chapter 19

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 Zoey's POV * full 24 hours *

After 9 PM Kristen went home and I begged my mom to let me stay for the night at the hospital. She wasn't happy about it but she agreed. I stayed awake the whole night staring at the red emergency light, waiting for it to turn off.

After 24 hours it did. I jumped up when I saw Demi come out looking tired. "Zoey I thought you went home" she was shocked to see me.

"How's Dash?" My voice was shaky. I braced myself for the news. She smiled at me, "It went well actually. He's right now resting. But, there is something wrong the side affects of his heart failure it's abnormal due to the fact that he was born this way."

"What's the affect?" I dared asked. "It's nothing major but he has lost some part of his memory. We still don't know how much he has lost or regained, he can't run or walk yet so you, as his nurse need to wheel him around."

If only she knew I was his girlfriend... I nodded. "Good now why don't you rest a bit. You can come back later, a teenager growing up needs as much sleep as ever" she pointed out.

I gave her a small tired smile. "Okay just tell me when Dash wakes up." With that said I went home and slept 9 hours straight.

Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! I groan and flipped open my phone, "Hello?" I said in a tired voice.

"Zoey? Are you still sleeping?" It was Demi. I shot up from my bed, "Demi! Is Dash okay?"

She was silence for several seconds, "Define okay. Yes, he is physically okay, mentally no, not really I'm afraid. He only woke up, he could walk, talk, etc but his memories are a little unstable."

My heart dropped, "What do you mean by that ?" She sighs, "It's better if you find out yourself about this." I pulled myself out of bed, "All right I'm coming" I hung up and got ready to go to the hospital, embracing myself for the worse news.

I knocked on Dash's door softly. "Come in it's unlock" I heard him say in a tired voice. I opened it and gave him a small smile, happy and relieved to see him fine after the...incident.

"Dash! I'm so glad you're okay!" I said giving him a hug tightly. He seemed taken back by my action. "Dash? What's wrong?" I said staring into his dull eyes. Why were they so dull like the first time I met him?

My heart nearly broke to million of pieces when I heard him ask:

"I'm sorry, but, who are you?"

You're my nurse, LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя