opportunity to ensure the little slut will think twice about trying that kind of shit on anyone.

His grip on her tightens as he locks eyes with Marissa and pushes as much power into his voice as he can.

"You will leave my sight, and never approach me again! You will not talk to me, you will not call me, you will stay away. I never want to see you again!"

The Boxer and The Omega Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant